David Petraeus Resigns As CIA Director, Admitting To Extra-Marital Affair

A surprise Friday resignation at the CIA.

The Romney Campaign Was Full Of Poll Denialists

If the Romney campaign looked shocked on Election Night, that’s because they didn’t believe the polls either.

Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

The Cult Of Barack Obama’s Presidency

Like the men who came before him, Barack Obama has vastly increased the powers of his office. Someone should have asked him about that last night.

The Bush Question

Romney needs a far better answer to the Bush question.

Hamdan Conviction Overturned Years Too Late For Hamdan

Osama’s driver, who was convicted of only technical crimes, has had his conviction overturned on a technicality.

Mitt Romney Once Again Misrepresents The Status Of The U.S. Navy

Mitt Romney is once again making completely false claims about the status of the United States Navy.

Even After Big Speech, Romney’s Foreign Policy Remains Vague

Mitt Romney’s speech at VMI today was billed as a major foreign policy address, but it was incredibly light on substance.

Trying to Get a Handle on the Unemployment Figures

There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism (which is different than outright denialism).

Drone War Discussion Absent from Campaign

My latest for The New Republic, “America’s Scandalous Drone War Goes Unmentioned in the Campaign,” is out.

A Romney Critic’s Case Against Obama

Mitt Romney is a deeply flawed candidate, but that doesn’t mean the President is any better.

Report: U.S. Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism Within 24 Hours

The Administration’s decision to stick with the meme that the Benghazi attack was about a movie becomes more puzzling.

Can Mitt Romney Turn This Election Around?

It’s still possible for Mitt Romney to win this election, but is it probable?

One Year Later, The Failure Of Occupy Wall Street Is Apparent

The Occupy movement began one year ago today. It’s no surprise that it ended up being a failure.

Romney’s Critique of Obama’s Foreign Policy Record Is Incredibly Weak

The Romney campaign’s critique of the President’s foreign policy record is weak, and based on bad history.

The Democratic Party Joins The GOP In Abandoning Civil Liberties

Based on its recently passed platform, the Democratic Party has given up any pretense of putting civil liberties ahead of “national security.”

Mitt Romney Vows To Continue The Same Failed War On Drugs Obama Is Fighting

When it comes to issues like medical marijuana, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are reading from the same playbook.

Contemplating the “Four Years” Question

If we are going to assess the “Reagan Question” then methinks some data would be helpful.

Is The GOP Suckering Fiscal Conservatives All Over Again?

Do fiscal conservatives realize they’re being sold a bill of goods?

Obama Campaign Dodges Reagan’s Question

The Obama campaign clearly does not want Americans to consider whether they are better off now than they were four years ago.

The Question Mitt Romney Didn’t Answer Last Night

Mitt Romney left one crucial piece out of his speech last night.

Condoleeza Rice, New Political Star?

Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?

Would Romney Spend The Nation Into Debt To Increase Defense Spending? Yes, He Would

Left with a choice between their hawkish foreign policy and their supposed commitment to fiscal conservatives, Republicans will, without fail, spend the nation into debt.

Was Obama’s ‘Afghan Surge’ A Failure?

To much fanfare, President Obama announced a shift in Afghan War policy in December 2009. There’s little evidence it’s worked.

2,000 Deaths Later, Americans Have Put Afghanistan Behind Them

The candidates aren’t talking about the war in Afghanistan very much, but that’s mostly because the American people don’t want them to.

Todd Akin Says He’s Staying In The Race

Todd Akin says he will continue to be the Republican nominee for United States Senate from Missouri.

Republican SEALs Oppose Obama, Film at 11

Two groups of former special operations soldiers are opposing Obama. Their military bonafides are not their most interesting credentials.

General Motors Headed For Disaster Again?

Think the auto bailout was a success? Think again.

American Politics May Be Nasty But They Started It

At some point, however, using the bad actions of the past to justify worse actions in the present has to stop.

SEALs Attack Obama For Politicizing Osama Raid, Leaking Intel

A group of former special operations and intelligence officers are criticizing President Obama for “Dishonorable Disclosures.”

Romney Senior Adviser Ed Gillespie: Mitt “Retired Retroactively” From Bain

The Romney campaign went on television to address the Bain issue, but again they just seem to have muddied the water.

US Tax Rates by Quintile

The Bush tax cuts were much more progressive than you probably think.

What is “Constitutional”?

What does the US Constitution actually provide in terms of guidance for governance?

An Appearance Of Impropriety At Justice

It’s never a good thing when an Administration is investigating itself.

House Of Representatives Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

Congress has found Eric Holder to be in contempt. I am not entirely sure what that accomplishes.

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Under Obama Is A “Widespread Violator Of Human Rights”

From one Nobel Peace Prize winner to another.

Congress, Insider Trading, And The 2008 Financial Crisis

More evidence of the extent to which Members of Congress have profited from the inside information they receive.

Trying to Sort out the “Fast and Furious” Situation

Fast and furious, or a lot of sound and fury signifying not too much?

Obama’s Immigration Policy Shift Was Legal, But Was It Proper?

President Obama’s immigration policy shift is legal, it’s good policy, but bypassing Congress won’t solve our immigration problems.