Why Debating Districts Misses The Larger Point

There are plenty of other factors that help our two major parties retain power.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Dis Ain’t Pismo Beach Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Federal Judge Rejects Voting Rights Challenge To North Carolina Ballot Changes

A major voting rights ruling out of North Carolina.

Michigan’s Justin Amash Defeats Establishment Backed Challenger

Despite a high profile effort to oust him, the most prominent libertarian Republican in Congress survived his primary challenge yesterday.

Viet Xuan Luong Becomes First Vietnamese-American General

Viet Xuan Luong pins on a brigadier general’s star today, becoming the first Vietnamese-American officer to achieve that rank.

GOP Congressman: DREAMers Cannot Be Trusted To Serve In The Military

Once again, Republicans demonstrate why they have problems with Latino voters.

C.I.A. Admits Spying On Senate, Senate Finally Outraged About Surveillance

The C.I.A. has admitted spying on Senate investigators.

House Drops Border Bill, Tells President They Are Suing For Acting Alone To Act Alone

Once again, the Tea Party has gotten the best of House GOP Leadership.

Elizabeth Warren’s Own Donors Say They Wouldn’t Support Her For President

Notwithstanding the hype, there’s one very big reason why the idea of Elizabeth Warren as a viable candidate for President doesn’t make much sense.

Obama To Take New Executive Action On Immigration?

According to some reports, President Obama may be about to make an end run around Congressional inaction on immigration reform.

Majority Of Americans Say Children Who Have Crossed The Border Should Be Treated As Refugees

The American people don’t want to turn those migrant children from Central America away after all.

The Failures Of Obama’s Leadership

Fairly or not, the President has created the impression that he is not a good leader, and there’s not much he can do about it at this point.

Military Enlistment Rates by State and Region

The South and Southwest have a much higher military enlistment rate than the Northeast.

Time To Get Rid Of Summer Vacation For Schoolchildren?

Does it still make sense to give kids a 10-12 week break every year?

10th Circuit Strikes Down Oklahoma’s Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

Another step closer to the Supreme Court.

California Not Executing Enough People, Says Federal Judge

The most novel argument yet against capital punishment.

Six Californias? It May Be On The Ballot In 2016, But It Probably Won’t Happen

A Silicon Valley businessman says he has enough signatures to get it on the ballot, but the plan to break California up into six states is most assuredly going nowhere.

Could The GOP Nominate A Candidate Who Supports Same-Sex Marriage In 2016?

It seems improbable, but the national landscape on same-sex marriage is changing so quickly that even the Republican Party may find itself changing faster than some might think.

Some Observations about Common Core

Just some things to consider about Common Core standards.

Jose Antonio Vargas Is A Symbol For Immigration Reform, Not A Candidate For Deportation

Jose Antonio Vargas was brought to the U.S. at the age of 12 and never left. Now, some are suggesting he should be deported as soon as possible.

The Border Crisis: Many Causes, No Simple Solutions

Trying to make sense of a very complicated issue.

Liberals Still Think They Can Guilt Trip Ruth Bader Ginsburg Into Retirement

Some people on the left are still trying to convince Ruth Bader Ginsburg that she needs to just step out on the ice floe already.

The Supreme Court’s Most Important Decision Wasn’t Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby Is an important decision, but it’s one that the Supreme Court handed down a week earlier that will have the widest impact.

Millennials: Less Patriotic, Or Just Differently Patriotic?

Some surveys suggest that younger Americans are less patriotic than older generations.

SCOTUS Will Find It Hard To Avoid Ruling On Marriage Equality In The Next Term

The Supreme Court’s next term doesn’t start for three months, but it’s becoming clear that the Justices will have to deal with marriage equality when it does.

It Just Keeps Getting Weirder In Mississippi

The votes have been counted, the result is clear, but the battle between Senator Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel continues to get stranger by the day.

Could The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Make It Through Congress Today?

The sad truth is that the bipartisanship that led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 no longer exists today.

Supreme Court Rules Some Employees Can Opt Out Of Public Employee Unions

The Supreme Court has limited the ability of public employee unions to force people to join their ranks.

Unanimous SCOTUS Decisions Do Not Mean The Losing Side’s Arguments Were ‘Extreme’

We’ve seen a notable number of 9-0 Supreme Court decisions this term, but that doesn’t mean that the side that lost was making an extreme or meritless argument.

GOP Losing Cuban-American Vote Too

A new poll suggests that Republicans could be losing a constituency that is very key for them in the nation’s third most populous state.

Supreme Court Finds Broad Right To Privacy In Contents Of Smartphones

A unanimous Supreme Court rules that the Fourth Amendment bars police from searching your electronic device without a warrant.

Former NSA Chief Cashing in Big as Cyber Security Consultant

Retired General Keith Alexander is hawking his services to banks at princely sums.

Kevin McCarthy, Steve Scalise Win Leadership Elections, But The Battle Resumes In November

The House leadership elections turned out about as expected, but we may be doing this all over again in five months.

Who will be the new House Whip?

GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy of California won the vote to replace Eric Cantor as the new GOP House Majority Leader. The question is who replaces McCarthy.

Eric Cantor’s Loss Means A Lot Less Than You Think It Does

There aren’t nearly as many “meta” lessons in Eric Cantor’s loss as pundits have been claiming.

Eric Cantor To Step Down As Majority Leader

Get ready for a big GOP Leadership fight in the House.

Eric Cantor, House Republican Leader, Loses in Republican Primary

An unknown Tea Party candidate unexpectedly beat the House Leader in today’s GOP primary.

California Judge Rules Teacher Tenure Unconstitutional

A landmark ruling out of California that could help propel a real debate on education reform.

State Senate Resignation Sends Virginia Budget Negotiations Into Twilight Zone

Some old fashioned political arm twisting has up-ended the apple cart in Richmond.

Texas GOP Endorses Discredited ‘Reparative Therapy’ For Gays And Lesbians

The Texas GOP wants to “pray away the gay.”

Steve Coburn is (Mostly) Right

Leaving aside his emotionalism and frustration, his core argument has merit.

California GOP Turns Against The Tea Party

Another victory for the GOP establishment in its battle against the Tea Party.