Demographic Trends Not Looking Good For Republicans

Republicans are fighting over how best to deal with their demographic problems, but they seem to be fighting the wrong battle.

April Jobs Report: Good, But Not Good Enough

The April Jobs Report was good, but not exactly anything to write home about.

Republican Bill Could Eliminate Most Economic Statistics

A new GOP would make it very difficult to get a good read on the state of the nation’s economy.

Black Voter Turnout Higher Than White Voter Turnout In 2012

2012’s election represented a significant change in voting patterns in the United States. What’s unclear is if the change is a permanent one.

Southerners Not Fat, Just Honest

Southerners lie about their weight–but not as much as those lyin’ Yankees.

Odds Of A Democratic House Takeover Low

The odds for a party switch in the House of Representatives remain quite low.

Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

Census to Stop Counting Negroes

In a bold move, the Census Bureau has removed “Negro” from its racial categories.

Counting Hispanics

We’re having trouble counting Hispanics. Should we be trying?

Allocating Electoral Votes By Congressional District Is A Bad Idea

Some proposed reforms just need to be ignored.

Obama Hit For Lack Of Diversity In Reshuffled Cabinet

President Obama is taking some heat over the fact that his Second Term cabinet selections have been very white and very male.

Congressional Gridlock And The Disappearing Swing District

There are very rational reasons behind the current gridlock on Capitol Hill.

The GOP Is Nearly Dead In California

Republicans used to dominate California. Now, they’re barely a factor in the state’s politics.

Democrats And The White Vote

President Obama is likely to win re-election while overwhelmingly losing the white vote. Does it matter?

Rasmussen’s 2012 Polling Has Had A Republican Bias All Year

As in 2010, Scott Rasmussen’s polling in 2012 has shown a distinct bias in favor of Republicans.

Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.

Unemployment Rate Drops Below 8% Amid Weak Jobs Growth

September’s BLS Report will likely be significant but, behind the numbers, things don’t look all that great.

Debunking The Poll Denialists

The arguments of the people claiming that every single poll showing Mitt Romney is unfairly biased do not stand up to scrutiny.

About Those 4.5 Million New Jobs, Mr. President

The Obama campaign’s 4.5 new private sector jobs claim is true, but only if you forget the first year of the Obama Administration.

Veterans Aren’t Victims

My latest for The Atlantic, “Stop Feeling Sorry for American Veterans, has posted.

US Trade Deficit Hits 18-Month Low

The combination of falling oil prices and increased exports has the US trade deficit at its lowest point since December 2010.

Socialist Canadians Wealthier Than Capitalist Americans?

“The average Canadian has quietly become richer than the average American,” claims a pro-Canada organization.

SCOTUS Upholds ObamaCare Mandate As Tax Even Though It’s Not a Tax

Chief Justice Roberts sided with a majority in upholding the individual mandate and, indeed, all but some trivial portions of the Affordable Care Act.

Immigration To The U.S. Now Dominated By Asians

The largest group of immigrants to the United States doesn’t come from south of the border anymore.

Loretta Lynn Three Years Older Than She Claims: Kentucky

For years, I’ve used Loretta Lynn as an example of how fast societal mores have changed. It turns out that her marriage at age 13 may be a bit of myth making.

Whites Now Minority of American Births: So What?

White babies now constitute slightly less than half of American births.

Is Mitt Romney Running Against Barack Obama, Or Jimmy Carter?

He may be running against Barack Obama, but Mitt Romney seems to mention Jimmy Carter a lot.

The Census, the House GOP, and the Founders

The Founders would never have thought to do more than count people in the Census!

Battleground Virginia: Advantage Obama?

Obama has an advantage in what is likely to be one of the most important states in November’s election, but the race is far from over.

Voter Turnout And Registration

Some thoughts on the voter registration/voter turnout debate.

Santorum Would Try To Nullify All Existing Gay Marriages

Rick Santorum wants to nullify nearly 200,000 marriages.

Good News All Around In January Jobs Report

The January jobs report was the best we’ve seen in more than three years.

Record 28% of American Households One Person Only

In the 1980s, Americans were bowling alone. Now, we’re living that way.

Voter Fraud Exposed!

Dead people almost voted in New Hampshire. Zombie democracy is nigh!

Ads Pulled From Muslim-American Reality Show After Conservative Groups Complain

Conservative groups are upset because a new reality show depicts Muslim-Americans as, well, normal Americans.