Gingrich Takes Fire At Iowa Debate, Romney Misfires

This time, it was Newt Gingrich who walked away unscathed from a Republican Presidential debate.

Democratic Death Spiral?

A Democrat sees doom and gloom as far as the eye can see.

Obama’s Path To Victory

Despite the seeming odds against him, the Electoral College map is very favorable for President Obama.

Turning the Senate into the House?

Even if the Senate operated under wholly majority rules, it would not be the House.

What If The Economy Never Really Gets Better?

The prospects for real economic recovery are not good.

Bad Economy Effects Last a Lifetime

Damage from starting one’s career during a recession can persist over one’s entire working life.

US Civil War Death Toll Much Higher Than Thought

Historian J. David Hacker argues that the death toll from the US Civil War is much higher than we think.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

Most Educated American Cities

College towns and lily white enclaves top the list of best educated cities.

US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

A Home Is A Lousy Investment (Unless You Need A Place to Live)

Two economists look at a 30 year investment in a home versus putting the same money in the stock market.

Illegal Immigration From Mexico At Lowest Level In Nearly 60 Years

Illegal immigration from Mexico is down substantially, and it has nothing to do with all those anti-immigration laws.

Gerrymandering in Illinois

While Gerrymandering Congressional districts to benefit incumbents and the dominant party in the state legislature is an old game, they play it with especial intensity in Illinois.

Racial Gerrymandering and Idiots

Cynthia Tucker regrets her support for majority-minority districts.

25% of Americans Gay or Lesbian, Americans Think

A majority of Americans think homosexuals account for at least a fifth of the population.

Michele Bachmann “Leaning Toward” Presidential Run

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is beginning to more like a real candidate for President. She won’t win, but she will be entertaining.

Food and Race

Whites make more money than non-whites throughout our food distribution system.

Wisconsin Teachers and Average Pay

Should public schoolteachers make more money than the people paying their salaries?

Florida’s presidential primary election date is currently in blatant violation of RNC rules. | AP Photo Florida’s presidential primary election date is currently in blatant violation of RNC rules. | AP Photo

Florida Flouting Primary Rules. Again.

Florida has again scheduled its primary ahead of the deadlines set by the Republican and Democratic parties.

Whites Leaving Democratic Party

The Republicans are increasingly the party of white America. That’s short term good but long term bad for the GOP.

Quote of the Day: Census Edition

Two Ohio congressional districts are taking their talents to South Beach.

2010 Census: Republicans Win

Red States should gain 10 seats while Blue States should lose eight.

Erin Brockovich Town: Cancer Rates Normal

Hinckley, California — the town that Erin Brockovich made famous — has slightly less cancer than we’d expect.

Representation in the House: The Wyoming Rule

One simple proposal on the size of the House of Representatives.

435 Representatives: Unconstitutional?

Is Congress too small and unequal to do its job?

State Level Tsunami

As impressive as Republican gains in this week’s elections were at the national level, they were even more so in state legislative races. Which means Republicans are in position to consolidate and expand upon their recent gains.

Bachmann v. Hensarling A Microcosm Of Internal GOP Battles

The race between Jeb Hensarling and Michelle Bachmann for Chair of the House GOP Conference is a microcosm for a battle that is likely to take place within the GOP for the next two years.

Finally, A Jobs Report With Some Good News

There’s some good news in the October jobs report.

September Jobs Report Confirms Economy Remains Anemic

Another month, another bad jobs report.

New Study Projects Big Gains For GOP From Redistricting

A new projection of Congressional reapportionment shows a dramatic shift to traditionally Republican states in the South and Southwest.

Death Of The Salesmen

Thanks to the Internet, there are a lot more Willy Lomans out there.

Afghan Elections Once Again Marked By Allegations Of Fraud

Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections were marked by another round of allegations of widespread voter fraud, once again bringing to the forefront the question; what exactly are we trying to accomplish in Afghanistan ?

Bad News For Democrats In The Buckeye State

Ohio has long been a bellwethers state and, if a new statewide poll is any indication, it looks to be ready to hand the Democrats a very bad defeat in November.

Another Month, Another Anemic Jobs Report

The August jobs numbers may be “better than expected,” but they still aren’t all that great.

Secret to Wealth Discovered!

Americans who earn a lot of money disproportionately live in a tiny number of states and are married to other high-earners.

8% US Births To Illegal Aliens

A staggering 8 percent of all babies born in the United States in 2008 were offspring of illegal aliens. What are the public policy implications?

Another Anemic Employment Report Confirms: No Recovery Summer

Another bad jobs report demonstrates that the “recovery” is an illusion for many people.