Trump Packs Airports with Potentially Sick People

You can’t make this stuff up.

Not Taking Social Distancing Seriously Enough

Too many people still don’t understand the idea behind ‘flattening the curve.’ That includes our President.

Coronavirus Could Kill Trump Presidency

We may be seeing the beginning of the end.

State Department: Avoid Cruise Ships

A prudent, if overdue, warning.

Coronavirus Has Been Politicized to Dangerous Effect II

These decisions should be made by professionals.

SXSW Latest Victim of Coronavirus

Conferences, sporting events, and even school has been canceled to avoid spreading the pandemic.

Coronavirus Has Been Politicized to Dangerous Effect

Republicans are half as likely to take the outbreak seriously.

A Blast from the Past: CDC Funding

Looking back to a story from 2018.

Flu is Killing Way More People than Coronavirus

What’s new isn’t necessarily what’s most important.

The Military Has A Suicide Problem

Suicide has become a bigger threat to members of the military and veterans than combat. That needs to change.

Federal Government Won’t Provide Flu Vaccine To Migrants Held In Border Facilities

The Trump Administration has apparently decided that it will not be providing the flu vaccine to migrants being held in facilities at the southern border.

Ebola Outbreak Still A Problem In Central Africa

The Ebola outbreak that began last year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is still a problem, and still threatening to spread.

Biden Not Only Democrat Lifting Language for Websites

The original ‘scandal’ was silly. The follow-up is sillier.

New Biden Plagiarism Scandal

While mildly embarrassing, it’s unlikely to have much impact on the race.

Measles Cases Hit Highest Level In U.S. In 25 Years

Thanks largely to anti-vaccination propaganda, the Centers for Disease Control reports that measles cases in the U.S. are at a level unseen in a quarter century.

Facts Are Stubborn Things: Abortion Edition

In a recent speech, President Trump made claims about abortion that are manifestly untrue but which his pro-life supporters continue to believe.

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Military Outdrinks Everybody

Despite some obstacles, America’s armed forces drink other professions under the table.

Parkland Survivor Sydney Aiello Takes Her Own Life

Tragedy piled on top of tragedy.

On Personal Liberty And Vaccination

Mandatory vaccination laws raise personal liberty issues that ought to be taken seriously, but in the end, public health concerns weigh heavily in favor of laws mandating vaccination.

Another Study Rebuts The Claim That Vaccinations Cause Autism

A decade-long study once again establishes that there is no link between childhood vaccination and autism.

U.S. Measles Cases Hit Another High

Measles cases in the United States are surging thanks to the lies spread by the anti-vaccination movement.

Measles Cases Surged World Wide In 2017, Report Says

Despite aggressive vaccination efforts, measles cases surged worldwide last year. You can “thank” that anti-vaccination movement.

Raging Measles Outbreak In Europe Tied To Anti-Vaccination Movement

Measles cases are on the rise in Europe due to the fact that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, people still believe the lies of the anti-vaccination movement.

President Trump’s Unreality Show

Either the President of the United States is a knowing liar or he is very easily duped. Neither is a comforting thought.

U.S. Suicide Rates Soaring

There are twice as many suicides as homicides in America.

Commission Set Up To Examine School Shootings Won’t Look At Role Of Guns

The Trump Administration’s School Safety Commission isn’t getting off to a very good start.

Another Appalling Display Of Trumpidian Ignorance

Just when you think the President has hit rock bottom, it gets worse.

Spurred By Parkland Shooting, Students March, But Will It Lead To Any Actual Change?

Organizing protests was the easy part. The hard part for those who would seek to expand gun regulations is yet to come.

Dentists Dying of Mysterious Lung Disease

An estimated 200,000 Americans have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Dental professionals are 23 times more likely to be afflicted.

75% Of The Children Who Have Died From The Flu Weren’t Vaccinated

Thanks for nothing, anti-vaxxers.

D.A. Henderson, Leader Of Effort To Eradicate Smallpox, Dies At 87

A true, albeit largely anonymous, hero of humanity has passed away.

Zika Virus Concerns Lead To Calls To Postpone or Move 2016 Olympics

Concerns about the Zika Virus are leading some doctors to call for the 2016 Summer Olympics to be moved or postponed.

Bernie Sanders Gets More Aggressive, But It’s Likely Too Little, Too Late

Bernie Sanders was more aggressive in last night’s debate than he has been in the past, but it’s likely too little, too late.

America’s Massive Decline in Gun Violence

Mass shootings rightly grab our attention. But the obscure the overall picture of violent crime.

New Report Finds Widespread Failures At The Secret Service

A new report finds that the problems at the Secret Service are far deeper than previously known.

It’s Now Illegal For Some Adults In Hawaii To Buy Tobacco

If you’re under 21 in Hawaii, you’re still technically an adult but you can’t buy tobacco.

Thanks To Vaccination, Rubella Has Been Eliminated From The Western Hemisphere

Vaccination has eliminated a disease that used to be a serious threat from the Americas.

The Anti-Vaccination Thing

The debate over whether kids need to be vaccinated against communicable diseases baffles me.

Worldwide Ebola Cases Top 16,000 With 7,000 Dead, But There Is Some Good News

The numbers on the Ebola outbreak are bad, but they aren’t as bad as had been feared.

Say, Whatever Happened To The Ebola Crisis?

Much like the disease itself, Ebola panic seems to have disappeared as the midterm elections become ever more distant in the rear view mirror.

Maine Court Rejects State Request To Quarantine, Restrict Movements, Of Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickcox

A Maine Judge has largely rejected the efforts of the State of Maine to restrict the movements of Kaci Hickcox

Kaci Hickcox Threatens To Sue Maine Authorities Over Ebola Quarantine Order

We may have our first legal challenge to an Ebola quarantine order by tomorrow

Nurse Quarantined Under Christie/Cuomo Policy Raises Concerns About Policy

The first person to be quarantined under the new policy announced by New York and New Jersey is raising concerns about the way she was treated, and whether the policy is even the right idea.

New York, New Jersey Order Quarantine For Arrivals From Ebola Stricken Nations

A surprise move from Governors Christie and Cuomo that sounds like a good idea but may not be as effective, or legal, as it sounds.