Egypt On The Brink Of Economic Chaos?

Could economic chaos bring Egyptians back out into the streets?

Texas is How Big?

JR is from Texas wants you to know that Texas is big. No, bigger than that.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Freed As Part Of Middle East Peace Deal?

Middle East peace talks are apparently in such bad shape that the U.S. is thinking of releasing Jonathan Pollard as an incentive to Israel.

Carterization of Obama

Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter.

Ariel Sharon, Israeli General, Defense Minister, Foreign Minister, Prime Minister, Dead At 85

After eight years in a coma, Ariel Sharon has passed away.

If We Do Attack Syria, What’s Next?

Some questions that the Administration needs to answer before attacking Syria.

John Kerry Leads America’s Latest Quixotic Quest For Middle East Peace

Secretary of State Kerry becomes the latest American official to wade into the Middle East’s longest lasting quagmire.

On The Coup In Egypt And The Future Of Democracy

The events of the last week in Egypt raise a whole host of questions.

The Hagel Fishing Expedition

The smear campaign against defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has taken a bizarre turn.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Many Happy Returns Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Institutional Clash in Egypt

They are playing the game without rules in Egypt.

Oh Yes, This Will Solve Everything: Israel-Gaza Edition

The son of a former Israeli Prime Minister proposes an utterly insane idea.

Israel Seems Headed Toward An Invasion Of Gaza

The conflict between Israel and Hamas appears to be heading in one unfortunate direction.

Egyptians Say They Want Changes To Camp David Accords

Thirty four years later, Egyptians are hinting they want to make changes to the first peace treaty between Israel and an Arab nation.

Protests At Western Embassies Spread Across Muslim World

For the fourth day, American and other embassies became the focus of mass protests in many Muslim nations.

Will The Negative Press From Romney’s Foreign Tour Matter In November?

Romney’s foreign tour didn’t go quite as well as planned, but it’s unclear how much the minor gaffes will actually matter.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton looking particularly old in a vain attempt to look young. The woman really needs to get a haircut appropriate to her age.

Clinton Funds Palestinians Despite Congressional Hold

The Secretary of State is ignoring a hold by the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre View Of The U.S-Israeli Relationship

Mitt Romney’s view of the ideal relationship between the United States and Israel is, at the very least. quite odd, and, potentially, dangerous.

Did US Choices Lead Egypt to its Current Situation?

We, as a country, need to remember that do not hold levers that allow us to move events this way or that

Rick Santorum: There Are No Palestinians, Everyone In The West Bank Is Israeli

Rick Santorum has some bizarre views when it comes to the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Time’s 2011 Person Of The Year: “The Protester”

Time Magazine has chosen “The Protester” as its Person Of The Year. Let the outrage ensue.

On Gingrich, The Palestinians, And “Invented People”

Newt Gingrich’s comments about Palestinian nationhood came up during last night’s debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls Palestinians An “Invented People”

Once again, Newt Gingrich speaks without thinking.

A Reminder of Turkey’s Disposition

Just a reminder: Turkey is a NATO ally.

Palestinians Present Statehood Application To United Nations

We may have entered a new and dangerous phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Rick Perry’s Odd And Alarming Critique Of U.S. Mideast Policy

Rick Perry’s speech criticizing the President’s policies in the Middle East raised more questions than it answered.

Palestinians To Go Forward With U.N. Statehood Resolution

Foolishly, the Palestinians are going forward with their effort to get Palestinian statehood recognized by the United Nations.

What Exactly are the 1967 Borders?

I get the impression that a lot of people don’t even know what “the 1967 borders” are or why they tend to be considered the logical point of departure for any type of peace negotiations.

Osama bin Laden Raid Controversial in Germany

The free world rallied around the United States after the 9/11 attacks–but not all back the killing of the man who ordered it.

Syria Reveals The Moral Bankruptcy Of Obama’s Humanitarian Interventionism Doctrine

Events in Syria, and the world’s response to them, are revealing the moral bankruptcy of the justification for the war in Libya.

Wikileaks Media Ethics Wikileaks Media Ethics

Classified Information and Journalistic Ethics

The two English language newspapers who have been Julian Assange’s accomplices in disseminating stolen secrets defend themselves.

Obama Administration Steps Back Into Israeli/Palestinian Quagmire

Once again, an American President is stepping into the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, once again, he has no idea how to accomplish the goals he’s established.

Poisoning The Well on Israel

Bill Kristol and friends are trying to make it politically toxic to criticize Israel.