Even After Paris, A Syrian No-Fly Zone Is A Foolish Idea

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, there’s a strong impulse to do “something,” but that doesn’t mean we should do something utterly foolish. And a no-fly zone would be utterly foolish.

The 2016 GOP Race And The Battle To Define What ‘Conservative’ Means

Much more so than in the past, the race for the Republican Presidential race has become a battle to define what it means to be a ‘conservative.’ Especially on issues like immigration and national security, one side seems to be winning the battle.

Majority of Americans Oppose Ground Troops In Syria And Iraq

In the wake of President Obama’s to send Special Forces to Syria, a new poll finds the public doesn’t like the idea very much.

Polls Are Imperfect Criteria For Determining Debate Eligibility, But They’re The Best We Have

Candidates who have been excluded from tomorrow’s Fox Business Network are complaining, but their complaints ignore the fact that polling is the best objective criteria we have to determine debate eligibility.

Christie, Huckabee Relegated To Undercard In November 10th Republican Debate

The debate stages for both the undercard and main debate next Tuesday will look different from what we’ve become used to.

Trump And Carson Lead, Bush Sinking, Christie In Debate Trouble In Latest GOP Polls

Fluctuations continue, but the Republican Presidential field appears to be sorting itself out as we near the beginning of a new phase of the campaign.

Republican Campaigns Meet In Effort To “Fix” Debates, But They Won’t Do What’s Necessary

Representatives from most of the Republican Presidential campaigns met to discuss reforms to the debate process, but none of their ideas will actually improve the quality of debates.

Has Marco Rubio’s Breakout Moment Arrived?

Marco Rubio’s performance in this week’s debate is once again leading to speculation about whether is about to have a breakout moment.

Fixing the Debates

Everyone is sick of the current approach. The candidates are looking for a new one.

There’s Only One Way To Improve The GOP Primary Debates, Fewer People On Stage

Several Republican candidates for President want to “fix” the debates, but they wouldn’t like the one thing that would definitely fix them.

On Marco Rubio And The Issue Of Missed Senate Votes

Marco Rubio is taking heat for missing a lot of Senate votes since he started running for President, but he’s not really any worse than other legislators who have run for President.

Trump Still Leads The GOP Field, Anti-Trump Wave Still Not Manifesting Itself

A pair of new polls confirms that Republican hopes that Donald Trump would fade are failing to come true.

Hillary Wins First Democratic Debate

There were five candidates on the stage. Only two mattered.

Trump And Carson Continue To Lead GOP Field, Rubio Rises

While Donald Trump and Ben Carson have slipped somewhat in the polls, they both continue to lead the GOP field while Marco Rubio shows signs of breaking out of the middle of the pack.

CNBC Debate Criteria Likely To Be Bad News For Several Republican Candidates

The criteria for next month’s third Republican Presidential debate have been announced, and they’re likely to end up being bad news for several Republican candidates.

Several Republicans Likely To Be Excluded From Third Debate

The next Republican debate is likely to be a lot smaller than the previous two, and that could prove fatal for several candidates.

Donald Trump Tries To Bully Yet Another Critic

The Club For Growth has released two ads criticizing Donald Trump, so of course Trump is threatening to sue them.

Donald Trump Still Leads The GOP Race In First Post-Debate Polls

The first significant national polls taken in the wake of last week’s debate show that Donald Trump has slipped somewhat, but still remains the clear leader of the Republican race for President.

After Final Senate Vote Fails, The Iran Nuclear Agreement Is A Done Deal

The final effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal failed in the Senate yesterday, meaning that the deal will now move forward.

Foreign Policy At The Republican Debate

With the exception of Rand Paul, the foreign policy discussion at last night’s debate was about as bad as you’d expect.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson Lead The GOP Field Heading Into Second Debate

Donald Trump and Ben Carson remain at the top of the Republican Presidential field heading into the second debate on Wednesday.

Rick Perry Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Republican Candidates Rally Around Lawbreaker Kim Davis, Trample All Over The Rule Of Law

Most of the Republican candidates for President would rather support a lawbreaker than the Rule of Law. The American people should judge them accordingly.

Trump Continues To Lead The GOP Field, But Is His Support Overstated?

Donald Trump’s support in the polls appears to become coming largely from people who don’t typically vote in primary elections.

State-Level Republicans Looking At Ways To Keep Trump Off The Ballot

Republican officials in three states are looking at ways to keep Donald Trump off the primary ballot unless he pledges to support the eventual GOP nominee.

Don’t Expect The Republican Field To Shrink Very Much Before Iowa

For a variety of reasons, it’s unlikely that the Republican field will shrink significantly before the Iowa Caucuses.

Walker, Jindal, And Graham Endorse Donald Trump’s Plan To End Birthright Citizenship

It will never actually happen, of course, but some of Donald Trump’s fellow candidates for President have been eager to endorse his idea to abolish birthright citizenship.

Trump Continues To Lead A Fluid GOP Field

Donald Trump is still in the lead of the Republican circus, but the rest of the field remains uncertain in the wake of the first debate.

Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan As Bad As You’d Expect

Donald Trump’s immigration plan is would create a police state, violate people’s rights, and hurt America’s economy. And his supporters will most likely love it.

The Wrong Iraq Question

To lose something one has to have it in the first place. (It is pretty basic logic).

Trump Remains Defiant As Post-Debate Controversy Continues

Donald Trump isn’t backing down from his post-debate meltdown, now the only question is what the polls will tell us when they come out.

Republicans Spar In Undercard Debate

The low-polling candidates met in an early debate. It was about what you’d expect.

Fox News Sets Lineup For First Republican Debate

Donald Trump is center stage, John Kasich is in, and Rick Perry is relegated to the kid’s table.

Donald Trump Solidifies His Lead In Final Pre-Debate Polls

The last three polls to be released before Thursday’s debate show Donald Trump continuing to solidify his lead.

Lindsey Graham Promoted Twice As Absentee Reservist

Lindsey Graham recently retired as a colonel in the Air Force Reserves after 33 years of service. He missed most of the last twenty.

Donald Trump Leads In Latest Pre-Debate Poll, Perry Seems Likely To Miss The Debate

Donald Trump leads in the first of the final polls to be released before Thursday’s debate.

Newest Pre-Debate Poll Confirms Trump As Frontrunner, Kasich Now In Top Ten

The first of a series of polls in anticipation of next week’s debate shows Donald Trump still at the top, with a surprise coming out of Ohio.

Republican Candidates Battle For Final Debate Slots

With just over a week to go, Republican candidates for President are fighting for the movement in the polls that could get them in to the August 6th debate.

Donald Trump Still Surging In The Polls

His remarks about John McCain’s military service don’t seem to be hurting Donald Trump with Republican true believers.

Rand Paul’s Campaign Seems To Be Fizzling

Rand Paul’s Presidential campaign isn’t going so well at the moment.

Donald Trump On John McCain: I Like People Who Weren’t Captured

Donald Trump stuck his foot in his mouth again.

Donald Trump Is Rising In The Polls Because He’s Saying Things Republican Voters Agree With

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for the anti-immigrant Frankenstein in their midst.

Texas Is Being Sued For Refusing To Issue Birth Certificates To American Citizens

Despite the clear language of the 14th Amendment, Texas is apparently refusing to issue birth certificates to some children born in the United States whose parents happen to be in the country illegally.

Donald Trump Leads In Another Poll, But How Long Can It Really Last?

Donald Trump leads in a new national poll, but a deeper look at the numbers suggests that this Trump Bubble can’t last for very much longer.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Iran Nuclear Deal Struck, Reactions Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Depending on who you listen to, it’s either peace in our time or an epic catastrophe.