Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

Was The Russia Investigation The Real Reason For Comey’s Firing? It Sure Seems Like It

There seems to be no question that the decision to fire James Comey was motivated largely by the President’s frustrations over the fact that his campaign is under investigation.

House GOP Passes American Health Care Act On Party Line Vote

By the barest of margins, the House passed its bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but the future of that bill is highly uncertain.

Jim DeMint Out At Heritage

There’s been a palace coup at The Heritage Foundation.

Trump Drops Demand For Border Wall Funding As Congress Tries To Avoid Government Shutdown

With a government shutdown looming at the end of the week, the Administration has appeared to back away from a demand that a government funding bill include money allocated for the President’s promised border wall.

Senate Headed For ‘Nuclear Option’ Showdown Over Gorsuch Nomination

Next week’s big news is likely to be the Senate’s vote to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, which could mean invocation of the so-called ‘nuclear option’ by Senate Republicans.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Former Trump Campaign Manager Worked To Help Putin

More evidence of ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interests.

Jeff Sessions Failed To Disclose Contacts With Russian Officials

Attorney General Jeff Sessions apparently misled Senators when asked about his contact with Russian officials.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

John Kerry Is Right About Middle East Peace, But It Hardly Matters At This Point

Secretary of State John Kerry’s speech on Middle East peace was largely correct, but his words are pointless given the fact that neither Israel nor the Palestinians seem serious about peacefully resolving their differences.

ExxonMobil CEO Rex TIllerson Reportedly Trump’s Pick For Secretary Of State

The head of the biggest energy company in the world is reportedly Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State.

Key Republican Senators Come Out Against Elimination Of The Filibuster

Senior Republican Senators are throwing cold water on the idea of eliminating the filibuster.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Susan Collins Joins Other Republicans In Opposing Trump, But What Took So Long?

More Republican officeholders are distancing themselves from Donald Trump, but it’s time to start wondering what took them so long,

Nobody Wants To Speak At Donald Trump’s Convention

Republican officials are running away from Donald Trump the way they’d run away from a horde of mosquitoes infected with the Zika virus.

As Republicans Run From Trump, The Seeds Of A GOP Civil War May Be Starting To Grow

With top Republicans recoiling from the realization that the GOP is stuck with Trump in 2016, the ground seems to be being prepared for a conflict that could tear the GOP apart regardless of who wins in November.

Time For Republicans To Choose: Can You Really Support The Bigot At The Top Of Your Ticket?

Republicans have a choice to make and, so far, they’ve been making the wrong one.

Republicans Suddenly Finding ‘Scheduling Conflicts’ That Preclude Showing Up In Cleveland

An increasing number of Republican politicians are finding reasons to skip the Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump’s Vice-Presidential Choice: Would It Be Conventional, Or Crazy?

Several top Republicans have already said that they would not accept a position on a ticket with Donald Trump, so who might he choose?

John Kasich Resisting Calls To Drop Out of Republican Race For President

Ohio Governor John Kasich cannot win a majority of delegates at this point, but he’s still resisting calls to drop out of the race.

We Won’t Have Marco Rubio To Kick Around Anymore

Marco Rubio is ruling out a return to politics, at least for now.

Senate Republicans Vow No Hearings On Supreme Court Nominee From President Obama

Notwithstanding polling that indicates the American public disagrees with them, Senate Republicans emerged from a meeting today largely united on the idea of not giving any Supreme Court nominee named by President a hearing, or even the courtesy of a meeting.

South Carolina Could Decide The Fate Of Several Republicans

Tonight’s results in South Carolina could have a significant impact on the race going forward. (Plus, a projection)

Republicans Clash In Ninth Debate

One week before the South Carolina Primary, the remaining Republican candidates for President clashed in a headed debate.

Des Moines Register Endorses Clinton, Rubio

Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio have won the endorsement of the Des Moines Register, but it’s unclear how much this will help their respective campaigns.

National Review Takes On Donald Trump, But It’s Most Likely Too Little, Too Late

The flagship of the American right is leading the charge against Donald Trump, but it’s not likely to work.

Rubio’s Dubious Campaign Strategy

Marco Rubio’s campaign strategy depends on a lot of hope, and no small degree of ignoring reality.

Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of The Race For President

We won’t have Lindsey Graham to kick around anymore.

Marco Rubio Misses Senate Vote On Omnibus Budget Bill

After making a big deal about voting against the budget bill passed yesterday by Congress during the last debate, Marco Rubio ended up missing the vote altogether.

Trump Surges Ahead Again In Post-Debate Polling

The first post-debate polls of the GOP race have more good news for Donald Trump.

Cruz And Rubio Clash, Everyone But Cruz Clashes With Trump, In Fifth Republican Debate

The Fifth Republican Debate, and the last of 2015, was marked by expected clashes between the candidates, and one that never happened.

Previewing Tonight’s Fifth Republican Debate

Previewing the fifth Republican debate, and the last Republican debate of 2015.

Another Poll Shows Republicans Support Donald Trump’s ‘Ban All Muslims’ Immigration Plan

Heading into another Presidential debate, a new poll shows that Republicans are very receptive to Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S.

Heading Into Next Debate, It’s Still Trump On Top With Cruz And Rubio Fighting For Second Place

A pair of new national polls shows a new trend in the GOP race heading into the final debate of 2015.

Rand Paul Makes The Main Stage In Next GOP Debate Even Though He Probably Shouldn’t Have

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul got a break today when CNN included him in the prime time debate on Tuesday even though he fell short of meeting the criteria.

It’s Apparently Time To Discuss The Brokered Convention Fantasy Again

The quadrennial fantasy of a brokered convention, which American politics has not seen since 1952, is rearing its head again, and it’s no more likely now than it was when we talked about this four years ago.

Trump Continues To Control The Race For The GOP Nomination

Notwithstanding the hopes of many Republicans, Donald Trump continues to be the person to beat in the race for the party’s 2016 Presidential nomination.

FBI: San Bernardino Shooters Tashfeen Malik And Syed Farook Radicalized Years Before Marriage

The Director of the F.B.i. told Congress today that the San Bernardino shooters were apparently radicalized much earlier than previously believed.

Donald Trump Continues To Hold Commanding Lead In New Hampshire

Donald Trump continues to have a commanding lead in the Granite State, but it’s unclear whether he can translate poll support into votes when the primary rolls around.

Trump’s Plan To Bar Muslim Immigration Widely Condemned, But It’s Unlikely To Hurt Him

Donald Trump’s plan to bar all Muslim immigration to the United States is being widely condemned by his fellow Republicans and others, but the proposal probably won’t hurt him politically in a Republican Party that is deeply bigoted against Muslims in general.

Trump Has Massive Lead In New CNN Poll

Donald Trump just keeps leading in the polls, and Republicans keep arguing that it can’t last.

Republican Insiders Still Worried About Donald Trump, Still Don’t Know What To Do About Him

For good reason, many Republicans are worried about the prospect that Donald Trump could end up winning the Republican nominee, but they don’t seem to have a plan to stop him.

Donald Trump Continues To Lead As The GOP Race Appears To Consolidate

The latest national poll of the Republican race shows Trump continuing to lead, Ben Carson fading, and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio rising while the rest of the field is stagnant or sinking.

Yes, It Is Appropriate To Think Of Donald Trump As a Fascist And Demagogue

Given his rhetoric, it’s fairly clear that Donald Trump is drawing from a poisonous political well. So there’s no point in failing to acknowledge reality.

Hillary Clinton’s Ideas On How To Fight ISIS Are As Incoherent And Flawed As Everyone Else’s

Hillary Clinton’s recently announced policies toward the ISIS fight are as incoherent and misguided as President Obama’s and those of her Republican opponents.

The Race For The Republican Nomination Is Still The Donald Trump Show

Even as the focus of the Presidential race shifts to national security, Donald Trump continues to lead the race.

Donald Trump Remains At The Top Of The Republican Field

Seemingly disproving yet another round of predictions of his imminent demise, Donald Trump continues to dominate the race for the Republican nomination.