Scott Walker Is Running For President

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has formally entered the race for President, but can he overcome his flip-flops and a turn to the hard right?

Donald Trump Is Still A Birther, But He Doesn’t Want To Talk About That Anymore

Donald Trump says he still doesn’t know where the President was born, but he’d rather not talk about that anymore.

Ted Cruz’ Bestselling Book Not on Bestseller List

The NYT has left Ted Cruz’ new book off its bestseller list, despite it selling more copies than 18 of 20 titles on said list.

Donald Trump Leads In New National Poll

The GOP’s Trump-induced headache isn’t going away any time soon.

Can Lindsey Graham Win?

The NYT paints the longshot senator as a happy warrior trying to win the White House by doing it his way.

Bush, Rubio, And Perry Condemn Trump, While Ted Cruz Salutes Him

Republicans are finally starting to react to what Donald Trump has been saying.

Past Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage Could Hurt Republicans In The Future

A long history of opposing marriage equality could end up hurting Republicans even though that battle is over in this country.

Scott Walker Set To Enter Presidential Race On July 13th

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be entering the race for President later this month, but it’s unclear if his recent turn to the hard right will help him or hurt him.

Despite A Storm Of Negative Coverage, Donald Trump Keeps Rising In The Polls

Donald Trump has gotten almost nothing but negative press since entering the race for President, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting him very much just yet.

U.S. And Cuba To Reopen Embassies After 54 Years

For the first time since 1961, there will soon be an American Embassy in Havana, and a Cuban Embassy in Washington. It’s well past time that this happened.

Getting Government Out Of Marriage Is A Fantasy, Not A Solution

The Supreme Court’s decision on marriage equality seems to have revived an idea that has been mentioned before, but as it has always been, the idea of “getting government out of marriage” is little more than a simplistic slogan.

Republican Candidates Respond To Obergefell About As Expected

The reaction of many of the GOP candidates to the decision in Obergefell v. Hodges is about what you’d expect, but there are a few interesting surprises.

Donald Trump Is Surging In Yet Another Poll

Republicans aren’t going to like this one.

Bobby Jindal Is Running For President For Some Reason

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal enters the Presidential race today, but it’s hard to see how he even manages to become a plausible candidate.

Chris Christie Set To Run For President As His Job Approval Numbers Crater

Chris Christie appears set to enter the race for the Republican Presidential nomination, but voters back home in New Jersey don’t seem to think very highly of him anymore.

Hillary Clinton Remains Untouchable In The Polls

A new poll shows that Hillary Clinton remains largely unstoppable on her quest for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, and she has a pretty clear path to the White House as well.

The Battle Against The Confederate Flag Moves Beyond South Carolina

As Governor Haley pushes the South Carolina legislature to take the Confederate Flag down, the movement moves beyond the Palmetto State.

Jeb Bush Up, Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Down In Latest GOP Poll

Jeb Bush’s campaign launch seems to be going well so far, while Rand Paul and Ted Cruz (and Donald Trump) seem to be slipping.

Republican Candidates Are Dodging The Issue On The Confederate Flag

With notable exceptions, most of the Republican candidates for President are refusing to take a stand on the propriety of South Carolina flying the Confederate Flag. That’s called cowardice.

The Politics Of King v. Burwell

As early as tomorrow, the Supreme Court could issue its ruling in the latest Obamacare case. Depending on the ruling, Republicans could find themselves in a political firestorm.

Pope Francis Writes On The Environment, And Many People Miss The Point

Pope Francis’s new encyclical isn’t exactly being received positively by American conservatives, because they seem to be missing the point.

Jeb Bush Enters The Race For President

To nobody’s surprise, Jeb Bush has entered the race for President.

Mitt Romney: Kingmaker?

Mitt Romney decided not to run in 2016 but he’s very much in the race.

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Finally, Mercifully, Dead

After 36 years, the quadrennial absurdity of the Iowa Straw Poll is dead.

The Iowa GOP May Be About To Finally Kill The Iowa Straw Poll

Iowa Republicans may be a day away from putting the Iowa Straw Poll out of its, and our, misery.

Most Americans, Including Republicans, Support A Path To Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants

Yet another poll shows that most Americans support a path to citizenship, and that a majority of Republican agree with them.

The New York Times Wants You To Know About Marco Rubio’s Traffic Tickets For Some Reason

The New York Times is on top of the breaking news about Marco Rubio’s driving record for some reason.

2016 And The Politics Of Same-Sex Marriage

Republicans running for President need to tread carefully in their responses if the Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage nationwide.

Jeb Bush To Enter Presidential Race June 15th

After months of “not running,” Jeb Bush will formally enter the Presidential race on June 15th.

Why Are So Many Losers Running For President?

Obviously, most of these people are smart enough to realize they can’t possibly win, right?

Hillary Clinton’s Favorability Hits Its Lowest Level In Years

Hillary Clinton is taking a hit in the polls, but it’s unclear if that’s going to matter when 2016 rolls around.

Rand Paul’s Money Problem

Rand Paul Is at a distinct disadvantage compared to his fellow Republican candidates for President.

Lindsey Graham Begins His Long Shot Bid For The Presidency

Lindsey Graham is the latest entrant into the Presidential race, but it’s hard to see how he gets out of the bottom of the polls.

Scott Walker Surges In New Iowa Poll

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s doing quite well in Iowa anyway.

The Slow Death Of The Iowa Straw Poll

The Iowa Straw Poll seems to be dying, and that’s a good thing.

Marco Rubio Thinks That Gay Marriage Is A Threat To ‘Religious Liberty’

Marco Rubio seems to be in lockstep with the extreme social conservatives when it comes to same-sex marriage.

Republican Presidential Race A Dead Heat

The race for the Republican nomination is as tight as ever, and so far nobody seems to be emerging as a clear front-runner.

Rand Paul: GOP Hawks Have Advocated Policies That Have Helped ISIS Flourish

Rand Paul is out with one of his more forceful attacks on Republican hawks to date.

Hillary Clinton Is Ethically Challenged And Hasn’t Accomplished Much, Voters Don’t Seem To Care

Hillary Clinton is a deeply flawed candidate who might not even make a very good President. But that doesn’t matter in the race for the Democratic Nomination, and she’s probably going to be the next President anyway.

Rand Paul Holds The Senate Floor To Talk About PATRIOT Act Renewal, Civil Liberties

Rand Paul held the Senate floor for nearly twelve hours yesterday to talk about the PATRIOT Act, but it’s unclear if he accomplished anything.

Networks to Limit Republican Debate Field

With 14 candidates vying for the Republican nomination, TV execs are scrambling to make the debates watchable.

Hillary Clinton Has Her Own Questions To Answer About Iraq, Libya, And Syria

Hillary Clinton has admitted she made a mistake in supporting the Iraq War in 2002, but there are plenty of other questions she needs to answer when it comes to foreign interventions.

Marco Rubio Fumbles The Iraq War Question

Marco Rubio is the latest Republican Presidential candidate to have a problem giving a coherent answer to a few simple questions about the Iraq War.

Nice Work If You Can Get It: Bill And Hillary Rake In Millions On The Speaking Circuit

Bill and Hillary Clinton have done quite well for themselves of the speaking circuit.

House Passes Bill To Restrict N.S.A. Data Mining

The House has passed a bill that would place real restrictions on the National Security Agency’s data mining program. Now, it moves to the Senate.

Lindsey Graham Is Running For President For Some Reason

For reasons only he can understand. South Carolina’s senior Senator will be entering the race for the White House early next month.

Rick Santorum Is Running For President Again

Break out the sweater vests, Rick Santorum is getting ready to enter the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination.

Polls Show Little Damage To Clinton From Reports About The Clinton Foundation

So far at least, there’s little evidence in the polls that Hillary Clinton has been hurt by the news reports about the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.