Why Do Republicans Hate Teleprompters So Much?

Republicans continue to harp on the fact that the President uses a TelePrompter.

Gingrich-Perry Ticket?!

Fox News’ Carl Cameron is reporting on a secret plot by the two most embarrassing candidates from the 2012 Republican field to team up in order to win an incredibly unlikely brokered convention.

They’re Making Me Defend Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh may be a jerk, but he has a right to be a jerk.

Romney Fails To Deliver Knockout Punch, Will Still Win Nomination

The race will go on after Super Tuesday, but the outcome seems ineviable

Virginia’s Foolish Personhood Law

Virginia has become the latest battleground for advocates of laws that define life as being at conception.

Romney Wins Big, Newt Loses Mean, Race Continues (But Not For Long)

Mitt Romney won big last night, Newt Gingrich was Newt Gingrich, and the race is coming to the beginning of the end.

Haley Barbour Pardons 14 Murderers; Judge Orders Halt

A Mississippi judge has stayed a slew of pardons issued by Haley Barbour on his way out the door.

The GOP’s Bizarre Iowa Debate/Forum/Church Revival Meeting

Did you know there was another GOP debate last night? Well, you didn’t miss much.

Three Thoughts on the Failed Personhood Amendment

The failure of the personhood amendment should tell us at least three key things.

Mississippi ‘Personhood’ Amendment Trounced

Mississippi voters easily defeated an amendment to the state constitution that declared life begins at conception.

The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

More on the Former Name of Perry’s Hunting Lodge

The story of Perry’s hunting lodge probably doesn’t tell us that much about Perry, but it is still telling.

Is A Politician Who “Flip-Flops” Really A Bad Thing?

Mitt Romney is still being dogged by charges of changed positions. Now, he’s trying to spin that as a good thing.

Arizona’s War Against Unacceptable Accents

Should it matter if a teacher has an accent?

Conservative Pundits Continue Their Obsession With Chris Christie

Some pundits on the right can’t seem to quit Chris Christie.

US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

Cheering For Death At The Reagan Library Debate

There was a somewhat disturbing moment during last night’s GOP Debate.

Obama at Majority Disapproval; Re-election Likely

51.5 percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s job performance. It’s still his race to lose.

Rick Perry Holds Commanding Lead In GOP Race, But Obama Still Competitive In General Election

Is the GOP race really down to just two men at this point?

GOP 2012 Race A Replay Of 2008 Democratic Race?

Will 2012 be the Republican version of the 2008 race between President Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Texas and Employment

Taking an initial look into the Texas economy.

State Polls Show A Tough Electoral Map For Obama

State-level job approval numbers seem to suggest that the President could have Electoral College worries in 2012.

Honoré: Send Congress to Boot Camp

The general made famous by his leadership of the Katrina effort has some harsh words for our political leadership.

Mississippi Death Row Inmate Cory Maye To Be Freed, Thanks To Radley Balko

Cory Maye has spent ten years on death row after a trial tainted by racism and corruption. In a few days, he will be free.

Is an Electoral College Sweep even Possible?

Sunday afternoon musings on an electoral college sweeps.

Mitch Daniels Won’t Run in 2012

Mitch Daniels, the candidate of George Will and a host of mainstream Republicans hoping for something better in 2012, has announced he will not be running for president in 2012.

Republicans Waiting For Mitch Daniels

With the 2012 GOP field looking very underwhelming, GOP insiders are looking toward Indianapolis for a savior.

Southerners Not Happy to Have Lost Civil War

So, some bright people are surprised at new polling showing that a significant minority of Southerners have not enthusiastically embraced their ancestors’ loss in the Civil War.