Ohio: Turnout vs. Suppression

Could Romney win Ohio by ginning up Republican turnout and tamping down Democratic votes?

2012 Congressional Election Predictions

OTB bloggers give their best guesses on the House and Senate races.

2012 Presidential Election Predictions

The OTB gang give their best guess at the outcome of the 2012 presidential contest.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Survivor – Ohio Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Preparing to Evaluate the Predictions

Making note of some of the predictions and such as we approach November 6th.

Romney Running Out Of Time In Ohio And Elsewhere

Mitt Romney has ground to make up if he’s going to catch the President and there’s not much time left to do it.

Presidential Race ‘Tight’ in Meaningless National Polls [UPDATED]

A week out from the election, President Obama is a heavy favorite to win re-election. But the major press continues to pretend otherwise.

Romney Has An Advantage Among Independents

Mitt Romney has an advantage among self-identified Independents that makes writing him off at this point inadvisable.

The Politics of Hurricane Sandy

Naturally, most of us are asking: What does this mean for next Tuesday’s election.

Mid-Atlantic Braces For Sandy

The Mid-Atlantic region is under the gun.

The Race Might Not Be Over On November 6th

There are several circumstances under which we may not know who won the 2012 election for some time after November 6th

Foreign Policy Debate Substantive Analysis: Middle East

First in a series of posts looking at the substance of the final presidential debate, ostensibly about foreign policy.

There’s No Good Reason To Get Rid Of The Electoral College

The arguments in favor of major changes in the way we elect our President are unpersuasive.

Obama Claims Sequestration Cuts “Won’t Happen”

President Obama seems to have given away the store when it comes to the defense sequestration cuts.

Young Voters Far Less Enthusiastic For Obama This Time Around

Younger voters are starting to become as cynical as the rest of us.

Presidential Race As Tight As It’s Ever Been

With sixteen days to go, the race for President is tied.

Love the Tracking? Hate the College (Redux)

National numbers can overstate regional preferences.

The 2000 Election All Over Again?

We could be headed for another extremely close election where the Electoral Vote and the Popular Vote disagree with each other.

Is Pennsylvania Really In Play?

Once again, the Keystone State is teasing the GOP.

Obama’s Early Voting Advantage

Once again, the Obama campaign appears to have an advantage among people who have voted already or will be voting before Election Day.

Romney’s Post-Debate Surge Continuing, But Will It Last Past Tuesday?

Mitt Romney continues to benefit from the first Presidential Debate, but will that last past the second debate?

Biden-Ryan Debate Mostly A Draw

Last night’s Vice-Presidential debate was combative, but is unlikely to have a major impact on the race for President.

Still A Steady State Election?

The Presidential race seems to be returning to the state it was in before the political conventions.

New Battleground Polls Show Slight Romney Surge

Romney’s post-debate surge is being picked up in swing state polls, but will it be enough?

Get Ready For The Post-Election Truthers

Will conservatives freak out if Romney loses? That’s pretty much guaranteed.

Romney Leads Popular Vote Race, Trails Badly in Electoral Vote Race

For the first time all cycle, Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama in the RealClearPolitics average.

Romney’s Poll Surge is Real

The Pew poll is no longer an outlier but the start of a trend.

Love the Tracking? Hate the College

Yet another in a long line of critiques of the electoral college.

Expectations High For Paul Ryan Ahead Of Debate

Expectations are high for Paul Ryan heading in to Thursday’s Vice-Presidential debate. That’s not necessarily a good thing.

Romney’s Post-Debate Poll Bump

Mitt Romney has gotten a bump in the polls from Wednesday debate, but it’s still too early to say if it means anything.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Restoring Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

Another legal victory for the Obama campaign in Ohio.

Did Romney’s Debate Win Change Anything?

Before last night, Romney was toast and Republicans were demoralized; now, there’s a glimmer of hope.