Hyperpartisanship Continues To Ruin Our Political Culture And Our Country, And We’re Letting It Happen

The tragedy in Florida last week revealed once again how hyperpartisanship is destroying our politics and harming the country.

Baby Boomers No Longer The Majority Of U.S. Voters

A new study shows that Baby Boomers no longer account for the largest segment of voters in the United States.

Trump Skips Nerd Prom, Attacks The Press In Speech To Supporters

Instead of attending the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, Donald Trump spent his Saturday attacking the press and the First Amendment.

Trump To Skip White House Correspondent’s Dinner

This year’s White House Correspondents Association Dinner will be missing one high-profile guest.

A Second First Impression: Greetings!

In which I use a lot of words to say hello.

Party Realignment Fantasies

David Brooks thinks American politics “Could get ugly” before the ship gets righted.

Can Americans Unite In Response To Tragedy Anymore?

National tragedies, whether man-made or natural disasters, used to bring Americans together. Now they just seem to pull Americans apart.

Murder Of Jo Cox, MP Looking Increasingly Like It Was Politically Motivated

The murder of Jo Cox, MP is looking more and more like a politically motivated assassination, and that’s causing some in Great Britain to look inward.

Cruz, Kasich Team Up In Latest Effort To Stop Donald Trump

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have come up with yet another plan to stop Donald Trump.

Nancy Reagan Dead At 94

Nancy Reagan was a crucial part what made Ronald Reagan the man he was, and today she passed away at the age of 94.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump’s Nuclear Ignorance

Donald Trump displays some appalling ignorance about an important part of America’s military, but his supporters are unlikely to care.

Republican House Member Introduces Resolution To Fight The ‘War On Christmas’

A Colorado Republican Congressman has introduced a resolution meant to involve our nation’s representatives in the non-existent ‘War On Christmas.’

Political Rhetoric You Disagree With Isn’t Responsible For Someone Else’s Criminal Acts

Blaming political opponents for criminal acts they clearly didn’t commit or advocate isn’t a political argument, it’s demagoguery.

Conservative Party In Danger Of Losing Majority In Canada, But Outcome Still In Doubt

If pre-election polling is to be believed, Stephan Harper and Canada’s Conservative Party seem likely to lose power after Monday’s elections, but there are several reasons why this may not end up being the case.

Donald Trump Appeals To The Worst Instincts In Voters, And The Worst Parts Of American Politics

The longer this race goes on, the hard it becomes to deny the truth about Donald Trump.

Everybody Hates Congress

Another poll confirms the fact that Americans of all political stripes continue to hold Congress is disdain.

Time To Take Trump Seriously?

The buffoonish billionaire is tapping into something real.

Driven Largely By Republicans, Public Opinion On The Supreme Court Hits A Low

Public opinion on the Supreme Court has declined significantly, largely because Republicans don’t like the Supreme Court very much right now.

John Kaisch To Enter Presidential Race In Late July

In an ordinary year, Ohio Governor John Kasich seems like he’d be a perfect candidate for Republicans in an era when winning the Buckeye State is essential to winning the White House. But things are far from ordinary in the GOP.

Greek Banks To Remain Closed Monday As Debt Negotiations Head To The Wire

The Greek Government is basically shutting the banking system down tomorrow as negotiations over its debt problems continue.

Jeb Bush Enters The Race For President

To nobody’s surprise, Jeb Bush has entered the race for President.

Rachel Dolezal Resigns As Head Of Spokane N.A.A.C.P.

This should be the end of this story, but it probably won’t be.

Nebraska Could Be The Next State To Repeal The Death Penalty

The largely conservative state of Nebraska seems to be on the verge of repealing its law authorizing capital punishment.

As Great Britain Heads To The Polls, Uncertainty Reigns

The political outlook in the United Kingdom is as uncertain as it has ever been.

American Politics Has Become Horrible, Predictable, And Utterly Boring

Even for political junkies, the thrill seems to be gone.

Nerd Prom Is Broken, But So Is Our Political Culture

It’s time for another White House Correspondent’s Dinner, and it’s going to be just as atrocious as the last one. But, the dinner isn’t the real problem.

Hillary Clinton May Be Her Own Worst Enemy

Hillary Clinton’s political and personal baggage is likely to be a bigger problem for her than whomever her Republican opponent ends up being.

Putting the Civil Rights Movement into Historical Perspective

Thinking about comparative American struggles against tyranny.

The Ivy League Supreme Court

Every member of the Supreme Court graduated from an Ivy League Law School. That kind of homogeneity is not healthy.

Hyperpartisanship Harms American Politics, And American Life

There’s more to life than politics. Unfortunately, there are many Americans who don’t seem to recognize that fact.

Ebola In The Age Of 24/7 News And A Broken Political Culture

Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.

Watergate Forty Years Later

Even with the passage of time, Watergate remains a singularly important event in American history

Thank God For Negative Campaigning

Rather than being a bad thing, negative campaigning is an essential part of our political system.

Could Republicans Taking Control Of The Senate Be Good For Obama?

Republican overreach could end up helping the President and his party.

Americans Have Almost Totally Lost Faith In Government

Public faith in government institutions is at all all time low.

GOP Losing Cuban-American Vote Too

A new poll suggests that Republicans could be losing a constituency that is very key for them in the nation’s third most populous state.

All Politics Is National?

Congressional elections have become “nationalized” to a far greater extent than they have ever been.

American Politics Is More Polarized Than Ever

The left-right divide is worse than it has been in decades, and we’re paying the price.

It’s A Matter Of Trust

It’s no wonder that our politics system is a mess when you realize that people don’t trust each other much anymore.

There Is No “Middle” In Congress Anymore

At least on Capitol Hill, the political middle is dead and buried.

Why Do American Politicians Wrap Themselves in ‘House of Cards’?

Peggy Noonan asks an interesting question.

Florida Will Soon Pass New York In Population

The Sunbelt continues to dominate.

Joe Manchin: Further Gun Control Efforts Unlikely In 2014

The likelihood of any action on gun control in 2014 is extremely limited

Obama As Polarizing As Bush

The political polarization we saw during the Bush Presidency has continued throughout the Obama Presidency.

On The Coup In Egypt And The Future Of Democracy

The events of the last week in Egypt raise a whole host of questions.