VDARE Wants Paul to Embrace his Newsletters

In a year-end fundraisers, VDARE’s founder wished Paul had “defened his letters on the basis of truth.”

It’s A Socialist Life?

One conservative contends that George Bailey is teaching America the wrong lessons.

Time’s 2011 Person Of The Year: “The Protester”

Time Magazine has chosen “The Protester” as its Person Of The Year. Let the outrage ensue.

Barack Obama Tries To Channel Teddy Roosevelt

Barack Obama now looks to the Rough Rider himself for inspiration. Can’t he find it himself?

Santorum on Suffering and Death

Rick Santorum has some extreme views on social welfare. Of course, he isn’t alone.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

Killing Gaddafi Doesn’t Make President Obama’s Actions In Libya Legal Or Justified

Gaddafi is dead, but it was still wrong for the United States to get involved in Libya.

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Are Blacks Abandoning Obama?

Dick Morris has a penchant for counter-intuitive analysis. And for being wildly wrong.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

Utopia Is A Relative Concept

What we think the ideal society looks like depends a lot on what kind of society we live in.

Rick Perry’s Immigration Stance Not Exactly Hard-Line Conservative

Rick Perry’s position on immigration-related issues could be a problem for the same conservatives who have been getting behind him.

Jon Hunstman Unveils A Tax Plan You Ought To Be Paying Attention To

Jon Huntsman is out with a tax and jobs plan that deserves a lot more attention than it’s likely to get.

The Triumph Of Clarence Thomas

A new look at Clarence Thomas’s 20 years on the Supreme Court, from a critic, is surprisingly positive.

Rubio’s Speech

Rubio may be wowing conservatives audience, but is his rhetoric grounded in reality?

Birth Of A Bad Blog Meme Or, Why Are Some People Laughing At “Green Aliens”?

It pays to read a scientific study before commenting on it.

Al Franken Distorts CDC Study to Claim Distortion of Study

Senator Al Franken called Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery a liar in yesterday’s hearing on DOMA. Franken was the one being dishonest.

The Final Flight Of Atlantis And The Future Of Space Travel

A space shuttle lifted off for the last time on Friday, and some people seem to think its the beginning of the end of America.

Paul Ryan’s $350 Wine v. John Edwards’ $400 Haircut

So, apparently, Paul Ryan has expensive tastes in wine.

Illegal Immigration From Mexico At Lowest Level In Nearly 60 Years

Illegal immigration from Mexico is down substantially, and it has nothing to do with all those anti-immigration laws.

Racial Gerrymandering and Idiots

Cynthia Tucker regrets her support for majority-minority districts.

President Obama’s Address to Parliament

While President Obama has had some amusing gaffes on his trip to London, including getting the year wrong in the guest book and an awkward toast to the Queen, his speech to Parliament today hit all the right notes.

Study: Obama Stimulus Destroyed Million Private Sector Jobs

Ohio State researchers: ARRA created/saved approximately 450 thousand state and local government jobs and destroyed/forestalled roughly one million private sector jobs.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Who Is That Mosqued Man Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Arizona Seeking Donations to Build Border Fence

The state of Arizona is seeking donations for construction of the border fence.

Florida Pastor Says He Will Protest Court Order, May Sue Dearborn For Violating His Rights

Terry Jones may sue the City of Dearborn for its prior restraint actions against him. And he should.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

Mike Huckabee Rips Natalie Portman For “Glamorizing” Single Motherhood

Mike Huckabee channels Dan Quayle when he decides to comment on the pregnancy of Oscar winner Natalie Portman.

Freezing Dictator Assets: Good Idea?

Wouldn’t we be better off offering besieged rules exile in relative comfort in exchange for graceful exits?

Retirement: No Good Options

We can’t rely on private companies, the stock market, or the taxpayers to maintain our lifestyle in our golden years.

Half A Billion People Escaped Poverty Between 2005 and 2010

Global poverty has plummeted in recent years.

Somali Pirates Seize American Yacht

The ongoing saga of piracy off the coast of Somali is about to get Americans’ attention again, as a yacht containing four U.S. citizens has been hijacked.

The Revolution Continues In Libya

The Gaddafi regime is facing its most serious challenge in its 41 year history.

Mubarak’s Last Act: Hiding Stolen Wealth

Knowing his downfall was imminent, the former Egyptian dictator moved vast wealth out of rich of Western governments.

The “Social Responsibility” Of Business Is To Earn A Profit

President Obama is telling business they have a social responsibility to invest in America. He’s wrong.

Americans Wealthier Than You Think

How rich is the United States? Our poor are richer than the richest in India.

OTB Foreign Desk

Brief takes on foreign affairs

Why Are Libertarians So Danged Libertarian?

Wondering why CATO doesn’t rail against big business is like demanding to know why NARAL doesn’t spend more time advocating for the plight of stray cats or why PETA doesn’t seem to care about the homeless.

War on Drugs Reconsidered

Is there a legalization argument building?