Meritocracy Paradox

The main who coined the word “meritocracy” meant it as a pejorative term.

Poor Pay High Taxes, If We Redefine ‘Taxes’

The American tax code contains perverse incentives and barriers to getting out of poverty.

Malik Obama Running for Kenya Governorship

Amusing in light of the birther nonsense:Obama half brother Malik seeks Kenya governor’s office.

Jets’ McElroy Hid Concussion

New York Jets quarterback Greg McElroy was experiencing post-concussion syndrome but hid it from the team for days.

Social Class and Higher Education

A rich child is 45 percent more likely to earn a four-year college degree than a poor one.

Meaningful Action To Prevent More Tragedies Like This

Will the massacre of twenty children in a Connecticut elementary school mark a turning point in America’s gun culture? Don’t count on it.

Man Bemoans Selfish Women Not Having Enough Kids

Ross Douthat says American women should stop being decadent and have more babies, explaining that raising children is easier than it used to be, so there’s really no excuse for women to be so selfish.

College and Path Determination in American Economic Life

The best single means of becoming such an economic winner is to gain admission to a top university

“New Black Panther Party” Panic Returns

It’s time to panic over anonymous guys in Philadelphia again, at least if you work at Fox News Channel.

Obama Comes Back Strong But Debate’s Impact On Race Is Unclear

Last night’s debate was rough and tumble, but it’s unlikely to change the state of the race.

Florida To Set Race-Based Academic Goals

Florida’s new education policy essentially assumes that minority students cannot do as well as their peers. That’s a mistake.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

6 Million Americans Will Be Hit By ObamaCare Tax Penalty

A lot more people than expected are likely to be hit by the ObamaCare individual mandate tax penalty than previously thought.

Shocking Audio From 1998 Reveals Barack Obama Is A Democrat

Republicans think they found the smoking gun of the 2012 election. They’re kidding themselves.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

The Family Research Center, “Hate Groups,” And Tony Perkins’s Persecution Complex

Whether or not it’s proper to call the FRC a “hate group,” the persecution complex being displayed in the wake of Tuesday’s shooting is absurd.

Family Research Center Shooter Charged, Tony Perkins Blames FRC Critics

Entirely unsurprisingly, the shooting at the Family Research Center’s office in Washington, D.C. is already being politicized.

How Much Do You Have To Hate Yourself To Wish Your Mother Had Aborted You?

A columnist for The Guardian says she wishes her mother had aborted her.

Britain’s Golden Age Is Now?

Doug Saunders makes the counterintuitive claim that things are better for Britons than ever.

More on Voter ID

Another study shows that voter ID laws negatively affect a lot of Americans.

Signs Of Political Change In North Korea?

Some interesting developments in Pyongyang.

Socialist Canadians Wealthier Than Capitalist Americans?

“The average Canadian has quietly become richer than the average American,” claims a pro-Canada organization.

Marriage Habits Reinforcing Class Structure

In a groundbreaking investigative report, the New York Times has found that it’s easier to raise children if there are two parents and two incomes than one parent and one income.

Was The Revolution A Mistake?

Were the Colonists wrong to toss aside the British Empire so casually?

Government Advertising to Boost Food Stamp Enrollment

Byron York reacts to a CNNMoney story titled “Government wants more people on food stamps” by snarking, “And Democrats reacted angrily when Gingrich called Obama ‘food stamp president.'”

Why Doesn’t The Middle Class Revolt?

Why isn’t the American middle class and working class angrier at the 1 percent?

N.Y. Governor Cuomo Proposes Marijuana Decriminalization

New York’s Governor is proposing a change in the law that could spare thousands of people a year from an unnecessary trip through the legal system.

Once Again, The United States Has Not Abandoned Space Exploration

The arrival of Discovery in Washington D.C. has led to another lament about “national greatness.”

More Maker/Taker Musings

The NYT has an interesting piece on the ongoing limted v. big governemnt debate.

David Frum Eviscerates Charles Murray’s Latest Book

David Frum begins a withering review for The Daily Beast, “Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is an important book that will have large influence. It is unfortunately not a good book.”

Romney On CNN: `I’m Not Concerned About The Very Poor’

Mitt Romney stumbled a bit during his victory tour this morning.

Is There An American Cultural Divide?

Have Americans divided themselves into what are becoming increasingly different cultures?

Mitch Daniels Gets The Worst Job In Politics

Mitch Daniels got the unenviable task of responding to the State Of The Union Address last night.

State of the Union Post Mortem

The speech did exactly what it was supposed to do: kick off Obama’s re-election campaign while disguised as a call for unity.

Rick Santorum: A Straight Dad In Prison Is Better Than Two Gay Dads Who Aren’t

Rick Santorum returns to his old ways when asked about same-sex marriage.

It’s a Mystery Why Republicans Have Trouble Attracting Black Votes

Newt Gingrich provides another example.

Mikhail Gorbachev: The World Would Be Better If The USSR Was Still Around

Not surprisingly, the last man to lead the Soviet Union believes we’d be better off if it still existed.