Hillary Clinton’s Favorability Hits Its Lowest Level In Years

Hillary Clinton is taking a hit in the polls, but it’s unclear if that’s going to matter when 2016 rolls around.

Rand Paul’s Money Problem

Rand Paul Is at a distinct disadvantage compared to his fellow Republican candidates for President.

Lindsey Graham Begins His Long Shot Bid For The Presidency

Lindsey Graham is the latest entrant into the Presidential race, but it’s hard to see how he gets out of the bottom of the polls.

Scott Walker Surges In New Iowa Poll

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s doing quite well in Iowa anyway.

Domestic Spying ‘Suspended’ But Almost Certainly Continues Unabated

Don’t believe everything you read in the papers.

Patriot Act Lapses, Civilization Still Stands

Many provisions of the Patriot Act lapsed at midnight, but apparently the world hasn’t ended.

The Slow Death Of The Iowa Straw Poll

The Iowa Straw Poll seems to be dying, and that’s a good thing.

With Hours Left, The Fate Of The PATRIOT Act Remains Uncertain

The Senate returns tomorrow to try to pass an extension of the PATRIOT Act before it expires, but it may not be able to do so.

Republican Presidential Race A Dead Heat

The race for the Republican nomination is as tight as ever, and so far nobody seems to be emerging as a clear front-runner.

Rand Paul: GOP Hawks Have Advocated Policies That Have Helped ISIS Flourish

Rand Paul is out with one of his more forceful attacks on Republican hawks to date.

Senate Fails To Pass PATRIOT Act Renewal

The Senate went home last night without passing a bill to renew the PATRIOT Act, which expires at the end of the month.

Hillary Clinton Is Ethically Challenged And Hasn’t Accomplished Much, Voters Don’t Seem To Care

Hillary Clinton is a deeply flawed candidate who might not even make a very good President. But that doesn’t matter in the race for the Democratic Nomination, and she’s probably going to be the next President anyway.

Rand Paul Holds The Senate Floor To Talk About PATRIOT Act Renewal, Civil Liberties

Rand Paul held the Senate floor for nearly twelve hours yesterday to talk about the PATRIOT Act, but it’s unclear if he accomplished anything.

Networks to Limit Republican Debate Field

With 14 candidates vying for the Republican nomination, TV execs are scrambling to make the debates watchable.

What Can Republicans Learn From The Tory Victory In Great Britain?

Republicans could learn a few things from the Tory victory in the recent British elections, but they are in danger of drawing the wrong conclusions.

Marco Rubio Fumbles The Iraq War Question

Marco Rubio is the latest Republican Presidential candidate to have a problem giving a coherent answer to a few simple questions about the Iraq War.

Lindsey Graham To Announce Presidential Run June 1st

South Carolina’s Senior Senator is set to be the latest entry into the race for the Republican nomination.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

George Stephanopoulos And A Question Of Journalistic Ethics

George Stephanopoulos’ s ties to the Clinton’s have always raised questions about his objectivity. Now, there’s further reason to doubt that he can play fair when the Clinton’s are part of the story he’s covering.

House Passes Bill To Restrict N.S.A. Data Mining

The House has passed a bill that would place real restrictions on the National Security Agency’s data mining program. Now, it moves to the Senate.

Jeb Bush Has His Own Iraq Quagmire

Iraq seems to becoming a political headache for yet another member of the Bush family.

Jeb Bush: Sure, I’d Invade Iraq Just Like My Brother Did

Like most Republicans, Jeb Bush either fails or refuses to recognize what an utter, unjustifiable disaster his brother’s decision to invade Iraq actually was.

James Clapper Tells Congress He Testified Falsely Because, ‘I Forgot’

Director of National Intelligence now tells Congress that he testified falsely about NSA spying because he forgot the program existed.

Lindsey Graham Is Running For President For Some Reason

For reasons only he can understand. South Carolina’s senior Senator will be entering the race for the White House early next month.

Jeb Bush Says His Top Middle East Adviser Is George W. Bush

Jeb Bush told a group of supporters that his brother is his top Middle East policy adviser. This strikes me as being a bad idea.

Rick Santorum Is Running For President Again

Break out the sweater vests, Rick Santorum is getting ready to enter the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination.

Polls Show Little Damage To Clinton From Reports About The Clinton Foundation

So far at least, there’s little evidence in the polls that Hillary Clinton has been hurt by the news reports about the financial dealings of the Clinton Foundation.

Jeb Bush Isn’t Doing So Well In Iowa, So Maybe He Should Skip It

A new poll has some bad news for Jeb Bush in the Hawkeye State, which leads to the idea that maybe he shouldn’t waste too much time there to begin with.

Some Texas Republicans Are Freaking Out Over A Military Exercise Called ‘Jade Helm 15’

There must be something odd in the water in the Lone Star State, because a bizarre conspiracy theory seems to have taken root there.

Mike Huckabee Enters Presidential Race, But He’s Weaker Than He Was In 2008

Mike Huckabee’s back, but the 2008 magic is gone.

Ben Carson Enters The Race For President

Ben Carson is running for President.

Republicans Are Talking About Eliminating Birthright Citizenship Again

Republicans on Capitol Hill are talking about fundamentally changing what it means to be an American, and it’s a bad idea.

Rand Paul Says It Was A Mistake To Depose Saddam Hussein And Qaddafi

Rand Paul bucks Republican orthodoxy on Iraq, Libya, and negotiations with Iran.

Thanks To Vaccination, Rubella Has Been Eliminated From The Western Hemisphere

Vaccination has eliminated a disease that used to be a serious threat from the Americas.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Wright Stuff Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

American Politics Has Become Horrible, Predictable, And Utterly Boring

Even for political junkies, the thrill seems to be gone.

Marco Rubio’s Supposed Expertise On Foreign Policy Leaves Much To Be Desired

Marco Rubio is often described as one of the GOP’s leaders on foreign policy, but a close look reveals a decided lack of substance.

Marco Rubio Rises To The Top Of The GOP Field In New Poll

Less than two weeks after entering the race, Florida Senator Marco Rubio is at the top of the GOP field in a new poll.

Carly Fiorina To Enter Race For President On May 4th

Former Hewlett Packard CEO, and failed Senate candidate, Carly Fiorina will be running for President for some reason.

New Study Finds No Link Between Autism And Childhood Vaccination

Yet another study has found no link between autism and childhood vaccines. However, that’s unlikely to mean the end of the anti-vaccination movement.

Questions About Foreign Donations To Clinton Foundation Could Dog Hillary’s Campaign

New allegations regarding foreign government donations to the Clinton Foundation seem likely to become a campaign issue.

Republican Race Remains Tight, Clinton Continues To Dominate General Election Polling

The GOP race remains tight, but some candidates have benefited from their entry into the race more than others. Overall, though, Hillary Clinton continues to dominate.

It Looks Like Lindsey Graham Is Running For President

And the fun part is that his main motive for running appears to be the opportunity to troll Rand Paul.

Hillary Clinton, Sexism, and Male Privilege

The “racism” debate brought about by Barack Obama in 2000 is getting a spin-off.

On Foreign Policy, Jeb Bush Would Be Another George W. Bush

Like nearly all of his fellow Republicans, Jeb Bush has adopted the disastrous foreign policy views that typified his brother’s Presidency.

Rubio’s Israel Litmus Test For An Iran Nuclear Deal Is Foolish And Unrealistic

Conditioning an Iranian nuclear deal on recognition of Israel is foolish, unrealistic, and very bad diplomacy.

Ben Carson To Launch Quixotic, Doomed Campaign For President On May 4th

Ben Carson will be entering the race for President next month, but don’t pretend for a minute that he’s a serious candidate.

Marco Rubio Enters The Race For President

Marco Rubio is the first Republican in the race who actually has a plausible chance to win the nomination, but it’s not going to be easy.