Donald Trump Calls For Ban On All Muslim Immigration

Donald J. Trump continues to turn the dial higher and higher on his fascist demagoguery.

Trump Has Massive Lead In New CNN Poll

Donald Trump just keeps leading in the polls, and Republicans keep arguing that it can’t last.

Top Republican Adviser Tries To Help Down Ballot Candidates Prepare For Trump As Nominee

A leaked memo from a top Republican adviser tries to tell vulnerable Senate candidates how to deal with the possibility that they’ll be stuck with Trump on the top of the ticket.

Republican Insiders Still Worried About Donald Trump, Still Don’t Know What To Do About Him

For good reason, many Republicans are worried about the prospect that Donald Trump could end up winning the Republican nominee, but they don’t seem to have a plan to stop him.

Marco Rubio Panders To The ‘Religious Right’ On Same-Sex Marriage, Obergefell

Marco Rubio is telling conservative Christians in Iowa and elsewhere what they want to hear on same-sex marriage. It just happens to be complete and utter nonsense.

Yes, It Is Appropriate To Think Of Donald Trump As a Fascist And Demagogue

Given his rhetoric, it’s fairly clear that Donald Trump is drawing from a poisonous political well. So there’s no point in failing to acknowledge reality.

Yes, Trump is the Frontrunner, but…

Polls are quite useful in the right circumstances, but knowledge, complexity, and timing all have to be taken into account in determining what they are telling us.

Republican Establishment Relying On Voters To Take Out Trump, And They Have No ‘Plan B’

The GOP “establishment” isn’t planning to take on Donald Trump directly and instead relying on Republican primary voters to come to their senses. They may be waiting for something that will never happen.

New Iowa Poll Seems To Set Up Inevitable Showdown Between Donald Trump And Ted Cruz

Another poll shows Ted Cruz rising and Ben Carson falls in the Hawkeye State. The only question is who attacks who first, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz?

Donald Trump Once Again Refusing To Rule Out Running As An Independent

Two months after seemingly promising to remain loyal to the Republican Party, Donald Trump is again refusing to rule out an independent run for the White House next year.

The Beginning Of The End Of Ben Carson Seems To Have Arrived

In the news from the campaign trail and in the polls, there are clear signs that Ben Carson’s days as a top contender in the GOP Presidential race are coming to an end.

Democrat John Bel Edwards Handily Defeats David Vitter In Louisiana Governor’s Race

Democrat John Bel Edwards scored an easy victory over Senator David Vitter last night in Louisiana, and Vitter announced that he’d be leaving the Senate after his term is up.

Prostitution And Fears About Syrian Refugees Dominate As Louisiana Heads To The Polls

It’s Election Day in Louisiana again, and voters have the same crappy choices they usually end up with.

John Kasich Wants To Create A Government Agency To Spread Religious Propaganda

John Kasich wants the United States Government to create an agency to spread ‘so-called ‘Judeo-Christian values.’

The Battle Of The 2016 Narratives

To a large degree, the narrative you believe will govern the 2016 elections depend on which party you want to see win. But what’s the most likely outcome?

Even After Paris, A Syrian No-Fly Zone Is A Foolish Idea

In the wake of the attacks in Paris, there’s a strong impulse to do “something,” but that doesn’t mean we should do something utterly foolish. And a no-fly zone would be utterly foolish.

The 2016 GOP Race And The Battle To Define What ‘Conservative’ Means

Much more so than in the past, the race for the Republican Presidential race has become a battle to define what it means to be a ‘conservative.’ Especially on issues like immigration and national security, one side seems to be winning the battle.

The GOP Candidates And The Attacks In Paris

The initial responses of the Republican candidates for President to the attacks in Paris are about what you’d expect, but it’s far too early to tell what impact the events of the weekend will have on the race for President here in the United States.

Mitt Romney To The GOP’s Rescue? Don’t Count On It, Republicans

Increasingly concerned by the rise of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and the failure of any establishment candidates to click with voters, some top Republicans are reportedly turning their lonely eyes to Mitt.

Republican Voters Agree With Trump On Immigration

A new poll shows that a near majority of Republicans agree with even some of Donald Trump’s most controversial statements on immigration.

Republican Candidates For President Clash In Fourth Debate

Last night’s debate in Wisconsin was arguably the most substantive we’ve seen so far between the Republican candidates, and one that displayed quite starkly the policy differences between them.

Republicans And The Legacy Of George W. Bush

Republicans haven’t really moved beyond the legacy of George W. Bush’s failed Administration as much as they’d like to think, but it doesn’t seem to be hurting them very much.

Ted Cruz: Atheists Aren’t Fit To Be President

Meet Ted Cruz: Religious Bigot

Polling Shows Democrats Less Engaged In The 2016 Campaign Than Republicans

A new poll shows that Democratic voters are less engaged in the 2016 campaign right now than Republicans are, but that probably doesn’t mean that much for next year.

Republican Primary Rules Favor Centrists

Why Republicans nominate moderates for president and not other offices.

Tuesday’s Elections Helped Solidify Republican Control Of America’s State Legislatures

Forget about Congress, the real story going forward is likely to be Republican dominance of state legislatures nationwide.

Republicans Win Big In Kentucky, Setting Up A Big Fight Over Obamacare

Republican Matt Bevin picked up what comes as a surprise win to many observers, and that sets up a big fight over what had been a PPACA program that the White House has touted.

Republican Campaigns Meet In Effort To “Fix” Debates, But They Won’t Do What’s Necessary

Representatives from most of the Republican Presidential campaigns met to discuss reforms to the debate process, but none of their ideas will actually improve the quality of debates.

Fred Thompson, Watergate Lawyer, Senator, Actor, Dies At 73

A man with one of the more unique political and personal resumes in recent memory has passed away.

Marco Rubio Gains Support Of Top Republican Fundraiser

Marco Rubio has won the support of a top Republican donor and bundler, giving a much needed boost to his campaign.

GOP Suspends Debate Partnership With NBC News And Telemundo In Wake Of CNBC Debate

In the wake of Wednesday’s debate, the Republican National Committee has suspended its partnership in a planned February debate with NBC News and Spanish language network Telemundo.

Has Marco Rubio’s Breakout Moment Arrived?

Marco Rubio’s performance in this week’s debate is once again leading to speculation about whether is about to have a breakout moment.

Paul Ryan Easily Elected Speaker Of The House

With only a handful of opposition, Paul Ryan was easily elected the 62nd Speaker of the House.

Republicans Underestimating Hillary Clinton?

Republicans seem to be thinking that Hillary Clinton will be an easier General Election candidate than the evidence suggests she is likely to be.

Tea Party Support At All-Time Low, Even Among Republicans And Conservatives

A new poll shows that the Tea Party movement is more unpopular than it has ever been before, even among Republicans and conservatives.

Signs Of Trouble For Jeb Bush

Once the Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush is now floundering and dealing with donors worried that they may be backing the wrong horse.

Ben Carson Passes Donald Trump In New Iowa Polls

Two new Iowa polls show Ben Carson passing Donald Trump in the Hawkeye State, but that’s not necessarily good news for Republicans.

Ben Carson Wants To Turn The Department Of Education Into Thought Police

Instead of eliminating the Department of Education, Ben Carson wants to give it a new, bizarre, and dangerous mission.

Paul Ryan Now Has A Clear Path To Become Speaker Of The House

With the top conservative caucus in Congress acquiescing to his candidacy, Paul Ryan is largely certain to become the next Speaker of the House.

Republicans May End Up Being Stuck With Trump Whether They Like It Or Not

Whether they like it or not, it’s becoming quite apparent that Republicans may have to get used to the idea that Donald Trump really could be their nominee next year.

Paul Ryan Willing To Be Speaker, If All His Conditions Are Met

Paul Ryan has never really wanted to be Speaker Of The House, but he’s take the job if House Republicans meet the conditions he’s set out.

Trump Still Leads The GOP Field, Anti-Trump Wave Still Not Manifesting Itself

A pair of new polls confirms that Republican hopes that Donald Trump would fade are failing to come true.

Clinton Wins, And Ends Any Reason For Joe Biden To Enter The Race

In addition to doing everything she needed to do last night, Hillary Clinton also destroyed whatever logic remained for a Joe Biden candidacy.

Conservative Groups Opposing Paul Ryan For Speaker Before He Even Announces

Paul Ryan has yet to say if he will run for Speaker of the House, but that hasn’t stopped the opposition on the hard right from forming already.

It May Be Time For Rand Paul To Start Concentrating On His Senate Seat

Rand Paul’s flailing Presidential campaign seems to be raising concerns about his Senate seat among some Republicans.

Ben Carson Isn’t Alone In Having Utterly Silly Ideas About The Debt Ceiling

Yes, Ben Carson’s comments about the debt ceiling are silly, but it’s the fact that a lot of Republicans agree with him that’s dangerous.

Public Opinion About The Supreme Court Nears New Lows

Thanks mostly to Republicans unhappy with the Court’s decisions on same-sex marriage and the Affordable Care Act, public disapproval of the Supreme Court is nearing a new high.

Rand Paul’s Disappointing Fundraising Brings The Reality About His Campaign To The Forefront

Rand Paul’s fundraising in the just completed quarter is disappointing enough that it’s clearly time for him to consider calling it a day.