Twilight Of The RINOs?

The GOP Establishment is in crisis, but it has nobody to blame but itself.

Michigan Too Close To Call

The future of the Republican race in 2012 is in the balance in the Wolverine State.

Time Running Out For GOP?

2012 may be the last chance for the current Republican Party to win the White House.

Republican Party Sex Problems

Rick Santorum is at the front of a brigade that wants to re-fight the sexual revolution. They’ll lose.

Is 2012 1964 All Over Again?

The Republican debacle of 1964 offers some lessons for the current cycle.

Maine’s Really, Really Screwed Up Caucus

So, you thought the people running the Iowa Caucuses, who had to count something like seven votes and yet declared the wrong winner, had egg on their face. Well, their buddies in Maine have upped the ante.

Rick Santorum: Let’s Talk About Sex

Meet Rick Santorum, who’s apparently running for Moralist In Chief.

Santorum Surging Into The Lead Nationally

Once again, the face of the Republican race has changed.

Military Less Republican Than You Think

The popular notion that the United States military is monolithically Republican is mistaken.

Maybe The GOP Should Just Go Ahead And Nominate Rick Santorum

At the very least, nominating Santorum would let the GOP test a hypothesis that’s been debated for years.

Romney Not Sealing The Deal With Conservatives

If the reaction at this year’s CPAC is any indication, Mitt Romney still has some work to do to seal up his party’s base.

Low Turnout A Sign Of Burnout?

Are the American people tuning out of politics altogether?

The Paranoid Wing Of The Tea Party

The tinfoil hat crowd has made its way back into the mainstream.

The Republican Civil War Of 2013-2015?

If Romney loses in November, it could be the start of a bitter fight insider the Republican Party.

A Final Florida Preview

Voting has started in the biggest primary to date.

Signs Of A Big Romney Win In Florida

Mitt Romney seems headed for a big, and important, victory tomorrow in Florida.

Sarah Palin: Attacks On Gingrich Are Stalinist And “Alinskyite”

Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and she hasn’t officially endorsed anyone, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her thumb on the scale.

Mitt Romney: A Perfectly Manufactured Nothing?

Is there any there there?

Weak Presidential Field. Again.

Why are all the candidates for president so awful?

Why iPhones Aren’t Made In America

It’s not just low wages that have kept technology manufacturing jobs out of the United States.

Iowa GOP Declares Santorum Caucus Winner As Iowa Beclowns Itself

This year’s Iowa Caucuses stand as Exhibit A for an argument against Iowa being first in the nation.

Mitt Romney Is Still The Inevitable Nominee

Mitt Romney has stumbled this week, and may pay for it tomorrow, but he’s still the only candidate with a realistic chance to win the Republican nomination.

Newt’s Grandiose Thoughts

A Selection Of Speaker Gingrich’s Thoughts Over The Years

South Carolina Tightens As Newt Gingrich Surges

The race in South Carolina is going down to the wire.

Think You Know Who Won The Iowa Caucuses? Think Again

A recount in Iowa has changed the final numbers, but we really don’t know who won.

Mitt Romney Gives Money To Unemployed Woman At Campaign Stop

Charity? Or campaign stunt? Does it matter?

How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.

Romney Building A Firewall In Florida?

Regardless of what happens in South Carolina, Mitt Romney seems to be going for a final knockout punch in Florida.

Jim DeMint Demonstrates What’s Wrong With Washington

Senator Jim DeMint demonstrated clearly today what is wrong with Washington.

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Did We Really Need 17 Debates Before The New Hampshire Primary?

Can anyone bring the primary debate schedule under control?

40 Percent of Americans Identify as Independents; 10 Percent Actually Independents

A record number of Americans don’t consider themselves a member of either party.

New Hampshire Still Romney Country, But Who Comes In Second?

Barring a disaster, Mitt Romney is going to win the New Hampshire Primary, but who comes in second is still up in the air.

Is Jon Huntsman the Future of the Republican Party?

The former Utah governor will almost certainly never be the GOP nominee. But someone like him will be soon.

Mitt Romney Walks Away Unscathed From Yet Another Debate

Watching last night’s debate, you would have been surprised to learn that Mitt Romney has any real opponents in the Republican race.