Why Do Republicans Hate Teleprompters So Much?

Republicans continue to harp on the fact that the President uses a TelePrompter.

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.

Pundits Making The GOP Race Seem Closer Than It Is

If you listen to the punditocracy, you’d think that there’s actually a doubt as to who the GOP nominee will be.

Romney, Reagan, and Republican Fairy Tales Redux

There are all manner of myths that are held by supporters of both parties. Debunking them is not the role for presidential aspirants.

Ronald Reagan and the Iran Hostage Crisis

Did Ronald Reagan’s impending inauguration help get our hostages released after 444 days?

The First Amendment Makes Rick Santorum Want To Vomit

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of religion in public life are built on lies about American history.

Santorum’s Gospel Of Doom And Gloom

Rick Santorum’s stump speeches have becoming increasingly dark.

The GOP’s Increasingly Weird Delegate Math

It’s looking increasingly unlikely that anyone will have the race for the nomination wrapped up any time soon.

Get Serious

Is the United States a serious country? Should we be?

Tom Friedman is Seeking a Second Party

Friedman shifts from calling for a third party, to calling on the GOP to get serious.

Maybe The GOP Should Just Go Ahead And Nominate Rick Santorum

At the very least, nominating Santorum would let the GOP test a hypothesis that’s been debated for years.

Low Turnout A Sign Of Burnout?

Are the American people tuning out of politics altogether?

Federal Appeals Court Holds California Gay Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

A victory for proponents of same-sex marriage today in the Ninth Circuit.

Mitt Romney, Al Gore, and John Kerry Birds of a Feather?

Is the presumptive Republican nominee too handsome, too rich, and too pompous to win the hearts of ordinary Americans?

The Republican Civil War Of 2013-2015?

If Romney loses in November, it could be the start of a bitter fight insider the Republican Party.

Obama Presidency Still Polarizing, Bipartisanship Still Dead

American politics is as polarized as ever, and it shows no signs of changing regardless of who wins in November.

Mitch Daniels Gets The Worst Job In Politics

Mitch Daniels got the unenviable task of responding to the State Of The Union Address last night.

What Newt Gingrich Really Thought Of Ronald Reagan

He may be praising Ronald Reagan now, but Newt Gingrich was singing a different tune in the 1980s.

Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns: Much Ado About Very Little

The reaction to the release of Mitt Romney’s tax returns is about what you’d expect.

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

The Myth Of Newt Gingrich The Great Debater

Conservatives seem to believe that Newt Gingrich can beat Barack Obama merely by debating him. They are delusional.

Christian Conservatives Have A Very Selective Memory Of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan wasn’t really much a of a “Christian Conservative.”

Newt’s Grandiose Thoughts

A Selection Of Speaker Gingrich’s Thoughts Over The Years

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Is Jon Huntsman the Future of the Republican Party?

The former Utah governor will almost certainly never be the GOP nominee. But someone like him will be soon.

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

Mitt Romney “Wins” Iowa By Eight Votes, Santorum A Very Close Second

It was a photo finish in the Hawkeye State.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

Finally, It’s Caucus Day; Plus, A Prediction

After almost a year of campaigning, it’s finally time for someone to cast a vote.

The 2012 Election And “The Soul Of The Country”

Mitt Romney said the other day that the 2012 Election is about “the soul of the country.” This is most assuredly not true.

Debunking Yet Another Obama-Clinton Fantasy, Two of Them Actually

Once again, people are engaging in largely mindless speculation involving Hillary Clinton.

A Two Man Race In Iowa, Or Still Room For A Breakthrough?

Right now, Iowa is all about Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and a bunch of also-rans.

Newt Gingrich, You’re No Ronald Reagan

Like many Republicans before him, Newt Gingrich is trying to claim the mantle of Reagan. He is the one least entitled to it.

Republicans Clash At The (Thankfully) Final Debate Of 2011

The final candidate clash of 2011 didn’t lead to the sparring that some expected.

Ron Paul Won’t Be The Nominee, Much Less President

Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. He’s in 3rd place in the national polls and has been for most of the race. He’s not Mitt Romney.

On Gingrich, The Palestinians, And “Invented People”

Newt Gingrich’s comments about Palestinian nationhood came up during last night’s debate.

Does It Really Matter That Iran Captured One Of Our Drones? Maybe Not

While unfortunate, the loss of an RQ-170 drone over Iran may not be the intelligence disaster some make it out to be.

Gingrich Takes Fire At Iowa Debate, Romney Misfires

This time, it was Newt Gingrich who walked away unscathed from a Republican Presidential debate.

Barack Obama Tries To Channel Teddy Roosevelt

Barack Obama now looks to the Rough Rider himself for inspiration. Can’t he find it himself?

Surging In Iowa: Newt Gingrich, And Ron Paul?

Stranger things have happened.

Could Gingrich Win The GOP Nomination?

Could Newt Gingrich really become the Republican nominee? Stranger things have happened.

Manchester Union-Leader Endorses Newt Gingrich

It was a good day for Newt Gingrich, but will it matter in the end?

Newt Gingrich On Immigration: A Perry Moment?

Newt Gingrich spoke some truth on immigration last night, and that might hurt him with Republican voters.