Road Closures and Presidential Fundraising

Major metropolitan areas are routinely shut down for presidential fundraisers.

Has Romney Made His Veep Selection Already?

There are some indications that Mitt Romney may be ready to announce his running mate selection as early as this week.

John Boehner: I Can’t Make You Love Romney, Because Most Of America Won’t

John Boehner speaks an inconvenient, for Mitt Romney at least, truth.

June Jobs Report Brings Another Round Of Disappointment

With four months to go until Election Day, the Obama Campaign was greeted with a very dismal jobs report this morning.

Big Ben Renamed ‘Elizabeth Tower’

London’s iconic clock tower, known affectionately as “Big Ben” for some 150 years, has been renamed “Elizabeth Tower” in honor of QE2’s 60 years as royal figurehead.

George Will’s Less Than Lapidary Column

The 1976 Pulitizer prize winner is phoning it in.

Anti-Mormon Sentiment Increasing

The “Mormon Question” that has long plagued Mitt Romney is being raised again by a new study showing the sentiment rising among liberals and non-believers.

The Other Side Of The Neil Munro Story: Obama Doesn’t Take Many Questions

Neil Munro acted like a jerk, but Barack Obama needs to be more open to questions than he has been.

Lying and Political Campaigns

The Republican nominee gets some backhanded praise from an unlikely source, MoJo blogger Kevin Drum.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?

Wisconsin Post-Mortem: Winners, Losers, And What Comes Next

What lessons can we draw from the Wisconsin Recall?

Obama Donor Dropoff

87% of those who gave at least $200 to Barack Obama in 2008 have not yet done so in 2012.

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

George W. Bush Portrait Unveiled

The official portrait of George W. Bush, the 43rd president, was unveiled at the White House yesterday. The ceremony was a rare display of political humor and grace.

Republican Foreign Policy Establishment Worried About Romney?

The New York Times finds some infighting among old Republican foreign policy hands.

Does It Matter If A Presidential Candidate Never Served In The Military?

For the first time in 68 years, neither major party candidate for President has served in the military. Does this matter?

Another Prominent Conservative Takes On The New Right

Michael Fumento becomes the latest prominent conservative to criticize what conservatism has become.

Presidential Race Still Incredibly Close, And Likely To Stay That Way

The margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romeny is razor-thin, and it’s likely to stay that way for quite some time.

Colin Powell and Political Opportunism

Jennifer Rubin accuses Colin Powell of political opportunism for hedging on whether to renew his endorsement of Barack Obama.

Whites Now Minority of American Births: So What?

White babies now constitute slightly less than half of American births.

Do Businessmen Make Good Presidents?

The Oval Office is nothing like a corporate boardroom.

Is Mitt Romney Running Against Barack Obama, Or Jimmy Carter?

He may be running against Barack Obama, but Mitt Romney seems to mention Jimmy Carter a lot.

Romney/Huckabee 2012?

All of a sudden, people are talking about Mike Huckabee as a potential Romney running mate.

Austerity And Pessimism Won’t Win Elections

Optimism sells. Someone should remind the GOP of this fact.

April Jobs Report Disappointing To Say The Least

Once again, the jobs market appears to be slowing.

The bin Laden Raid And The 2012 Elections

Osama bin Laden’s death provides Barack Obama with an important political shield during the upcoming campaign.

How Risky Was the Osama bin Laden Raid?

We seldom blame presidents for bold actions that go wrong. We despise them for appearing weak and indecisive.

Romney Leads Obama in 3 Latest Polls

Fox, Rasmussen, and Gallup show Romney slightly ahead of Obama. I’m willing to call it a trend.

Do Americans Really Want A President Who “Feels Our Pain”?

We need a lot less fake empathy in politics.

Rick Santorum Suspending Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Rick Santorum to kick around anymore.

Where Have the Thoughtful Conservatives Gone?

OTB’s comment section as a microcosm of the American political landscape.

DOJ Responds To Fifth Circuit On Judicial Review

Unsurprisingly, the Department of Justice confirms that it supports Marbury v. Madison

A Conservative For Tax Increases

A crack in the orthodoxy?

ObamaCare At The Supreme Court, Day Two: The Mandate Under The Microscope

It seems to have been a rough day for the individual mandate at the Supreme Court.

Vetting A Running Mate In A Post-Palin World

The vetting process for a Vice-Presidential running mate will likely be very different with memories of the Sarah Palin debacle fresh in everyone’s mind.

Santorum Scores Meaningless Win In Louisiana

Rick Santorum won Louisiana last night, but he’s still going to lose the race for the nomination.

How Do You Defeat An Incumbent President?

The odds are against anyone who challenges an incumbent President. So, how do you do it?

No, Newt Gingrich Isn’t Going To Drop Out

It looks like we’ll have Newt Gingrich to kick around for awhile.