Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

Yes, Rush Limbaugh Is A Jerk

Many on the right seem unwilling to condemn clearly offensive remarks by Rush Limbaugh

The Myth Of The Republican Savior

There is no Republican savior out there.

Twilight Of The RINOs?

The GOP Establishment is in crisis, but it has nobody to blame but itself.

The First Amendment Makes Rick Santorum Want To Vomit

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of religion in public life are built on lies about American history.

Rick Santorum And Conservative Anti-Intellectualism

A man who has three degrees from three public universities considers the President of the United States a “snob.”

Rick Santorum Gets It Wrong On The Role Of Religion In Politics

Rick Santorum would do well to listen to the words of the last Catholic to be President of the United States.

The GOP’s Increasingly Weird Delegate Math

It’s looking increasingly unlikely that anyone will have the race for the nomination wrapped up any time soon.

Bureaucracy Killing DC’s Movie Industry

The DC government’s incompetence knows no bounds.

Sarah Palin: Attacks On Gingrich Are Stalinist And “Alinskyite”

Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and she hasn’t officially endorsed anyone, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her thumb on the scale.

A Party on the Brink

Are the Republicans the party of Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich? Or a viable contender for the White House?

Why Rick Perry Failed

We won’t have Rick Perry to kick around anymore.

Andrew Sullivan: What Obama’s Critics On The Left And Right Are Missing

Conservatives are rejecting Andrew Sullivan’s Newsweek essay out of hand, but they ought to pay attention to what he’s saying.

How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

The GOP’s Ridiculous Appeasement Argument

To Republicans, even thinking about engaging in diplomacy is enough to accuse the President of appeasement.

The 2012 Election And “The Soul Of The Country”

Mitt Romney said the other day that the 2012 Election is about “the soul of the country.” This is most assuredly not true.

Richard Lugar: Tea Party Cost GOP Senate Control In 2010

Facing his own Tea Party challenge, Richard Lugar reminds Republicans of an uncomfortable truth.

Please, Let The “New Candidate” Speculation End Already

One of these people will be the 2012 Republican nominee for President no matter how much you’d like to dream otherwise.

Gingrich 2012: Will The GOP End Up Nominating The Unelectable Candidate?

Newt Gingrich is leading the GOP field, but losing to President Obama, but Republican voters don’t seem to care.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

Republicans Shying Away From Attacking Obama Personally

GOP officials are reluctant to resurrect the personal attacks against the President used during the 2008 campaign.

Michael Bloomberg For President? Why?

Once again, pundits are suggesting that New York’s Michael Bloomberg might run for President. Though nobody seems to be able to explain why.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Is the Media Sexist? Or Just Banal?

Doug Feith’s replacement is prettier and softer spoken.

A Brit Defends America’s Presidential Selection Process

From across the pond, an observation that the way we pick Presidents isn’t really that bad after all.

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Harassment Allegations Having Little Initial Impact On Herman Cain’s Poll Numbers

So far, Hermain Cain seems to be doing okay in the polls.

The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

Are Pundits Underestimating Herman Cain?

Would Republicans really be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain?

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Media Coverage of the Candidates

Rick Perry has gotten the most and best coverage thus far in the campaign. President Obama has gotten mostly negative coverage.

Think Before Running For President

Byron York argues that the lesson of Rick Perry’s candidacy is “Think before you run.”

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.

Rick Perry Playing The Sarah Palin “Victim Card”

Rick Perry seems to be picking up where Sarah Palin left off.

Herman Cain: New Republican Frontrunner?!

Herman Cain is leading Mitt Romney in two respected polls.