Men With Shaved Heads: Stronger, Taller, More Dominant But Older and Less Attractive

Albert Mannes shaved his head when he started to go bald. Now, he has done research showing it was a wise decision.

Is Algebra Hurting America?

Andrew Hacker argues that, while quantitative skills are “critical for informed citizenship and personal finance,” making kids master algebra to graduate high school has disastrous consequences.

Enrollment Drops In Nation’s Largest School Districts, Educators Still Wedded To The Past

As public education continues to wallow in the past, some parents are looking elsewhere for alternatives.

What’s ‘Appropriate’ Office Attire?

Have Americans taken casual wear at the office too far? Most Americans seem to think so.

The Heart of the Bain Story?

Isn’t the bottom line here that Romney and his campaign just screwed up?

No, We Don’t Need To Bring Back The Draft

Once again, a pundit has come up with the boneheaded idea of reinstating the draft.

Creative Class Myth Debunked?

Does talent spawn growth? Or does growth attract talent?

Mitch Daniels Next Purdue President: Is He Qualified?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will become president of Purdue University upon completion of his term in January. The faculty is apprehensive because Daniels has not had an academic career.

Belief in God Low Among Young Americans

A third of Americans under the age of 30 doubt the existence of God, compared to 14 percent 25 years ago.

Are Special Forces Special Enough?

US Army Special Forces are the best we have at working with far-flung villagers. Are they good enough?

The End Of The Debate Over Evolution?

Will more knowledge bring an end to the public debate over evolutionary theory? Don’t count on it.

Teaching the Federalist Papers

If we taught the Federalist Papers more rigorously would that lead to a shared view of the constitution?

Mitch Daniels Was Right About The Social Issues Truce

Republicans should have listened to Mitch Daniels, because he was right.

Where Have the Thoughtful Conservatives Gone?

OTB’s comment section as a microcosm of the American political landscape.

Dumb Jocks and Student-Athlete Propaganda

The student-athlete fairytale is true. Except where you would reasonably expect it to be a lie.

Do College Professors Work Enough?

David C. Levy argues college professors at teaching universities are overpaid because they don’t put in enough hours.

World’s Top Universities

Seven of the top ten and fifteen of the top twenty universities on the planet are American.

Major Robert J. Marchanti II, RIP

The Pentagon has released the name of the US Army National Guard major murdered in an Afghan ministry this weekend.

Paying Adjunct Professors Like Real Professors

The MLA is pushing to guarantee adjunct professors $40,000 a year.

Reviving American Manufacturing

Contrary to myth, the USA is still a major manufacturing power. But the factory has changed radically.

Don’t Know Much About The French I Took

Most people forget most of what they learn in school. Should we call the whole thing off?

A Classically Conservative Argument on Same-Sex Marriage

Maggie Gallagher’s anti-gay marriage argument is an example of pure conservative thinking.

Florida Bill Would Ban Food Stamps For ‘Unhealthy’ Food

Once again, a government entity thinks the average person is too dumb to take care of themselves.

Obama, Contraceptives, And The Catholic Vote

Will the Obama Administration’s decision on contraceptive coverage by the Catholic Church have an impact in November?

Makers vs. Takers Redux

Revisiting a lively debate from over the weekend.

ObamaCare, The Catholic Church, And Religious Liberty

Requiring a religious institution to comply with civilian laws is not a violation of religious liberty.

Newt’s Grandiose Thoughts

A Selection Of Speaker Gingrich’s Thoughts Over The Years

More on Newt Gingrich’s Academic Career

Newt constantly lays claim to the title “historian” and asserts it as evidence of his insights and as a qualification for office. As such, the quality of the claim matters.

Republicans Clash In The Battle Of Myrtle Beach

Mitt Romney’s rivals scored a few hits on him last night, but nothing that’s likely to make a difference.

Supreme Court Upholds Religious Exemption To Employment Discrimination Laws

A far-reaching decision from the Supreme Court protecting religious liberty.

It’s A Socialist Life?

One conservative contends that George Bailey is teaching America the wrong lessons.

The Virginia Primary Ballot and the Absurdity of the System

Several candidates did not submit a completed application on time to qualify for Virginia’s Republican primary ballot.

Rick Perry Declares War On The First Amendment

In a desperate bid to save a floundering campaign, Rick Perry is willing to sacrifice important freedoms.

Newt Gingrich, “Academic”

Trying to construct Gingrich’s c.v.

Why College Graduates Don’t Write Good

Michael Ellsberg argues that “Trying to Learn Clear Writing in College is Like Trying to Learn Sobriety in a Bar.”

Think Before Running For President

Byron York argues that the lesson of Rick Perry’s candidacy is “Think before you run.”

Wall Street Won’t Fix Our Problems

American has real economic and social problems. But the solution in on Capitol Hill, not Wall Street.

Elizabeth Warren’s Flawed Social Contract

Elizabeth Warren has a deeply flawed view of our social contract.

Graduate Students Unprepared for Graduation?

A consultant for would-be academics, says she wouldn’t have a job if professors would do theirs.

Arizona’s War Against Unacceptable Accents

Should it matter if a teacher has an accent?