Posts by Doug Mataconis

Doug Mataconis
About Doug Mataconis
Doug Mataconis held a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers University and J.D. from George Mason University School of Law. He joined the staff of OTB in May 2010 and contributed a staggering 16,483 posts before his retirement in January 2020. He passed far too young in July 2021.

Barack Obama Continues To Vote “Present” On Same-Sex Marriage

Not exactly an example of moral leadership.

The Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

House and Senate Republicans are pushing a Balanced Budget Amendment. It sounds like a good idea, but it isn’t.

Sixth Circuit Upholds Constitutionality Of Affordable Care Act

The first Appeals Court decision on the Affordable Care Act was a victory for the government.

Obama Is President, But Is He A Leader?

Barack Obama’s leadership style may be his undoing.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?

Tim Pawlenty’s Foreign Policy Speech And The Neocon Distortion Of Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Tim Pawlenty’s foreign policy speech shows him siding with the hawks, and joining in the neocon distortion of Reagan’s legacy.

Gallup Discovers The Obvious: Religious Americans More Likely To Be Republican

A new Gallup poll discovers something rather obvious, but there’s still a lesson for the GOP.

What Obama Could Learn From Nixon

One foreign policy analyst argues that President Obama should look to Nixon’s Vietnam withdrawal strategy for ideas on Afghanistan.

Is A Three-Term Congresswoman Who’s Never Sponsored A Law Ready For The White House?

The odds of history are against Michele Bachmann.

David Frum: I Was Wrong To Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

A former opponent of same-sex marriage admits he was wrong.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Parts Of Arizona Campaign Finance Law

Another major campaign finance case from the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court: Government Cannot Ban Violent Video Games For Children

The Supreme Court struck down a ban on the sale of violent video games to children, a victory for the First Amendment and parental authority.

Fox’s Chris Wallace Takes Heat For Asking Michele Bachmann “Are You A Flake?”

A Tea Party favorite gets asked a tough question,and a Fox News host finds himself forced to apologize.

Andrew Cuomo 2016?

The passage of a new same-sex marriage law has Democrats talking about Andrew Cuomo.

Romney, Bachmann Nearly Tied In New Iowa Poll

The first Des Moines Register poll is out.

Federal Judge Blocks Indiana Law To Defund Planned Parenthood

A setback for Planned Parenthood opponents.

New York State Senate Passes Same-Sex Marriage Law

A victory for marriage equality in the Empire State.