Was Donovan McNabb Traded Because He Was Black?

A renowned sports economist argues that black quarterbacks are treated differently than their white counterparts.

Giving Bin Laden What He Wants?

Ted Koppel thinks our actions since 9/11 have helped Osama bin Laden fulfill his goals. He couldn’t be more wrong.

Blog Comments a Tragedy of the Commons

Comments sections on larger blogs seem inevitably to turn into cesspools. Is it worth trying to stop it happening?

What the Framers Meant Part Two: Return of the Federalist Papers

Both the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, impressive as they are, must be understood in terms of not just applied political philosophy, but practical politics as well.

What The Framers Meant

Is our Federal system a mere political compromise? Or were the Founding Fathers visionaries with a plan?

God Did Not Create Universe: Stephen Hawking

The world’s smartest scientist says there is no god. Or, at least, no need for one.

Obama’s Citizenship and the Chain of Command

Civilian control of the military means, oddly, that civilians control the military. And it means precisely that the military does not get to decide which civilians run the country.

Republicans Need To Ask For A Mandate

If Republicans stick to their current (apparent) game plan and just run on not being Democrats, they will have neither a mandate to repeal Obamacare, et al, nor the will.

Despite Successful Endorsements, Palin’s Own Prospects Remain Dim

Sarah Palin has done pretty well at helping Republicans win primaries this year, but her own political popularity isn’t any better than it was after she left office last year.

The Politics of Crowd Estimates

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally raises, yet again, the tiresome fight over crowd estimates and their political significance.

Geography and the American Military

The Army and its officer corps are becoming increasingly Southern and rural. Is this a bad thing? If so, what can we do about it?

Repeal the 17th Amendment?

Why would returning to the system of allowing state legislatures to choose Senators improve representation?

Mosque Opponents: Bigots, Opportunists, and Krauthammer

The only reasons Michael Kinsley can conjure for opposing the Park51 project are bigotry and political opportunism. Unless you’re a really smart columnist.

“Ground Zero Mosque” Debate: Distraction, Or Fundamentally Important ?

Glenn Greenwald argues that the “Ground Zero Mosque” debate is about more than just a “mosque” near Ground Zero. He’s right, but that also means the debate is likely to get uglier.

Yes, Blaming one Group of Muslims for the Actions of Others is, by Definition, Scapegoating

Yes, when you blame one group of people for the actions of other, especially irrationally so, that qualifies as scapegoating.

25 Greatest Americans

The competition for 25 Greatest Americans was steep. Only 3/4 of Mount Rushmore made the cut.

Should We Be More Like Germany?

What do the critics mean when they say that the United States should be more like Germany?

Parking Space Economics

Free parking is a very inefficient use of land resources that wouldn’t exist without government mandates and subsidies. Is it time to end the practice?

Is The GOP Anti-Islamic ? No, But They Are Playing With Fire

The GOP is playing a dangerous game with the anti-Islamic rhetoric that it seems to be courting these days.

Worst Figures in American History

If you think Jimmy Carter is the Worst Figure in American History, you really need to read more.

DC Traffic Guide

A helpful guide to the pleasures of navigating our nation’s capital by car, bike, or foot.

What Happens If (When) Israel Bombs Iran

Every new report out of Iran seems to bring us closer to the moment when Israel has decided it’s heard enough. What happens if that day actually happens ?

Federal Workers Earn Twice Private Sector Counterparts?

The average federal government employee earns twice as much as the average private sector worker. An outrage? Not so much.

Gay Bar Near Mosque Near Ground Zero

Greg Gutfeld claims to be working to build a gay bar next door to the controversial Cordoba House Muslim cultural center a few blocks from Ground Zero.

Anti-Muslim Sentiment In America: It’s Not Just About A Mosque Near “Ground Zero”

Protests against mosques aren’t just limited to Manhattan. And that’s a problem.

Should Government Get Out Of Marriage Business?

Should we abandon the notion of civil marriage? Would doing so end the clash over homosexual unions?

Why Police Dog Shootings Provoke Outrage

Americans get apoplectic at stories of police officers shooting people’s pets but seem unphased when they shoot innocent human beings.

Birthright Citizenship Review

Senate Republicans want to rethink the 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship for people born in the U.S.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Against the Electoral College I: Disparity Amongst Citizens

The first in a multi-part series on the Electoral College.

Is Discrimination Against Christians Legal?

Can a public university expel a student for a religiously-motivated aversion to homosexuality?

Wonkery vs. Reality

The concentration of policy wonks in the Washington-New York-Boston corridor produces skewed analysis.

Etiquette In An Always-On World

Should we just accept that people are going to be on their iPhones and BlackBerries and redefine rudeness?

Balancing Secrecy and Democracy

“I don’t condone leaking secrets. But nor do I condone a policy that can only work in secret.” – Bernard Finel

Has The Internet Ruined Political Discourse ?

The Internet has given us many good things, but it’s also led to a decline in political discourse that we’d do well to reverse before it’s too late.

Banning Burqas Is A Bad Idea

The world would undoubtedly be a better place if Islamic fundamentalism reached even 19th century Western notions of individualism and gender equality. But cultures evolve over decades, and bans on their practices are not useful means of promoting positive change within them.

Not Every Soldier Is A “Hero”

Contrary to what you read on bumper stickers, retired Lt. Col William Astore argues that not every soldier is a hero. He’s right.

Is White Privilege A Myth?

Jim Webb argues that we should stop measuring diversity by race alone.

Conservative Media Bias

Conservatives have long complained about liberal media bias. But conservative media seems to be much worse.

Does Harvard Discriminate Against Whites?

Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.

Social Security and Life Spans

It’s a myth that the problem with Social Security is that people are living much longer after retirement than they used to. The reality is that a whole lot more people are living long enough to draw benefits.

How ObamaCare Could Kill Small Businesses With Paperwork

Yet another “hidden” provision of ObamaCare is revealed to hold nasty surprises for America’s small business owners.

Inception Busts Open The Doors Of Perception

Inception has imposed itself as the film to beat for Best Picture and, I would guess, will become the lodestone for “mind movies” for a generation. Don’t miss it.

Is Academic Publishing BS?

Most academic journal articles are unreadable dreck. So, why are we demanding that more of them be produced?

Human Brain Threat to Democracy?

The evidence that humans are irrational continues to mount. What does this mean for self-governance?

Federal Judge Declares Much of DOMA Unconstitutional

A district court judge has issued a ruling that could have wide ramifications for the question of same-sex marriage.

Soda Bans and Reductio Creep

San Francisco’s ban on sugary drinks is the latest example of nanny state reductio creep.

Why American Kids Don’t Know History

A lot of Americans don’t know that the US gained its independence from Great Britain. How can this be? Is it a liberal conspiracy?

Almost Everything You Know About The Supreme Court Is Wrong

Not surprisingly, American’s partisan views on the Supreme Court are pretty much wrong.