Michele Bachmann’s “Stress-Related” “Incapacitating” Headaches Are Fair Game

A Presidential candidate’s medical condition is entirely relevant to their fitness for office.

False Choices and Health Care

The choice is not between British-style socialized medicine and a free market in health care.

Americans Support Public Smoking Ban

A majority of Americans want to ban smoking in public; a fifth want to ban it even in private.

Michelle Obama’s 1700 Calorie Meal

The First Lady is coming under fire for hypocrisy in her meal choices.

Helmetless Rider Dies Protesting Motorcycle Helmet Law

A rider in a protest against motorcycle helmet laws crashed his motorcycle and died from head injuries he would have survived had he been wearing a helmet.

Marilyn Monroe Was NOT a Size 12!

It’s often said that 1950s sex symbol Marilyn Monroe was a size 12. It just isn’t so.

Caffeine Makes Us Feel Better

Yet another study shows that people who drink diet soda actually gain weight. But it probably doesn’t matter, since that’s not why people drink them.

Not All Abortions Are Legal

Desperate women are finding some horrific ways to terminate their pregnancies. Some are being arrested for it.

Two Ridiculous Defenses of the Ryan Medicare Plan

Arguments for the Ryan Plan that characterize it as being “against bureaucracy” are apparently oblivious to the fact that private health insurance is full of bureaucracy.

Doctors Becoming More Liberal?

America’s physicians are becoming more liberal in response to changing working conditions.

Elderly Patients Dying Of Thirst In British Hospitals

The Care Quality Commission has found widespread neglect of elderly patients in the British National Health Service.

ObamaCare Is Working As Advertised to Increase the Number of Insured

Even before the individual mandate kicks in, the ACA has added hundreds of thousands of people to health insurance rolls.

More on Coffee, the Wonder Drink

Drinking large amounts of coffee may ward off prostate cancer.

George Will at 70

George Will reflects on turning 70.

Pesticide Exposure Leads to Lower IQs in Children

A survey of three studies demonstrates consistently that exposure to certain pesticides used in farming diminishes mental development.

Sitting is Killing You

Donald Rumsfeld famously worked standing up. He was on to something.

Zsa Zsa Gabor Trying to Have Kid at 94

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s 67-year-old husband says he and the 94-year-old actress are seeking to have a child through a surrogate.

Applebee’s Serves Toddler Alcohol Instead of Juice

A 15-month-old was accidentally served a mixed drink instead of apple juice.

Sleep When You’re Dead and Get Ahead

For a small group of people—perhaps just 1% to 3% of the population—sleep is a waste of time.

The War On Happy Meals Reaches New York City

The war on childhood fun reaches the East Coast.

The World Hates Fatties

Prejudice and negative attitudes towards obese individuals is becoming a global norm, not just an American phenomenon.

Clipper Players Paid For Coach’s Surgery

Players from the Los Angeles Clippers chipped in to pay for the surgery of assistant coach Kim Hughes back in 2004. It’s been a secret until now.

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Prevent Abortions

PP’s intensive effort to recast itself as a preventer of abortions doesn’t bear scrutiny.

Congressman David Wu Urged to Get Psychiatric Help

Oregon Congressman David Wu was showing signs of mental breakdown during his recent re-election campaign.

Government: Eat Less

The federal government’s newest dietary guidelines have finally stated that which has long been between the lines: Americans eat too damn much food.

Line of the Day

Jack LaLanne Dead at 96

Fitness guru Jack LaLanne has succumbed to the inevitable at the ripe old age of 96.

Michelle Obama “Linked” to Pedestrian Deaths

Pedestrian fatalities are up. Experts blame Michelle Obama.

Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care, Part III

Jared Loughner could have possibly been stopped, and treated, if someone had said something.

Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care, Part II

We really need a better understanding of mental health disorders in this county, and events like those over the weekend underscore this fact.

Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care

There’s a lesson to be drawn from the tragedy in Arizona, but it isn’t the one the media is talking about.

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

Age Slower: Exercise and Eat Well

Will you age slower if you exercise, eat well? A study conducted by German researchers says Yes. But maybe it just seems like you’re aging slower?

Why Does USA Outspend G7 on Healthcare?

The US has always outspent our G7 brethren on healthcare but the divergence has skyrocketed over the last three decades.

How The Federal Government Is Helping Make Americans Fatter

While health experts warn Americans to cut the amount of fat in their diet, the Federal Government helps businesses like Domino’s and Taco Bell promote high-fat products to the public.

72% of Blacks Born to Unwed Mothers

72 percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers today, compared to 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans.

Alcohol More Lethal Than Heroin and Cocaine!

Perhaps the dumbest study ever published in the Lancet compares the negative effects of alcohol and illicit drugs without controlling for incidence.