Republicans Resisting Democratic Efforts To Limit Exemptions From Vaccine Laws

As Democrats at the state level seek to limit the ability of parents to decline to vaccinate their children. they are facing resistance from Republican colleagues.

Trump ObamaCare Reversal Overruled AG and HHS Secretary

The decision to hand Democrats a victory and step on the good news from the Mueller report apparently came from the very top.

Medicare for All’s Unintended Consequences

What would it mean for the companies’ workers, the stock market and the cost of care?

Parkland Survivor Sydney Aiello Takes Her Own Life

Tragedy piled on top of tragedy.

On Personal Liberty And Vaccination

Mandatory vaccination laws raise personal liberty issues that ought to be taken seriously, but in the end, public health concerns weigh heavily in favor of laws mandating vaccination.

Battle Against Latest Ebola Epidemic Not Going Well

The response to the latest outbreak of the Ebola Virus has both succeeded and failed in several response.

Another Study Rebuts The Claim That Vaccinations Cause Autism

A decade-long study once again establishes that there is no link between childhood vaccination and autism.

U.S. Measles Cases Hit Another High

Measles cases in the United States are surging thanks to the lies spread by the anti-vaccination movement.

No, 52 Isn’t Too Young for a Stroke

Luke Perry’s death is a sad reminder.

Amazon Prime Removes Anti-Vax Documentaries

A powerful Congressman successfully pressured a media giant to pull content. We should be worried.

Retirement is Killing Our Infrastructure

Pensions and health care costs for the elderly are crowding out other vital spending.

Dad’s Stuff is Junk, Grandma’s Stuff is Treasure?

Does trash become treasure with time?

DC Government Passes Sweeping Emissions Standards

One of the strongest climate regulations in the country is almost certainly unconstitutional.

Federal Judge Rules Affordable Care Act Unconstitutional

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor contends that a recent change in tax law unravels the basis for the Supreme Court’s upholding of Obamacare.

Measles Cases Surged World Wide In 2017, Report Says

Despite aggressive vaccination efforts, measles cases surged worldwide last year. You can “thank” that anti-vaccination movement.

Jon Huntsman Reveals Cancer Diagnosis

The former Governor and Presidential candidate, and current Ambassador to Russia, reveals his diagnosis of Stage One Melanoma.

Anatomy and Gender

Science can’t precisely locate gender but it’s neither fully biological nor fully genetic.

Raging Measles Outbreak In Europe Tied To Anti-Vaccination Movement

Measles cases are on the rise in Europe due to the fact that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, people still believe the lies of the anti-vaccination movement.

Australia On Course To Wipe Out Cervical Cancer Due To HPV Vaccine

Thanks in large part to an aggressive public health education program and vaccination, Australia is on course to effectively eradicate cervical cancer.

Why Don’t People Listen To Evacuation Warnings?

As Hurricane Florence bears down on the East Coast, most people are listening to orders to evacuate, but some people aren’t.

Central African Ebola Outbreak Appears To Be Contained

An Ebola outbreak that started last month in Central Africa appears to be contained. You can thank an aggressive vaccination campaign for that.

U.S. Suicide Rates Soaring

There are twice as many suicides as homicides in America.

Anthony Bourdain Commits Suicide

Days after designer Kate Spade killed herself, depression has claimed another celebrity.

Thanks To Vaccination, Polio Could Be Eradicated Worldwide Within A Year

An aggressive worldwide vaccination program has brought us to the point where we may soon be able to declare the eradication of Polio. That is a great thing and another argument against the anti-vaxxers.

Central African Ebola Outbreak Hits A Major City

The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo has reached a major urban center.

Melania Trump Undergoes Kidney Surgery, Will Be Hospitalized Until End Of Week

A surprise announcement about the First Lady.

Harry Reid Undergoes Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer

The former Senate Majority Leader had surgery in Maryland after an apparently early diagnosis.

Ebola Making A Reappearance In Africa

Ebola is making a reappearance in Central Africa.. Will the world be better prepared this time?

Bolton Dismantles White House Global Health Security Team

The National Security Advisor has broken up the team that manages global epidemics for no apparent reason.

This Is Your Government on Drugs

Ronny Jackson did not invent the practice of giving Ambien and Provigil to high-level government workers.

Hawaii Legalizes Physician-Assisted Suicide

Late last week, Hawaii became the seventh state and eighth major American jurisdiction to legalize assisted suicide.

It Turns Out ‘Eating Right’ Isn’t Complicated

There are no magic foods. Cleanses are unnecessary and probably unhealthy. But we’re still eating a diet high in crap we know we shouldn’t eat.

Doctors Paid By Big Pharma for Prescribing Opioids

The industry is using speaker fees to reward physicians who prescribe the most.

Dentists Dying of Mysterious Lung Disease

An estimated 200,000 Americans have Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Dental professionals are 23 times more likely to be afflicted.

Most People Don’t Care About Daylight Saving Time

A majority of Americans say their lives are not “disrupted” by the time change. They’re wrong.

Is Fear of School Shootings Irrational?

Kids are more likely to be killed driving to school than shot while there. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try and prevent them.

VA Care for All?

Dave Schuler argues the US would have a much better healthcare system if we had modeled it on VA clinics rather than private insurance.

75% Of The Children Who Have Died From The Flu Weren’t Vaccinated

Thanks for nothing, anti-vaxxers.

Preventative Care Doesn’t Save Money

A longstanding claim—that I myself believed to be true—is that spending money on preventative care like regular checkups would save money in the long run by catching health issues before they become acute. The evidence does not support this.

Tom Petty Died of Accidental Overdose

Last October, legendary rocker Tom Petty died of a heart attack, at the relatively young age of 66. The medical examiner has now attributed this to an accidental overdose of prescription drugs.

Sanders Introducing Quixotic Medicare-for-All Bill

Sixteen Senators are backing a single-payer system. Another forty-four to go.

freddie deboer checking in and checking out

A public intellectual is getting the help he needs.

Senate GOP Delays Vote On Health Care Reform

A big setback for Republican efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare.

CBO Score Casts Even More Doubt On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

Once again, a bad CBO score is casting doubt on a Republican health care reform bill.

Measles Cases Soar In Minnesota Thanks To Anti-Vaccination Activists Targeting Somali Immigrants

Thanks to anti-vaccination activists spreading false propaganda, measles cases are hitting record highs among the Somali immigrant community in Minnesota.

Putting Health Care Policy in Comparative and Philosophical Perspective

The problem with all the replacement talk is that there is no evidence that the GOP pathways will work.

Key Republicans Pushing To Have Obamacare Replacement In Place Before Voting On Repeal

With repeal of the Affordable Care Act now likely sooner rather than later, key Republicans are urging the party to have a replacement in place before repeal is voted on.

Clinton Health Scare Raises Questions

Clinton stumbles and leaves an event early, leading to the news that her campaign has been withholding health information from the press.

Should Presidential Candidates Be Required To Undergo Independent Medical Reviews?

Much like their predecessors, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have released only limited information about their health. It may be time for that to change.