Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless Occupy Olympia camp attracting homeless

Occupy Being Occupied

The tents at Occupy Wall Street are increasingly housing the homeless.

Occupy Wall Street Response to Cheating, Not Winning

Occupy Wall Street is not motivated by envy of the rich or even animus towards banks.

F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police

A video from Occupy Dayton in which a protestor is shouting “F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police!” is going viral.

Louisiana Makes It Illegal To Use Cash To Buy Used Goods

In Louisiana, that cash in your pocket is now worthless if you want to buy used goods.

The Right to Protest is Not Limitless

Legal guidelines for protestors.

Occupy The World – OWS Goes Global

Protests at least loosely affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement were conducted around the globe yesterday.

Zuccotti Park Cleanup Standoff

A plan to clean the park at the center of the Occupy Wall Street protests has been postponed.

California Allows Police To Search Mobile Phones Without A Warrant

California’s Governor has vetoed a bill that would have reversed a very misguided decision by that state’s Supreme Court.

Elizabeth Warren’s Flawed Social Contract

Elizabeth Warren has a deeply flawed view of our social contract.

Occupy Wall Street Not Our Arab Awakening

A meme is emerging that the Occupy Wall Street protests are America’s version of the Arab Awakening. That meme must die.

Wall Street Protesters Close Brooklyn Bridge

Some 700 protesters were arrested yesterday afternoon after they shut down the Brooklyn Bridge for 2-1/2 hours, apparently mistaking it for Wall Street.

Palestinians Present Statehood Application To United Nations

We may have entered a new and dangerous phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Despite Controversy And Doubt, Troy Davis Was Executed In Georgia Last Night

The execution of Troy Davis brings back to the forefront the reasons why the death penalty is inherently flawed.

Supreme Court To Rule On Warrentless GPS Tracking

In its upcoming term, the Supreme Court will examine the question whether police can track people via GPS without first obtaining a warrant.

A Decade of Lost Freedom

Measuring our progress a decade after the 9/11 attacks

The Absurdity Of Anti-Bullying Laws

The latest push for laws against bullying is another example of the Nanny State rum amok.

Prosecutors Ask Judge To Dismiss Charges Against Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Prosecutors as asking a Judge to dismiss all charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, because that’s their only option.

Libya Fight Reaches Tripoli

After months of fits and starts, it appears anti-Gaddafi forces are on the verge of victory.

Mitt Romney Is Right: Corporations Are [Made Up Of] People

Although he didn’t get the words quite right yesterday, Mitt Romney was exactly right about corporations.

Rich-Poor Divide

The Telegraph’s chief political commentator sees moral decay at the top as well as the bottom.

The Rights of Englishmen

What’s a little thing like freedom of speech when there are shops being looted and burned?

English Riots

Some thoughts on the riots (especially some US partisan responses to it).

Oslo Shooter Anti-Muslim Christian Extremist

The death toll in Norway’s deadliest day of terrorism is up to 91. The man behind it, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, is a frequent poster of anti-Muslim screeds on Christian fundamentalist websites.

Evidence Of Prosecutorial Misconduct In Casey Anthony Trial

Even if Casey Anthony had been convicted, there’s a good chance she would have won on appeal.

An Attempt at Unpacking the News Corp Scandal

I must confess to having only paid peripheral attention at first, but it is clear that there is a major story here that requires attention.

Dead Children Make For Bad Laws: The Case Against “Caylee’s Law”

The result in the Casey Anthony case is leading, inevitably, to a host of new proposed laws.

Casey Anthony And Some Thoughts On The Criminal Justice System

A Florida jury has found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her daughter. The criminal justice system works.

Mississippi Death Row Inmate Cory Maye To Be Freed, Thanks To Radley Balko

Cory Maye has spent ten years on death row after a trial tainted by racism and corruption. In a few days, he will be free.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn And “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

Further thoughts on Dominique Strauss-Kahn and our justice system.

Supreme Court: Government Cannot Ban Violent Video Games For Children

The Supreme Court struck down a ban on the sale of violent video games to children, a victory for the First Amendment and parental authority.

Weiner Admits Messaging with 17-Year-Old Girl

Where’s the line when a public figure interacts with a teenage fan?

Should We Care About Anthony Weiner’s Wiener?

So, Anthony Weiner is a lying dick. Does it matter?

Not All Abortions Are Legal

Desperate women are finding some horrific ways to terminate their pregnancies. Some are being arrested for it.

Ratko Mladic Arrested

Former Serbian commander Ratko Mladic has been arrested for alleged war crimes committed in the 1990s.

No Right to Resist Unlawful Police Entry: Indiana Supremes

For as long as the notion of individual rights has existed, one of them has been the sanctity one’s home. As of Thursday, that’s no longer true in Indiana.

Former Miss USA: I Was Molested By A TSA Agent In Dallas

Another case of TSA groping has hit the media.

Man Arrested for Singing Racist Song ‘Kung Fu Fighting’

Singing the 1974 Carl Douglas classic “Kung Fu Fighting” can get you arrested in England.

The Perils of Unsecured WiFi and Overzealous Law Enforcement

Yes, please secure your home networks. But also: perhaps the police need to reevaluate their tactics.