Why Congress Won’t Stop the Drone War

My latest for World Policy Review, “Oversight or Not, Drones Are Here to Stay,” has posted.

Boy, ABC News Really Messed Up Its Coverage Of The Colorado Shootings

Because of a culture where being first is more important than being right, ABC News made a few mistakes in its Friday morning coverage of the Colorado shootings.

On Politicizing Tragedy

Once again, the usual suspects are exploiting tragedy for political purposes.

12 Dead, At Least 50 Wounded In Mass Shooting At Colorado Movie Theater

Terror erupted in a Colorado movie theater early this morning.

Romney Campaign Tries To Change Subject, Goes On Offensive

The Romney campaign is trying to shift the narrative.

Suicides Surging Among American Troops

After a decade of war, suicides are surging among American troops.

Can’t Find the Suspect? Just Cuff Everyone!

Because, of course, the ends justify the means.

Presidential Race Still Incredibly Close, And Likely To Stay That Way

The margin between Barack Obama and Mitt Romeny is razor-thin, and it’s likely to stay that way for quite some time.

It’s Too Early To Talk About Dropping The Charges Against George Zimmerman

Alan Dershowitz thinls the charges against George Zimmerman should be dropped. With due apologies to the good Professor, he’s wrong.

Family of Alleged Romney Bullying Victim Denies Knowledge of Incident

There may be reason to doubt reports alleging that Mitt Romney engaged in vicious bullying of a gay classmate as an 18-year-old prepster.

Yes, Biden Did Force Obama’s Hand on Same-Sex Marriage

How the Vice-President’s comment’s on Meet The Press led to an historic Presidential announcement.

Obama: Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal

The same-sex marriage pivot that everyone was expecting has come.

White House Same-Sex Marriage Games

The White House is playing a game that few people are buying.

Romney’s Gay Ex-Spokesman

Ruthlessly avoiding fights that aren’t worth the risk is shrewd leadership. But Romney still needs to show he can fight and win.

Openly Gay Romney Aide Resigns Amid Furor From Social Conservatives

Richard Grenell’s time as Mitt Romney’s foreign policy spokesman lasted less than a month. The fact that he’s gay appears to be the reason it ended.

George Zimmerman Granted Bail At $150,000

An unusual proceeding, but an unsurprising result.

Hilary Rosen, Foster Freiss, And The Permanent Campaign Silly Season

Thanks to a media that focuses obsessively on irrelevancies, we now have a permanent political silly season.

Rick Santorum’s Delegates

Now that Rick Santorum is out of the race, what happens to his delegates?

Republicans Backing Away From Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage?

The GOP seems to be backing away from a position on same-sex marriage that was a prominent part of its message only a short time ago.

An Object Lesson In Why You Shouldn’t Rush To Judgment In The Trayvon Martin Case

A news report today provides an excellent lesson in why all the rushing to judgment in the Martin/Zimmerman case is a mistake.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Etch-a-Sketch

For a change, President Obama and not one the Republican contenders to replace him has gotten into trouble for accidentally speaking the truth.

Law Firm Fires 14 For Wearing Orange

When I saw the YahooNews headline “Law firm fires 14 employees for wearing orange shirts,” I naturally presumed it had something to do with St. Patrick’s Day. As it turns out, it’s even dumber than that.

Murder or Self-Defense: Florida Case Raises Questions

George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin met on the night of February 27th. Martin died, and a firestorm has erupted.

Russian Troops In Syria?

Russia may be getting more involved in the Syrian conflict.

Gas Prices Hurting Obama In The Polls, But Will It Matter In November?

Rising fuel prices are starting to hurt the President in the polls, but it’s unclear what that means for November.