Republicans Continue To Have An Image Problem

The GOP’s image problems continue

Jake Tapper Moves to CNN

Jake Tapper is moving to CNN, where he’ll host a daily show and run their political coverage.

Obama Administration Sending Mixed Signals On Marijuana

President Obama’s recent statements on the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington are not consistent with his own Administration’s policies.

Shots Fired At Connecticut Elementary School, Multiple Deaths Reported

Apparent tragedy at a Connecticut Elementary School.

Republicans Ignoring Political Reality In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

From a political point of view, the GOP’s position on taxes makes no sense at all.

Hostess CEO: We’re Already Hearing From People Who Might Buy Our Brands

Reports of the Twinkie’s death have been exaggerated.

Are Republicans Finally Realizing Their Immigration Problem?

Republicans are starting to talk about immigration reform, but do they really mean it?

The Fight Against Obamacare Died On Election Night

Any chance that the Affordable Care Act will be repealed died with the re-election of Barack Obama. But, there are other fights to come.

Presidential Race ‘Tight’ in Meaningless National Polls [UPDATED]

A week out from the election, President Obama is a heavy favorite to win re-election. But the major press continues to pretend otherwise.

Romney Has An Advantage Among Independents

Mitt Romney has an advantage among self-identified Independents that makes writing him off at this point inadvisable.

Obama Attended VP Debate Moderator’s Wedding

Barack Obama attended Martha Raddatz’ wedding. Now, she’s moderating the VP debate. Conspiracy!

Romney’s Post-Debate Poll Bump

Mitt Romney has gotten a bump in the polls from Wednesday debate, but it’s still too early to say if it means anything.

“Shocking” Obama Video Turns Out To Be Not So Shocking

A five year old “shocking” video of President Obama speaking to a group of African-American ministers proves to be not very shocking at all.

Are The Polls Biased Against Mitt Romney?

Many on the right are heavily invested in the argument that current polling is intentionally biased against Mitt Romney. Their argument is not very plausible.

The White House’s Libya Narrative Has Collapsed

The Administration’s narrative regarding the attack that resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens no longer holds water.

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.

TSA Detains Woman Over ‘Attitude’

TSA agents detained a woman for having the audacity to drink her water rather than hand it over for testing.

An Attack On Iran Would Be A Major, Mistaken, War

An attack on Iran’s nuclear program would be far more complicated than a one-off attack.

When Compromise Is Impossible

The President Obama lost his cool with Speaker Boehner on debt negotiations is not nearly as important as the underlying reason a deal couldn’t be reached.

No, The Race Is Not Tied

Unless something changes, Obama remains the odds-on favorite to win.

Virgin Airlines Presumes All Men Are Child Molesters

Since most pedophiles are men, Virgin airlines naturally treats all men as potential pedophiles.

White House Press Corps Bristles As Obama Limits Access

It’s been two months since the President has taken questions from the reporters who cover him.

One Man’s Truth Is Another’s Outright Goddamned Lie

John Cole takes exception to my recent summary of recent Obama campaign highlight.

Do Voters Really Want A “Big Picture” Election?

Both campaigns seem to be focusing on an argument that the voters don’t want to hear.

Mitt Romney’s Favorability Problem Continues

Mitt Romney continues to have serious problems getting people to like him.

Ohio Military Voting, Media Framing, and Political Campaigns

Breaking: The American press often does a lousy job.

Will The Negative Press From Romney’s Foreign Tour Matter In November?

Romney’s foreign tour didn’t go quite as well as planned, but it’s unclear how much the minor gaffes will actually matter.