Al Franken’s Pay for War Gimmick

A comedian-turned-Senator makes some strong points about how America goes to war.

Obama Blames Media (And A Certain “Carnival Barker”) For Birther Nonsense

President Obama chided the media for paying too much attention to the birther issue, but his criticism was unwarranted.

NYT: Put Boots on the Ground in Libya

The NYT says it’s time for U. S. advisers and military air traffic controllers on the ground in Libya.

Syria Reveals The Moral Bankruptcy Of Obama’s Humanitarian Interventionism Doctrine

Events in Syria, and the world’s response to them, are revealing the moral bankruptcy of the justification for the war in Libya.

Obama vs. Pentagon on Libya

The Pentagon is frustrated that the Obama administration doesn’t “seem to understand what military force can and cannot do.”

Military-Academic Conflict

America’s war colleges have some problems but we can’t close them.

Pentagon Report “Doubts” Some Comments Attributed To McChrystal By Rolling Stone

A Pentagon investigation was unable to verify some of the comments attributed to General Stanley McChrystal in Rolling Stone last year. That doesn’t mean he’s been cleared, though.

Women in Combat: Changing Rules for the Wrong Reasons?

It may be time to change rules keeping women out of combat roles. But “fairness” isn’t the right question.

This Budget Cutting Thing is Hard

To borrow a phrase: budgeting is the science of muddling through (with an emphasis on the “muddling” far more than the “science.”

Petraeus Predicted Afghanistan Debacle in 1987

David Petraeus’ 1987 PhD dissertation:After all, if a country with relatively few public opinion concerns or moral compunctions about its tactics cannot beat a bunch of ill-equipped Afghan tribesmen, what does that say about the ability of the United States — with its domestic constraints, statutory limitations, moral inhibition, and zealous investigative reporters — to carry out a successful action against a guerrilla force?

Transparency and National Security

Should transparency stop at the water’s edge?

Gates Hints U.S. Could Stay In Iraq, But It Looks Like The Iraqis Don’t Want Us

Defense Secretary Gates hinted this week that the U.S. would stay in Iraq if the Iraqis wanted. It doesn’t seem like they do.

Cynical Political Games, Military Pay, And Government Shutdowns

For the past day or so, America’s fighting men have been pawns in a cynical political game.

Terry Jones and What We’re Fighting For

The duty to defend “hateful, extremely disrespectful, and enormously intolerant” expression.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Kleinfelds of New YorkDelhi Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Burning Korans vs Low Cut Blouses

“She asked for it” is no longer an acceptable argument in rape cases. So, why is a preacher in Florida burning a book being condemned by American political and military leaders for a days-long murder spree in Afghanistan?

Blame The Afghan Rioters For Murder, But Condemn The Demagogues Too

The only people responsible for the murders in Afghanistan are the people who committed them, but the demagogues like Terry Jones deserve condemnation as well.

Terry Jones and the Afghan Riots

A discussion on Terry Jones’ moral culpability for the crazed reaction in Afghanistan to his Koran burning stunt.

Terry Jones Not Responsible For Afghanistan Rampage

If we allow the possible reaction of the most dogmatic, evil people who might hear the message to govern our expression, we don’t have freedom at all.

Afghanistan’s Tet Offensive?

Todays’ horrific attack on the UN complex in Mazar-i Sharif may well the the Tet Offensive of Afghanistan: a relatively minor event that permanently changed the American public’s view of the war.

Foreign Policy and Elections

Politicians in office have a nasty habit of behaving completely differently than they promise on the campaign trail.

Libya and the Intervener’s Dilemma

President Obama has pledged no slaughter and no ground troops for Libya. He may well be forced to pick one.

The Obama Doctrine: Humanitarian Imperialism

The “Obama Doctrine,” such as it is, seems to boil down to moral self-certainty combined with a glaring ignorance of reality. That’s a dangerous combination.

Obama Libya Speech Post-Mortem

Ten days after sending American forces into kinetic military action in Libya, President Obama addressed the nation to explain “what we’ve done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.”

Libyan War Coalition One Of The Smallest In Decades

President Obama’s grand coalition against Libya is a lot less than meets the eye.

Libya Exit Strategy

Tom Ricks doesn’t understand why we need an exit strategy in Libya.

Why They Fought

Humorous take on America’s wars.

Libya And The White House: What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

The public, and Congress, are skeptical of the mission in Libya, and the reason for that is because the President has failed to tell us exactly why we’re there and what we’ll be doing.

Congress, The President, And War Powers Under The Constitution

Operation Odyssey Dawn has resurrected the eternal battle over what limits there are, and should be, on the President’s ability to use military force without Congressional authorization.

Where Did The Antiwar Movement Go?

The antiwar movement has been strangely silent despite the fact that U.S. foreign policy hasn’t really changed that much since Barack Obama became President.

Obama In South America: Nitpicking, Bad Optics, Or A Really Bad Idea?

Obama is visiting Brazil and Chile while American fighting men join the coalition against Libya.

America The Ignorant

Another survey shows that Americans don’t know much about their own history, but does it really matter?

An Irony About Libya

So much for not getting invaded…

March Madness

How many Americans are really even paying attention to the actions in Libya?

If Gaddafi Stays In Power, Then What’s The Point Of Intervention?

U.S. officials are making clear that the current mission in Libya may not lead to the end of Muammar Gaddafi’s rule. If that’s the case, then why are we there in the first place?

The Intervener’s Dilemma

There are many opportunities to go to war. Here’s a guide for choosing between them.

From NPR To Abortion Funding: Fiscal Conservatives Are Fighting Meaningless Battles

So far, the Republican House’s effort to cut back Federal spending isn’t very impressive.

Yet Another War

America is about to enter a third war in the Muslim world with no clear idea of the end game.