McConnell Pulls The Plug On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

With the defection of two more Senators, the latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act has gone down in flames.

Senate GOP Faces Another Make Or Break Week On Health Care Reform

The Senate GOP’s effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is headed for a bumpy ride.

North Korea Launches Another Ballistic Missile Test

More provocation from Pyongyang.

Sarah Palin Sues The New York Times For Defamation

Sarah Palin has filed a defamation suit against The New York Times alleging defamation in an Editorial linking her to the January 2011 shooting of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. From the facts alleged, she appears to have a good case.

Another Deplorable Trump Twitter Tirade

Once again, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to attack women, embarrass himself, and embarrass the nation he purports to represent.

CBO Score Casts Even More Doubt On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

Once again, a bad CBO score is casting doubt on a Republican health care reform bill.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Faces Crucial Week, And Many Doubts

The Senate GOP health care reform care bill faces a crucial week, and things aren’t looking good.

Senate Republicans Release Health Care Plan That Could Already Be Dead On Arrival

Senate Republicans released their proposed health care plan this morning, but it could already be doomed.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Donald Trump To Put His Narcissism On Display In The White House

Soon visitors to the White House will be able to see Donald Trump’s “yuge” election win on display for all to see.

House GOP Passes American Health Care Act On Party Line Vote

By the barest of margins, the House passed its bill repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, but the future of that bill is highly uncertain.

Canada On Track For Marijuana Legalization By Mid-2018

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party is set to follow through on a campaign promise.

Republicans Introduce Obamacare Replacement That Leaves Much To Be Desired

Whether you call it TrumpCare, RyanCare, or GOPCare, the Republican replacement for the PPACA isn’t very impressive.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Chaos Continues As Trump’s Labor Secretary Nominee Withdraws

The President’s choice for Labor Secretary withdrew his name from consideration yesterday, but this is just the latest example of what has been a transition that has largely consisted of fumble after fumble by the Trump team.

Republicans Looking At Plans To Break Up The Ninth Circuit

Independent of the current controversy surrounding President Trump’s immigration order, Republicans in Congress are looking at a plan to break up the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Betsy DeVos Confirmed As Secretary Of Education After Tie-Breaking Vote By Mike Pence

Despite two Republican defections, Betsy DeVos was confirmed today as Secretary of Education.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

An Excellent Question (The New Love for Assange)

What is the deal with the love-fest for Julian Assange?

California, Two Other States, Legalize Recreational Marijuana

The fight for marijuana legalization advances in California.

California, Four Other States, Set To Vote On Marijuana Legalization

If polls are any indication, voters are set to legalize marijuana in five more states on Tuesday.

Electoral College Wargames And Paths To Victory

A look at the Electoral College shows that It is far more likely that Hillary Clinton will win the election than that Donald Trump will.

Evan McMullin’s Presidential Campaign Not Going So Well

The “independent conservative” running for President is finding it hard to even get on the ballot.

Trump Campaign Shakeup

After weeks of bleeding, the Trump campaign is undergoing a shake up, but it’s unlikely to fix what’s really wrong.

Hillary Clinton Picks Tim Kaine As Her Running Mate

As expected, Hillary Clinton went with the ‘safe’ choice, and has selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.

California Will Vote On Marijuana Legalization In November

Californians are set to vote on marijuana legalization in November and, this time, it looks like it will pass.

Hoping For A Breakthrough, Libertarians Meet In Orlando To Pick A Nominee

With Republicans in Trump-induced disarray, Libertarians are meeting to pick their nominee and the hope that 2016 could be the year their party finally gets the attention it has craved for four decades.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Code Name: Mantis Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Sanders Wins In Wisconsin, But Clinton Remains In Control In The Race For Delegates

Bernie Sanders pulled off another win, but it puts him no closer to having a realistic chance of winning the nomination.

Two Republicans Backtrack On Support For Hearings For SCOTUS Nominee

Two Republicans who broke with their party to support hearings for Judge Merrick Garland have changed their minds and gotten back in line with the Senate GOP Caucus.

Bernie Sanders Sweeps Western Caucuses, But Hillary Controls The Race For Delgates

Bernie Sanders swept the Western Caucuses on Saturday, but Hillary Clinton remains in control in the delegate count.

Trump, Clinton Win Arizona, While Sanders And Cruz Capture Caucus Wins

As expected, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both scored big wins in Arizona, while Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders both continued to win caucus states.

Voters Head To Polls And Caucuses In Five States On ‘Super Saturday’

They haven’t gotten much attention, but there are five contests today as the 2016 nomination process continues to move forward.

Solid Jobs Growth For February, But Shadows Remain Hovering Over The Economy

February’s Jobs Report was relatively positive, but there are still shadows hovering over the economy as we head further into the year.

The Latest ‘Stop Trump’ Effort Is Probably Too Little, Too Late

A renewed internal GOP fight to stop Donald Trump seems to be doomed to fail.

Donald Trump Dominates Super Tuesday, Cruz And Rubio Say They’ll Continue To Fight On

As expected, Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, putting himself one step closer to becoming the Republican nominee for President.

Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Poised To Leave Opponents In The Dust On Super Tuesday

It’s Super Tuesday, and both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are likely to go a long way toward securing the nominations of their respective parties.

China, U.S. Agree On North Korea Sanctions That Are Unlikely To Accomplish Anything

Can anything restrain the North Koreans besides direct action by China? That’s unclear, but the new round of sanctions pending at the U.N. seem unlikely to accomplish much of anything.

Conservatives Double Down On ‘No Hearing, No Votes’ For SCOTUS Nominee

Conservatives are sending a message to Senate Republicans about the vacancy on the Supreme Court, and it may require them to initiate a suicidal game plan.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump

Sarah Palin is back, and she’s endorsing Donald Trump for the Republican nomination for President.

Experts Cast Doubt On North Korean Claim That It Tested Hydrogen Bomb

Experts are casting doubt on North Korea’s claim that it tested a thermonuclear device earlier this week.

Postal Service Bars Newspapers That Advertise Marijuana From The Mail, Even Where It’s Legal

The Post Office is saying that it will not accept for mail any publication that includes ad for marijuana, even in states where it has been legalized.

Internet Hoaxes Can’t Be Debunked Anymore

People don’t much care whether information supporting their prejudices is true.

Kim Jong Un Claims North Korea Has Thermonuclear Weapons, But It Probably Doesn’t

North Korea’s mercurial leader now claims to have thermonuclear weapons, but analysts are saying this is likely braggadocios nonsense.

Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump’s Anti-Muslim Bigotry

Sarah Palin has joined such luminaries as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke in endorsing Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim immigration plan.

Top Republican Adviser Tries To Help Down Ballot Candidates Prepare For Trump As Nominee

A leaked memo from a top Republican adviser tries to tell vulnerable Senate candidates how to deal with the possibility that they’ll be stuck with Trump on the top of the ticket.

Sarah Palin: Now That I Think About It, Katie Couric’s Questions Were Fair After All

Sarah Palin To The ‘Lamestream Media’: Never Mind

Bernie Sanders Wants To End The Federal Marijuana Ban, Conservatives Should Support Him

Senator Bernie Sanders wants to let states decide how to regulate marijuana, or to not regulate it at all if they choose. Intellectually honest conservatives should support his effort.