[Clarence Thomas] [Clarence Thomas]

Justice Thomas Quashes Retirement Rumors

Justice Clarence Thomas is seemingly putting to rest any reports that he’s considering retiring in the near future.

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More Hackery: This Time from Hugh Hewitt

His colum in WaPo isn’t very good.

Robert Mueller Declines To Clear Trump

For the first time since being appointed Special Counsel, Robert Mueller spoke to the media regarding his report on the Russia investigation. The news was not good for the President.

McConnell Says Senate Would Fill SCOTUS Vacancy In 2020

Mitch McConnell has had an unsurprising change of heart on the issue of Senate consideration of Supreme Court nominees in a Presidential election year.

McConnell Would Fill Court Vacancy in 2020

Hypocritical? Sure. Surprising? No.

photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer photo of working, person, military, construction, cutting, team, helmet, build, labor, job, workers, laborer, task, construction worker, sledge hammer

Men, Work, and Self-Worth

Most of us define ourselves largely through our jobs. That’s increasingly a problem.

Federal Judge Blocks Mississippi’s ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law

A Federal Judge in Mississippi has blocked Mississippi’s law that purports to ban abortions after detection of a fetal heartbeat.

Judge Orders Halt To Trump’s ‘National Emergency’ Border Wall Funding

A Federal Judge has put at least a partial hold on President’s Trump’s effort to use a “national emergency” to fund his border wall.

Conservatism Has Become A Haven For Grifters And Frauds. No Wonder We Got Trump

At some point, what we call conservatism turned into a racket. It’s not surprising that this led directly to Trump.

Democrats Headed For A Brokered Convention?

The size of the Democratic Presidential field, combined with other things peculiar to the way Democrats pick their nominee, is leading some to wonder if we might see a brokered convention in 2020.

Jimmy Carter’s Rennaissance?

Some 2020 Democratic hopefuls are turning to a surprising source for counsel.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Against Trump On Ending DACA

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has dealt another legal setback to the Trump Administration’s efforts to end the DACA program,

Republican Congressman Justin Amash Joins Calls For Trump’s Impeachment

Republican Congressman Justin Amash has always been a rebel within his own party, now he’s making that even more apparent.

Some Democrats Still Upset About Biden’s Vote In Favor Of Iraq War AUMF

A new poll indicates that at least some Democrats continue to hold Biden’s 2002 vote in favor of the Iraq War.

Buttigieg vs Booker

Two youngish Rhodes Scholars turned mayors are getting covered differently.

The Do Nothing Senate

Other than confirming a lot of Trump Judges, the Senate has not been getting much work done so far this year.

Trump To Pick Patrick Shanahan To Be Secretary Of Defense

Patrick Shanahan, who has been serving as Acting Defense Secretary since James Mattis left in December, is being selected to replace Mattis in that position.

Biden Continues To Build A Lead In Early Polling

Two weeks into his campaign, Joe Biden continues to build an impressive lead in polling at the state and national levels.

Trump Abandons Restraint In Foreign Policy In Favor Of Interventionism

While he campaigned on a message of restraint, Donald Trump has largely adopted the interventionist foreign policies of his predecessors.

Is America “Ready” For A Gay President?

Despite poll numbers suggesting otherwise, one political analyst suggests that the United States may not be “ready” for a gay President.

What Is “Electability” Anyway?

There’s a lot of talk right now about “electability.” but what the heck does it mean?

Biden Continues To Expand His Lead In 2020 Democratic Primary

Another post-announcement poll brings good news for the former Vice-President, but there’s a long way to go.

Joe Biden Gets Post-Announcement Poll Bounce

There’s some very good news for Joe Biden in the first polls taken after he entered the Presidential race.

Majority Says They Won’t Vote For Trump In 2020

A new poll shows that a majority of Americans say they won’t vote for President Trump in 2020. but that’s only half the battle for Democrats

Foreign Interference in Elections

A law professor asks some interesting questions, but ultimately not the right ones.

Joe Biden Raises $6.3 Million In First Day Of Fundraising

Former Vice-President Joe Biden had a very successful first day when it comes to campaign fundraising.

Trump’s Iran Policy Isn’t Working Because It Isn’t Supposed To Work

The Trump Administration’s policies toward Iran aren’t going to work, but that’s because they aren’t supposed to work.

Joe Biden Makes It Official, He’s Running For President

He’s tan. He’s rested. He’s ready. But is the Democratic Party going to buy what Joe Biden is selling?

Trump Campaign Worried About Pennsylvania

Trump campaign officials are worried about the President’s chances of holding onto a state that was crucial to his win in 2020. They should be.

Federal Appeals Court Rules Chelsea Manning Must Testify Or Remain In Jail

A Federal Appeals Court has rejected Chelsea Manning’s bid to be released from jail notwithstanding her refusal to comply with a Grand Jury Subpoena.

Capitalizing ‘President’

An argument for an exception to the style guides.

Can The Buttigieg Boomlet Last?

Pete Buttigieg is getting a lot of attention for a relatively unknown candidate. but it’s unclear if it can last.

Donald Trump Is The President Of Trumpland, Not The United States

Donald Trump speaks largely just to his base, ignoring the nation as a whole. Whether this will be enough to win re-election in 2020 is an open question.

Democratic Voters Really Want To Beat Donald Trump

It’s still early in the 2020 cycle, but Democratic candidate are finding rally attendees focused on one thing. Beating Donald Trump.

Politics on Twitter vs IRL

The 2020 debate on Twitter does not represent ordinary Americans. Does that matter?

Colbert on Trump’s Family Separation Policy

A classic demonstration of the old maxim, “the medium is the message.”

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Obama Warns Democrats Against ‘Circular Firing Squads’

“We have to be careful in balancing big dreams and bold ideas with also recognizing that typically change happens in steps.”

The Filibuster’s Inevitable Demise

Senate Republicans are pushing for the end of minority obstruction—and the Democrats can’t wait.

Smoke and Mirrors on Health Care

The White House clearly doesn’t have a plan beyond attacking Obamacare to score political points.

Trump Administration Says ObamaCare Unconstitutional

The Justice Department has reversed course and will not fight a December ruling overturning the Affordable Care Act.

Time for a National Primary

The consolidation of Super Tuesday makes the current system even more broken than before.

Should Biden Commit to Being a One-Term President?

David Gergen lives in a fantasy world.

Trump’s Intellectuals?

A WaPo writer takes a round-about path to demonstrate the obvious.

Media, Free Speech, and Violent Extremists

Free expression sometimes enables horrible crimes. How does a free society deal with that tension?

Stacy Abrams Floats 2020 Presidential Run

The woman famous for losing the Georgia governor’s race is eyeing a bigger job.

Chelsea Manning Jailed For Refusing To Comply With Grand Jury Subpoena

Chelsea Manning is in jail for refusing to comply with a Grand Jury subpoena apparently related to an ongoing investigation of Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

DNC Excludes Fox News From Hosting A 2020 Primary Debate

As it has since 2007, the Democratic National Committee is barring Fox News from hosting a debate featuring the party’s candidates for President.

Packing the Courts with Young Judges

The Senate yesterday confirmed a 37-year-old to a lifetime Court of Appeals seat.

Senate Appears Poised To Block Trump’s National Emergency

There appear to be enough votes in the Senate to pass the resolution disapproving President Trump’s border wall “emergency,” but there’s not enough Republican support to override an expected veto.