Welcome To The Era Of Trump’s Trillion Dollar Budget Deficits

We’re set to return to the era of trillion dollar budget deficits, and Republicans won’t do a thing about it.

Republicans Worried About Political Impact Of Trump’s Tariffs And Anti-Trade Rhetoric

Trump’s tariff plan isn’t going over well in farm country, and that could cause problems for the GOP in November.

China and Trade War Tactics

The great negotiator in the White House is likely underestimating the tools available to Xi.

New Fed Chair Overshadowed by Trade War Rhetoric

Speaking of trade war talk…

The DJIA and a Potential Trade War

The DJIA (and other markets) are not too happy about all of this trade war talk.

Trump Escalates His Trade War Rhetoric With Predictable Results

President Trump is continuing his dangerous and misguided trade war rhetoric,

March Jobs Report Falls Short Of Expectations

March’s Jobs Report fell far short of expectations.

Walking Away From The Nuclear Deal With Iran Would Be A Gift To Iran

President Trump seems intent on walking away from the nuclear deal with Iran. If he does, he’ll be handing a gift to Iran and harming American national interests significantly.

Proposal to Tie Some Visas to Social Media Checks

Under the proposal certain visa-seekers (such as China and India) would have to have their social media presence scrutinized.

Trump Bizarrely Tying Trade Deal With South Korea To Progress On North Korea

After initially praising the completion of a trade deal with South Korea, President Trump is now suggesting he may withhold final approval contingent on progress on talks with North Korea. This makes no sense whatsoever.

What Is The Proper Role Of Cabinet Members And Presidential Advisers?

As a general rule, Presidents are entitled to have a Cabinet and advisers he is comfortable with, but a Cabinet full of “yes men” is not ideal with any President, and certainly not with this one.

Kim Jong Un To Meet With South Korean President In April

Another significant development on the Korean Peninsula.

Kim Jong Un Strengthens His Hand While China Reminds The U.S. That It Remains A Player

After several days of speculation, it was confirmed that the leaders of North Korea and China had met in Beijing. This was meant as much for external consumption as it was the relationship between the two nations.

Trump And Bolton Will Alienate Allies, Embolden Enemies, & Endanger Americans

In selecting John Bolton as his National Security Adviser, Donald Trump has signaled to the world that he’s likely to take action that will only serve to make the world a more dangerous place.

Trump’s Selection Of John Bolton Has The World Rightfully Concerned

From Europe to the Middle East, to Asia, America’s allies are concerned about what the selection of John Bolton as National Security Adviser means going forward. They should be, and so should every American.

Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump, And The Iran Nuclear Deal

The selection of Mike Pompeo as the next Secretary of State makes it more likely that President Trump will take the foolish and dangerous step of withdrawing the United States from the nuclear deal with Iran.

Larry Kudlow Trump’s Next Economic Advisor

Best known as a television host, he served in the Reagan administration and chief economist of Bear Stearns.

Tillerson’s Ouster Was Hardly A Surprise

While the nature of Rex Tillerson’s firing as Secretary of State was shocking in its abruptness, taken in context with the rocky nature of his tenure it was hardly surprising.

Former Secretary Of Nobel Committee Says Obama’s Peace Prize Was A Mistake

Nine years later, at least one member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is admitting what seemed at the time a rather obvious fact.

Donald Trump Has Already Undermined Any Talks With North Korea

By threatening to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, Donald Trump is making it far less likely that any upcoming talks with North Korea will succeed.

So Trump Is Getting His Military Parade

There won’t be any tanks, but it looks like President Trump will get his military parade.

Gary Cohn Resigns as Trump Economic Advisor

The chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors is out after failing to convince the boss not to impose tariffs.

Kushner and Corruption

The circumstantial case for corruption by Kushner is growing.

President Trump Attempts Self-Deprecating Humor at Gridiron Club

After skipping such events in his first thirteen months in office, the President tried his hand at stand-up last night to mixed reviews.

Trump Likes ‘President for Life’ Idea

The President jokingly praised his Chinese counterpart’s power grab at a fundraiser. But he seriously doesn’t understand the rule of law.

John Bolton Is Foolishly Calling For Preemptive War Against North Korea

John Bolton is leading a cry for preemptive war against North Korea.

Economic Illiteracy from POTUS

The President provided a contender for most ignorant tweet this morning, as he makes a proposal that would disrupt the global economy.

Trump Announces New Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum

President Trump has announced that he’ll be imposing significant tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. This is an unwise decision.

Foreign Governments Sought to Exploit Kushner’s Overseas Business Arrangements

This is very much why the security clearance process requires so much financial disclosure.

[Top Secret Clip Art] [Top Secret Clip Art]

Jared Kushner ‘Loses’ Top Secret Clearance (But Maybe Not Access)

The White House chief of staff has downgraded the President’s son-in-law’s access to classified information. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Xi Jinping Solidifies His Hold On Power In China

China’s Xi Jinping solidified his hold on power well into the next decade over the weekend.

Anti-Taiwanese Discrimination in Australia

A mass wave of mainland Chinese immigration to Australia has led to discrimination against Taiwanese expats there.

Trump Threatens ‘Phase Two’ If Sanctions Against North Korea That Probably Won’t Work Don’t Work

President Trump continues to make irresponsible and dangerous threats in connection with American policy toward North Korea.

Trump Announces New Sanctions Against North Korea, But They’re Unlikely To Accomplish Much

President Trump has announced a new round of sanctions against North Korea, but they are unlikely to work given the unrealistic nature of the Administration’s current policy toward North Korea.

Rev. Billy Graham Dies At 99

Billy Graham was the son of a North Carolina farmer who grew up to become a counselor to Presidents, Prime Ministers, and even a Queen.

Collapse of the Global Elite?

Elliot Cohen laments the lack of steel in the spine of the statesmen, diplomats, soldiers, and thinkers of the current generation.

Donald Trump’s Dereliction Of Presidential Duty Is Self-Evident

Donald Trump’s dereliction of duty in response to clear evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election is a staggering and flagrant dereliction of the duties he agreed to take on when he took the Oath Of Office more than a year ago.

Donald Trump’s Own Appointees Are Telling World Leaders To Ignore His Tweets

President Trump’s tweets, other public statements, and actions are causing world leaders to doubt the reliability of the United States on the world stage.

Trump Falsely Claims That He Never Said Russia Didn’t Interfere In The 2016 Election

Donald Trump is now claiming that he had never denied that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. This is, of course, not true.

Are Mass Shootings a National Security Threat?

Phil Carter makes an interesting argument but he’s ultimately mistaken.

Demanding Denuclearization Of North Korea Is A Non-Starter

Expecting North Korea to agree to diplomatic talks that are aimed at getting rid of their nuclear weapons is asking for the impossible, and ensuring there will be no progress on the diplomatic front for the foreseeable future.

New ‘National Defense Strategy’ Not All That New

My latest for The National Interest takes a contrarian view on the new National Defense Strategy.

European Allies Rebuffing American Efforts To Renegotiate Iran Nuclear Deal

America’s closest European allies are rebuffing the Trump Administration’s efforts to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran. They’re right to do so.

As Trump Withdraws Into Fortress America, The World Moves On

President Trump has alienated America’s allies and friends, and they are acting accordingly.

One Year After Trump Withdrew, Canada Forms A New Trans-Pacific Partnership

Just over one year after President Trump’s foolish and ill-informed decision to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Canada has stepped in to rescue the deal.

Trump Wants To Claim Credit For Thawing Of Relations Between North And South Korea

President Trump is apparently pressuring the President of South Korea to give him the credit for talks between North and South Korea that the United States isn’t involved in at all.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Global Opinion About The United States Dropped Precipitously In Trump’s First Year

Thanks to Donald Trump, public opinion around the world about the United States is at its lowest level in ten years.

Two Republican Senators Rebuke Trump For His Attacks On The Press

Two Republicans spoke out today against the President’s war on the news media, but don’t expect their colleagues to follow suit.