Santorum 2016?

Would Rick Santorum be the frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nomination? Not necessarily.

Pressing The Santorum Button

Nominating Rick Santorum may be the best things Republicans could do to save their party, but not for the reasons Santorum thinks.

The Myth Of The Republican Savior

There is no Republican savior out there.

How Conservatives Have Moved The Goalposts On Same-Sex Marriage

When it comes to same-sex marriage, the right is fighting a losing battle.

Whitney Houston, Chris Christie, And America’s Obsession With Celebrity Worship

An object lesson in celebrity worship from the State of New Jersey.

Christie’s Gay Marriage Veto

This action raises two questions in my mind about Governor Christie.

The Republican Civil War Of 2013-2015?

If Romney loses in November, it could be the start of a bitter fight insider the Republican Party.

Sarah Palin: Attacks On Gingrich Are Stalinist And “Alinskyite”

Sarah Palin isn’t running for President, and she hasn’t officially endorsed anyone, but that hasn’t stopped her from putting her thumb on the scale.

South Carolina Tightens As Newt Gingrich Surges

The race in South Carolina is going down to the wire.

Mitt Romney’s Unforced Tax Return Error

Mitt Romney has a bit of a tax return dilemma.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Second Battle Of New Hampshire Brings Fireworks, But Little Danger For Romney

Ten hours later, the candidates seemed more combative than they had been the night before.

A Glance Into The Crystal Ball For 2012

So, what’s next?

Please, Let The “New Candidate” Speculation End Already

One of these people will be the 2012 Republican nominee for President no matter how much you’d like to dream otherwise.

Nikki Haley Endorses Mitt Romney

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley becomes the latest Tea Party darling to back Mitt Romney.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

A Brokered GOP Convention? Not Likely

Could the GOP go into Tampa next August not knowing who their nominee will be? It’s possible, but not probable.

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

A Brit Defends America’s Presidential Selection Process

From across the pond, an observation that the way we pick Presidents isn’t really that bad after all.

Harassment Allegations Having Little Initial Impact On Herman Cain’s Poll Numbers

So far, Hermain Cain seems to be doing okay in the polls.

Herman Cain: New Republican Frontrunner?!

Herman Cain is leading Mitt Romney in two respected polls.

The End Of The Road For Rick Perry?

Rick Perry’s campaign isn’t dead by any means, but he needs to turn things around soon.

Romney Consolidates Frontrunner Status in Economic Debate

Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.

Chris Christie Endorsing Mitt Romney

In a move sure to make conservative heads explode, Chris Christie is set to endorse Mitt Romney for president.

It’s Mitt Romney’s Nomination to Lose

Mitt Romney is once again the clear frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

Chris Christie Makes It Official, Again: He Isn’t Running

After three weeks of speculation, we’re back where we started.

Further Signs Of Trouble For Rick Perry In ABC News Poll

Rick Perry continues to slip in the polls.

Rick Perry’s Bad Rollout

The first two months of Rick Perry’s campaign are a good example of why it helps to start a Presidential campaign early.

“Straight Talkers” Are Bad Leaders

“Straight talkers” like Chris Christie make for lousy leaders.

Some Political Science on Obese Candidates

Some actual political science suggests that being an overweight male candidate may not be a negative for voters.

New Candidate Window Closing Fast

Pundits love to speculate about new candidates entering the race and spicing things up. This will all be academic quite soon because filing dates in key states are fast approaching.

Chris Christie And Other Weighty Issues

Chris Christie’s weight has become a political concern, apparently.

Christie Now Allegedly “Seriously Considering” Presidential Race

And, the week closes out with another round of rumors about New Jersey’s Governor.

No Evidence GOP Voters Are Dissatisfied With 2012 Field

Despite what the media keeps saying, there’s no real evidence that GOP voters are dissatisfied with the 2012 field.

Chris Christie Too Fat To Be President?

Can someone who doesn’t look like a GQ model make it in politics anymore?

Sarah Palin Thinks Being President Might Be Too “Shackley”

Sarah Palin apparently thinks having an actual job would be too confining.

Reagan Library Speech Fails To End Chris Christie Speculation

Last night’s speech at the Reagan Library did nothing to stop people from speculating about Chris Christie’s Presidential plans.

Mitt Romney: The Inevitable Nominee?

Despite all the negatives going against him, Mitt Romney may yet be the inevitable Republican nominee.