Buzzed Look Hair Cream?!

The modern equivalent of selling ice to Eskimos.

Army Ditches Black Beret For Patrol Caps

After a decade, the Army is reversing the most hideous decision in its long history.

Weiner Admits Messaging with 17-Year-Old Girl

Where’s the line when a public figure interacts with a teenage fan?

Delta Airlines PR Gaffe Over Military Baggage

Charging soldiers $200 for an extra bag on their way home for war? Really Delta?

Paul Revere’s Ride: Don’t Know Much About History

If there’s anything all sides should be able to agree on after several days of back-and-forth is that most of us didn’t really know the story.

Anthony Weiner Apologizes For “Inappropriate Relationships,” Will Not Resign

After a week of denial, New York Congressman Anthony Weiner admitted today that he had engaged in online relationships with several women.

Broadway Actors Resent Hollywood Stars

Broadway actors are aiming a familiar lament at Hollywood stars: They’re taking our jobs!

The Herman Cain Boomlet

Herman Cain: candidate du jour or something more permanent?

Is She In? Is She Out? Reading The Sarah Palin Tea Leaves

Once again, Sarah Palin has made herself the center of attention in the political world.

Grow a Beard, Save the World

Save water: Grow a beard.

The Twitter Trap?

Has technology robbed us of more than it’s given in return?

Go the Fuck to Sleep Goes Viral

Go The Fuck to Sleep, the children’s book aimed at parents, has become an Internet sensation and reached #1 on Amazon well before its release owing to a leaked copy.

Will Video Chat Take Off?

Video calling is becoming widely available. Will it become as common as talking on the phone?

How Perpetual War Became U.S. Ideology

Why the United States has found itself in a seemingly endless series of wars over the past two decades.

Twitter As Breaking News Source

Sunday’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden was the latest example of how Twitter has become the go-to source for “Breaking News.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The “SERENITY COW” Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Man Arrested for Singing Racist Song ‘Kung Fu Fighting’

Singing the 1974 Carl Douglas classic “Kung Fu Fighting” can get you arrested in England.

Sarah Palin Lambastes House GOP, Tells Republicans To “Fight Like Girls”

Sarah Palin was back speaking to a Tea Party crowd yesterday, but it just doesn’t seem like matters anymore.

Dump Trash at Boehner’s Place

Why in the hell are Federal taxpayers footing the bill for residential trash collection in DC?

Radley Balko Joins HuffPo Collective

Radley Balko and his blogs are moving to Huffington Post.

Death of the Telephone

Experts say the phone call is a relic of the past.

New York Times Announces Paywall Rates To Begin March 28th

In less than two weeks, much of the content of The New York Times will go behind a paywall.

Facebook Underage Users

Facebook limits accounts to those who say that they are at least 13 years old. Shockingly, some kids lie to get on the popular social network.

Gmail Smart Labels

Gmail has introduced another feature to help people deal with inbox overload: Smart Labels.

Facebook For Scientists

Scientists have discovered that the Internet could be a useful collaborate tool.

Facebook Comments and the Authenticity of Multiple Identities

The lines between our public and professional identities and our private and social ones continue to blur.

New PM in Egypt

Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage No Longer A Winning Issue For The GOP

Opposition to marriage equality is no longer the wedge issue it used to be.

Saudi Arabia Hoping To Bribe Its Citizens Not To Revolt

Is Saudi Arabia the next domino to fall in the Middle East? The Royal family is hoping that money will be enough to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Psyops Against Our Own?

Did a unit in Afghanistan engage in an IO operation against U. S. senators?