How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

After having so much influence in 2010, the Tea Party is finding itself adrift in the search for a Republican nominee in 2012.

The Right Must Abandon The “Obama Is Evil” Meme

If the Right clings to the belief that President Obama isn’t just wrong, but evil, it will likely end up handing the election to him.

Last Night Was Ron Paul’s High Point

Last night was the high point of Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign for the Presidency.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Ron Paul’s Phony “Chickenhawk” Attack On Newt Gingrich

Last night, Ron Paul decided it was a good idea to bring back the ghosts of the Vietnam War era.

Is Jon Huntsman the Future of the Republican Party?

The former Utah governor will almost certainly never be the GOP nominee. But someone like him will be soon.

Rick Santorum v. Individual Liberty

Rick Santorum’s views on the role of government are somewhat disturbing.

In New Hampshire, It’s Do Or Die For Jon Huntsman

Jon Huntsman has gambled everything on New Hampshire. It probably won’t pay off.

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

Are Obama’s Recess Appointments Unconstitutional? Probably Not

While the President’s recess appointments are bound to set off a political dispute with the Republicans, there does not appear to be a Constitution ban against them.

The End Of The Ames Straw Poll? Don’t Count On It

The Ames Straw Poll isn’t going away any time soon.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

Republican Candidates Love The Imperial Presidency

Not surprisingly, most of the Republican candidates for President aren’t too keen on reducing the excessive growth in Executive Branch power.


Let’s ban robocalls.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Newt Gingrich’s Radical, Irresponsible Attack On The Judiciary

Newt Gingrich’s ideas about the role of the judiciary are very dangerous.

Republicans Save The Light Bulb

Congressional Republicans got a major concession as price for averting a government shutdown: saving the incandescent light bulb, at least now.

Americans Fear Big Government More Than Big Business

A new Gallup poll indicates that it is Big Government, not Big Business, that most concerns the American public.

Bad Economic News Spelling Bad News For POTUS

There aren’t many glad tidings at the White House these days.

Surging In Iowa: Newt Gingrich, And Ron Paul?

Stranger things have happened.

Hank Paulson, The Bush Treasury Department, And Crony Capitalism

Guess who got advance warning of government actions on the eve of the 2008 financial crisis?

What Went Wrong With The GOP

How did Republicans get in this mess?

Obama’s Second Term

“Democratic” pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen argue that President Obama should decline to run for re-election.

Is the Media Sexist? Or Just Banal?

Doug Feith’s replacement is prettier and softer spoken.

Republicans For Waterboarding

The most disturbing part of Saturday’s debate came when most of the GOP candidates endorsed torture.

Panetta Warns Of Unintended Consequences Of Striking Iran

The Secretary of Defense has some words of warning for those advocating military action against Iran.

Rick Perry Does Letterman Top 10 List

Rick Perry’s “oops” moment may have closed the door on his presidential ambitions but it has opened the window for a promising career as a comic.

DC Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds PPACA

The PPACA now has a 3-1 record in US appeals courts.

Obama’s Path To Victory

Despite the seeming odds against him, the Electoral College map is very favorable for President Obama.

State Department Bought $70,000 Worth of Obama Biographies

Barack Obama wrote two bestselling memoirs before becoming president. Both of them are hot items at Foggy Bottom.

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Stop Looking For The Next Ronald Reagan

If Republicans keep looking for the next Ronald Reagan, they’re going to be disappointed for many reasons.

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Think Before Running For President

Byron York argues that the lesson of Rick Perry’s candidacy is “Think before you run.”

Moving Goalposts of American Conservatism

Rush Limbaugh, who three years ago said Mitt Romney embodied all three legs of the conservative stool today declared that Romney is not a conservative. He was right both times.

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.