Electoral College Predictions and False Premises

The Electoral College doesn’t matter in the way pundits think it does.

Obama’s Path To Victory

Despite the seeming odds against him, the Electoral College map is very favorable for President Obama.

Time For A Gingrich Boomlet?

Is Newt Gingrich on the verge of a rise in the polls?

Does Herman Cain Also Have A Campaign Finance Problem?

Another potential problem for the Cain campaign.

Are Pundits Underestimating Herman Cain?

Would Republicans really be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain?

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Herman Cain Continues To Lead GOP Field

Quite improbably, Herman Cain remains at the top of the GOP field.

The GOP Field’s War On The Federal Judiciary

Many of the Republican candidates for President advocate ideas that would restrict the power of the Federal Judiciary.

Mitt Romney Still The Inevitable Nominee

As of now, there’s no reason to believe that Mitt Romney won’t be the Republican nominee in 2012.

Michele Bachmann’s Entire New Hampshire Staff Quits

Michele Bachmann is looking for a few good staffers for the Granite State.

Abortion Comments Could Pose Problems For Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s comments about abortion could pose a problem for him with social conservatives.

Not Exactly A Honeymoon In Vegas

It was a Las Vegas slugfest last night, but once again Mitt Romney walked away unscathed.

Herman Cain’s Bizarre Immigration Plan: Electrify The Border Fence

Like his tax plan, Herman Cain’s immigration plan is not serious.

The Tea Party Surrender On Corporate Welfare

The Tea Party flame was lit by the battle over TARP, but they quickly forgot about those bailouts that supposedly upset them so much.

Rick Perry Playing The Sarah Palin “Victim Card”

Rick Perry seems to be picking up where Sarah Palin left off.

The End Of The Road For Rick Perry?

Rick Perry’s campaign isn’t dead by any means, but he needs to turn things around soon.

Perry And Cain On The Spot In Tonight’s Debate

Two candidates face a test tonight.

Romney’s Mormon Problem Returns

Is Mitt Romney’s religion returning as an issue for Republican voters?

Rick Perry’s Immigration Problem Isn’t Going Away

Rick Perry has serious problems with what people think about his immigration position.

Herman Cain Rising: New Frontrunner, Or Flash In The Pan?

Is Herman Cain for real, or is this rise int he polls just another boomlet destined to fade away?

Sarah Palin’s Law Firm Checking Primary Deadlines

Sarah Palin’s law firm has been calling states about primary filing deadlines.

Rick Perry’s Bad Rollout

The first two months of Rick Perry’s campaign are a good example of why it helps to start a Presidential campaign early.

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

New Candidate Window Closing Fast

Pundits love to speculate about new candidates entering the race and spicing things up. This will all be academic quite soon because filing dates in key states are fast approaching.

No Evidence GOP Voters Are Dissatisfied With 2012 Field

Despite what the media keeps saying, there’s no real evidence that GOP voters are dissatisfied with the 2012 field.