Dianne Feinstein Refers ‘Secret’ Letter About Kavanaugh To F.B.I.

Some last minute dramatics in the Kavanaugh nomination fight, but it seems unlikely to impact the outcome of the nomination fight.

Kavanaugh Sails Through First Day Of Questioning Unscathed

Day One of questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh went about as you’d expect.

No Questions (Or Answers), But Plenty Of Fireworks At Kavanaugh Hearing

The first day of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings was much ado about pretty much nothing, but then that can be used to describe a process whose outcome is pretty much foreordained.

Tim Pawlenty Fails In Comeback Effort, Confirming That The GOP Is Trump’s Party

Former Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty failed in his comeback effort last night, confirming yet again that the GOP is now the Trump Party.

Confirmation Hearing For Brett Kavanaugh To Begin September 4th

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination appears to be on track for confirmation before the new Supreme Court term begins in October.

Get Ready For An Expansion Of Trump’s Economically Ignorant Trade War With China

President Trump appears to be ready to expand his ignorant, counterproductive trade war with China.

Trump Reportedly Sees Joe Biden As His Biggest Threat In 2020

Notwithstanding his dismissive public rhetoric about the former Vice-President, Donald Trump apparently sees Joe Biden as his biggest potential threat in 2020.

How Will Trump’s Trade War Impact American Politics?

If President Trump’s trade war continues, it could have a serious impact on the political fortunes of President Trump and his party.

Ohio Congressman Who Challenged Pelosi Says He’s Running For President

Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, who challenged Nancy Pelosi for a leadership spot in 2016, is telling supporters he’s running for President in 2020.

Trump Threatens To Up The Ante On His Trade War

The President is apparently getting ready to take yet another ill-advised step in his ill-advised, economically illiterate trade war.

Democrats Already Gearing Up For 2020 Battles

The midterm elections are still four months away, but Democrats are already making moves to prepare for the race for their party’s Presidential nomination in 2020.

Comparative Abortion Policy

Some additional comparative info (internationally and state-to-state).

Trump Escalates Trade War With China

The ill-advised move is sure to raise costs for businesses and consumers and roil global stock markets.

We’re Losing Donald Trump’s Trade War

Donald Trump’s trade war continues to have negative consequences for American consumers and businesses.

Trump’s Supreme Court Short List

President Trump’s short list of potential Supreme Court nominees consists mostly of conventionally conservative, well-qualified, jurists.

Responding To Trump’s Trade War, Harley-Davidson To Move Manufacturing Overseas

Once touted as an example of his deal-making prowess, Harley-Davidson sent a rebuke to President Trump by announcing it was moving some manufacturing to Europe to counteract the impact of his ongoing trade war.

Trump’s Trade War Chickens Coming Home To Roost

Three months after it started, the Trump Trade War is already starting to have a negative impact on American businesses and American consumers.

President Trump’s Unreality Show

Either the President of the United States is a knowing liar or he is very easily duped. Neither is a comforting thought.

Trump Threatens New Tariffs In Expanding Trade War

President Trump once said that “trade wars are good and easy to win.” It’s only been three months since he started this war and we’re already finding out just how wrong he is about that.

McConnell Cancels Most Of Senate’s Summer Recess

Senators hoping for a long summer recess have had their hopes dashed.

Pence And Trump Teams Clash As Pence Tries To Assert Control Of Republican Politics

Quietly, Mike Pence is seeking to create his own power base inside the GOP even as the White House pushes back.

Rudy Giuliani Suggests Trump Could Ignore A Mueller Subpoena

Rudy Giuliani is basically now suggesting that his client would be willing to set off a Constitutional crisis that would make Watergate seem like a picnic.

States Working To Chip Away At Abortion Rights While Trump Remakes The Judiciary

While the Trump Administration slowly tries to remake the Federal Judiciary, states are moving to pass radical new challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Senate Committee Advances Bill To Protect Mueller, McConnell Vows To Block It.

Republicans joined with Democrats to advance a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but it’s unlikely to go anywhere beyond that.

Michael Cohen To Plead The Fifth

Michael Cohen will invoke his rights under the Fifth Amendment in response to any questions asked in discovery in the civil suit filed against him by Stormy Daniels. That’s really the only option he has.

Andrew Cuomo to Pardon All Parollees to Restore Their Vote

Unable to get his way with the legislature, New York’s governor is taking a provocative step.

Republicans Worried About Political Impact Of Trump’s Tariffs And Anti-Trade Rhetoric

Trump’s tariff plan isn’t going over well in farm country, and that could cause problems for the GOP in November.

Tim Pawlenty Running For Minnesota Governor Again

Tim Pawlenty is attempting a comeback in Minnesota. It won’t be easy.

Mississippi Governor Taps Cindy Hyde-Smith To Replace Thad Cochran

Mississippi’s Governor has chosen a replacement for Thad Cochran, but the White House isn’t too happy about the pick.

No, Your Facebook Likes Didn’t Steal the Election

Will Bunch wildly exaggerates the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Conor Lamb’s Win Sets Off Debate Inside Democratic Party

Conor Lamb’s win in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District has set off an inevitable debate inside the Democratic Party about how to approach the upcoming midterm elections.

The National Security Gender Gap’s Intractability

While the glass ceiling in high-level posts was shattered decades ago, men still dominate the field.

Rev. Billy Graham Dies At 99

Billy Graham was the son of a North Carolina farmer who grew up to become a counselor to Presidents, Prime Ministers, and even a Queen.

Bipartisan Group Of Senators Proposes A DACA Fix, But Its Fate Is Unclear

A bipartisan group of Senators has proposed a largely reasonable fix to the DACA problem, but its fate remains unclear.

DACA Debate Going Slowly In The Senate

With time seemingly running out, the Senate debate over extending DACA is moving slowly.

Trump’s Immigration Plan Meeting Opposition, From Republicans

The White House’s immigration plan is facing opposition in both chambers of Congress from moderate and conservative Republicans alike.

Republicans Are Slavishly Backing Trump At Their Own Risk

Despite mounting evidence and outrageous behavior, Republicans nationwide and on Capitol Hill continue to do the Administration’s dirty work. They’ll most likely live to regret it.

GOP Growing Increasingly Nervous About Governor’s Races

The GOP’s potential troubles in 2018 don’t just exist at the Congressional level.

A Political Earthquake In Virginia Thanks To A Single Vote

After nearly twenty years, the Republican domination of the Virginia House of Delegates came to an end thanks to a single vote.

Trump Judicial Nominee Caught Unprepared By Viral Video Withdraws Nomination

A Trump judicial nominee who could not answer basic legal questions in a hearing last week has withdrawn his nomination, but this is likely to happen again unless the Administration fixes some obvious flaws in its selection process.

John Anderson, Independent Candidate For President in 1980, Dies At 95

Most Americans are unlikely to remember John Anderson, but he was a harbinger of things to come.

Michigan Congressman John Conyers Retires Amid Sexual Harassment Claims

The longest-serving member of the House has retired amid allegations of sexual misconduct.

Donald Trump’s Unqualified Judges

As a candidate, Donald Trump liked to claim that he only hired the “top people.” and said he would do the same thing as President. So far, it isn’t working out that way.

Momentum For A Law Banning Bump Stocks Has Slowed

Notwithstanding overwhelming public support, Congress is not moving forward on a proposal to ban bump stocks.

Republicans In Congress Open To Banning Bump Stocks

Don’t hold your breath, but the Las Vegas shooting may actually prompt Congress to do something.

Federal Government Tells Twenty-One States Their Election Systems Were Targeted By Hackers

More evidence of apparent Russian-backed efforts to interfere in the election.

McConnell Open To Eliminating ‘Blue Slips’ For Judicial Nominees

The Senate appears ready to get rid of another procedural move designed to block judicial nominees.

Democrats Say They Reached A Deal With Trump On DACA

Trump makes a DACA deal, apparently.

Democrats Already Maneuvering For Support And Donors In 2020

We’re a long way away from the start of the 2020 election cycle, but Democrats are already maneuvering for support and money.