Obama Hits New Job Approval Lows

Some bad news for the President.

Republicans Haven’t Reformed But May Win Anyway

Republican leaders continue to say stupid things. They may still retake the Senate in November.

Obama Continues Slipping In Public Opinion Polls

Time to start talking about lame ducks?

Obama’s Job Approval Numbers Take Another Hit

Another poll shows the President’s poll numbers dipping.

The GOP Has Already Given Up On The New Jersey Senate Race

There is only one serious candidate in the race for Frank Lautenberg’s old Senate seat, and he’s got pretty much no chance of winning the election.

Obama’s Second Term Honeymoon Looks To Be Over

President Obama’s job approval numbers have fallen off from their post-election highs. But, does it matter?

Apparently, Citizens United Didn’t Ruin The Election After All

The impact of outside spending on the election turned out to be far less consequential than many had feared.

Did Hurricane Sandy Blunt Romney’s Momentum?

Republicans already seem to be blaming Hurricane Sandy in the event Mitt Romney loses.

Interpretation, Art, and Analysis

The analyst actually wants to understand and be correct far more than he or she wants their preferences to prevail in the analysis

Obama’s Convention Bounce Becoming More Apparent

If the first round of post-convention polling is correct, President Obama may be pulling away from Mitt Romney.

Because Bill Clinton Is Popular, And George W. Bush Is Not

One of these men is going to his party’s convention, the other is not. The reason why is rather obvious.

Time For Another Round Of Pointless “Will Obama Dump Biden?” Speculation

No, Barack Obama is not going to dump Joe Biden before the Democratic Convention.

Obama Holds Strong Lead Among People Who Aren’t Going To Vote

There’s a large group of people out there that like the President, but they’re probably not going to vote.

Mitt Romney Is Letting Obama’s Bain Attacks Define Him, To His Detriment

By failing to respond adequately, Mitt Romney is letting his opponent define him for the voters. That could hurt him greatly in November.

Obama Leading In Three Swing State Polls

Three swing state poll results should be raising some real concerns among Team Romney today.

Problems For Obama Among Blacks In North Carolina? Don’t Believe The Poll

A new poll purports to show the President losing 20% of North Carolina’s African-American vote to Mitt Romney. Don’t Believe It.

Obama Crusin’ For A November Bruisin’?

Things aren’t all sunshine and roses for the Obama 2012 campaign.

GOP Candidates Losing To Obama Among Latino Voters

Republicans are learning that their hard line on immigration comes with a political price.

Obama’s Poll Rebound: Almost As Many Approve as Disapprove!

By popular demand: An assessment of the latest polling numbers.

Obama Approval Up! Or Not!

Don’t confuse modest bumps in a polling trend with actual changes in the thing being polled.

Putting Obama’s Job Approval Numbers In Historical Perspective

President Obaama’s poll numbers are lower than where Reagan and Clinton were at this point, but not by very much.

Everybody Still Hates Congress

Public disapproval of Congress continues to fall.

Obama’s Job Approval Continues To Plummet Despite Jobs Plan Push

The President’s jobs push isn’t doing much to help his job approval numbers so far.

Obama White, Hispanic Approval Plummets

President Obama’s approval ratings are at an all-time low. Only 33% of whites and 48% of Hispanics approve. He’s still at 84% among blacks.

President Obama’s Job Ratings Sink Amid Economic Pessimism

With most of the public looking at the future and not seeing anything good, the President is suffering

Can A President Become Irrelevant?

No matter how weak he becomes, no President will ever be completely irrelevant to the political process.

State Polls Show A Tough Electoral Map For Obama

State-level job approval numbers seem to suggest that the President could have Electoral College worries in 2012.

Obama Approval Still In Danger Zone

President Obama is polling at 46.8 percent, below the level needed to win re-election.

Plurality Of Americans Say They’re Worse Off Since Obama Took Office

Are you better off than you were three years ago? 44% of Americans say no.

Obama’s State-Level Job Approval Polls And The 2012 Election

A new set of polls from Gallup show that President Obama is still looking good for re-election.

Generic Republican Ties Obama In New Gallup Poll, Actual Republicans Not So Much

President Obama isn’t unbeatable in 2012. but it’s clear even now that he’s going to be a far more formidable opponent than many Republicans seem to think.

President Obama Is Down, But Far From Out

There’s plenty of good news for Barack Obama in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Obama Beats Hillary, Again

A new Gallup poll shows President Obama beating Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical 2012 Democratic nomination fight. Nobody should be surprised by that.

Poll: Just 38% Think Obama Deserves To Be Re-Elected

If the 2012 election were held today, President Obama would be in serious trouble. Luckily for him, he has two years to go.

About That Ten Point Democratic Gain In The Latest Gallup Poll

According to Gallup, there was a ten point move in the public’s preference on the Generic Congressional Ballot between last week and this week. What’s more likely is that Gallup is making a mistake somewhere.

2010 vs. 1994 Revisted, Part The Second

Another political analyst is out with a 2010 prediction that should make Democrats very nervous.