Joe Biden: Bin Laden Raid Was “Most Audacious Plan” In 500 Years

Joe Biden got a little braggadocious last night.

Obama Gets 9 More Military Planes for Campaign

Another chapter in the annals of American Politicians as Royalty:

Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, And The Pundit’s Fantasy That Will Not Die

Yes, it’s time to talk about that again.

Debunking Yet Another Obama-Clinton Fantasy, Two of Them Actually

Once again, people are engaging in largely mindless speculation involving Hillary Clinton.

Draft Hillary? The Political Hackery Of Pat Caddell & Doug Schoen

“Democratic” Pollsters Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are out with another wacky Op-Ed.

Would Republicans Eliminate The Filibuster? Could They?

How likely is it that a GOP Senate would eliminate the filibuster? Not very.

Rick Santorum Challenges Google

Rick Santorum is tired of “filth” atop Google searches for his name and wants the company to do something about it.

Bush, Clinton, Biden Honor Flight 93

The short-lived national unity spawned by the attacks of a decade ago was re-kindled for a few hours as former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush joined with Vice President Joe Biden to honor Flight 93.

What’s Wrong With Political Reporting?

Political journalists aren’t like you and me. Well, you, anyway.

Biden: Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

Vice President Biden has called Congressional Republicans and their Tea Party backers “terrorists.”

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.

Chances Of Long Term Debt Deal Collapse Amid Mutual Recrimination

It’s still politics as usual in Washington.

Andrew Cuomo To Replace Joe Biden As VP? Don’t Count On It

Will Joe Biden be on the podium with Barack Obama at the 2012 Democratic convention, or will there be a new running mate?

Eric Cantor, Jon Kyl Drop Out Of Biden Deficit Talks

Talks about a deal to raise the debt ceiling seem pretty close to collapse now that there are no Republicans involved.

11th Circuit Judges Skeptical Of Constitutionality Of Affordable Care Act

It was a good day in Court for opponents of the Affordable Care Act.

Mitch McConnell: No Deal On Debt Ceiling Without Medicare Cuts

As Congress left town for the long weekend, the Senate Minority Leader threw a grenade into the budget negotiations.

Biden 2016?

Happy Debt Limit Monday!

As of today, the United States is legally barred from borrowing money to finance its operations. Thanks for nothing, Congress.

Biden: No Leaks During OBL Planning

Joe Biden: During several months of planning for the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, ” as many as 16 members of Congress that were briefed on it, not a single solitary thing leaked.”

Why Nobody’s Running Against Obama

Why are many of the top Republicans are sitting out the race despite a seemingly vulnerable incumbent?

In The End, It Really Was All About That Planned Parenthood Rider

As yesterday’s budget negotiations began, the GOP had a choice – appease the base, or make a deal. They made the right choice.

Biden Puts Reporter in Closet

Vice President Joe Biden’s team forced a reporter to wait in a tiny closet in order to cover the vice president’s remarks at a fundraiser.

Shailagh Murray Biden’s New Communications Chief

Shailagh Murray becomes the latest reporter to join the Obama White House.

Obama’s Road to War

Did President Obama pull off a diplomatic masterstroke? Or is he muddling through?

Time To Pull Out Of Afghanistan

Nine years into a war that seems to be without end, it’s time to declare victory and go home.

Jay Carney Paid $270,000 By TIME While Working For Biden

Politico (Jay Carney got $270K from Time magazine after leaving) has uncovered a major payola scandal. Or is hyping a complete non-story.

The Leftward Drift Of The Democratic Party

Oddly, the Democratic Party seems to be responding to the 2010 midterms by moving further left.

Supporting Democratic Aspirations of All People

The Obama administration’s slow and cautious response to Egypt’s protest was frustrating. And correct.

Minor Reshuffling of Obama’s Staff is Major News?

Why is the press gushing over routine movement in White House team?