“Controlling” the Senate

That word may not mean what you think it means.

What If Republicans Don’t Win Control Of The Senate?

The odds say that the GOP will end up with a Senate majority in the 114th Congress when all the votes are counted, but if it doesn’t happen then there’s likely to be quite a battle inside the GOP.

Joe Biden’s Son Kicked Out of Navy Reserve For Cocaine Use

Poor Joe Biden can’t stay out of the news. This time, it’s not one of his gaffes but one by his youngest son.

Bernie Sanders May Run for President in 2016; Outcome Same Either Way

Self-described socialist Bernie Sanders is contemplating an independent run for the presidency.

Obama’s ISIL Speech – First Reaction

The Global War on Terror isn’t over after all.

What Republican Wave?

So far at least, there is no evidence that 2014 will be a “wave election.”

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Rode Hard And Put Away Wet Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Hillary Clinton Remains The Overwhelming Choice Of Democrats For 2016

If Hillary Clinton is going to have a serious challenge in 2016, the person who will do that has yet to emerge.

U.S. Intelligence Sources Confirm Malaysia Airlines Flight Hit By Surface-To-Air Missile

Someone took down a Boeing 777 over Ukraine today.

The Myth Of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Inevitability And The 2016 Election

One of the most repeated comments about the 2016 race is based on something that just isn’t true.

News Media Mostly Ignoring Iraq War Critics

When it comes to Iraq, the media only seems to be giving Americans one side of the story.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The HASSAN CHOP Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

It Doesn’t Matter When, Or Why, Hillary Clinton Changed Her Mind On Marriage Equality

Obsessing over what a politician believed in the past accomplishes nothing.

A Weak Democratic Bench For Vice-President?

Who do the Democrats have to take Joe Biden’s place?

New Emails Revive Old Benghazi Arguments

A new set of emails is reviving the old partisan arguments about the attack in Benghazi.

Sunday Morning Talk Shows Are The Dinosaurs Of Political Media

Who watches Sunday morning talk shows anymore?

Biden: U.S. Will Never Recognize Russian Annexation Of Crimea

Provocative words from Vice-President Biden. But, are they realistic?

Hillary Clinton’s Favorability No Longer At Unsustainably High Levels

Hillary Clinton’s numbers aren’t at the incredibly high levels they used to be, but they were never going to stay that high anyway.

Absurd, Pointless Lawsuit Against Filibuster Dismissed By Federal Appeals Court

An unsurprising result in a lawsuit that never should have been filed

Every Other Democrat Who Might Run For President Is Waiting For Hillary

The Democratic field for 2016 is frozen in place waiting for the presumptive frontrunner to make a decision.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Preaching To The Choir Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Joe Biden 2016?

Tan, rested, ready, Biden in 2016?

Twice as Good with Half as Much

Ta-Nehisi Coates explores his complicated reaction to the first African-American president.

Robert Gates: Invading Iraq Diverted Attention From The War On Terror

Former SecDef Robert Gates is among those who believes that the Iraq War unduly diverted attention from fighting the War On Terror.

Robert Gates Hits Obama, Biden, Clinton In New Book, But Will Americans Care?

A new book by former SecDef Robert Gates is making political waves in Washington power circles, but will it matter to ordinary Americans?

Biden: U.S. Won’t Recognize China’s New Air Defense Zone

The U.S. position on China’s new air defense zone is exceedingly clear. The question is where it goes from here.

Chris Christie Leads Republican Field In 2016 Poll

Chris Christie has had a very good month, and it’s ending with him with a strong lead among potential Republican candidates for 2016.

Political Impact Of Filibuster Changes Will Be Minimal To Non-Existent

Yesterday’s change to the filibuster rule is likely to have little impact outside the beltway and the political chattering class.

No, America’s Generals Aren’t Planning a Coup

A bizarre hit piece in National Journal gives the false impression that our military leaders are considering removing the president.

Obama Aides Discussed Booting Biden From Ticket, Book Claims

The news that Obama aides discussed a change to the 2012 ticket is part of the latest Halperin/Heilemann campaign history.

Rand Paul Copying From Wikipedia: Plagiarism, Or Lazy Speech Writing?

Rand Paul used word-for-word excerpts from Wikipedia in two speeches in Virginia.

The Political Center Is Dead, At Least On Capitol Hill

It’s no wonder there’s no compromise in Congress.

NSC Nonproliferation Director Fired for Tweeting

Jofi Joseph was unmasked as the obnoxious @NatSecWonk and fired by the White House.