Trump’s Jury

Is it even possible to find 12 impartial citizens to judge a figure so infamous?

National Enquirer Voters

The fading tabloid still has significant influence.

House Judiciary Committee To Unveil Articles Of Impeachment

After a hearing that largely recapped the past month of hearings on Capitol Hill, the House Judiciary Committee is set to unveil Articles of Impeachment today.

House Judiciary Committee Opens Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment inquiry moves to the House judiciary Committee this morning.

Lawyer Argues Trump Could Kill A Guy And Be Immune From Investigation Or Prosection

What started out as a joke on the campaign trail has turned into a serious legal argument being made to a Federal Judge by an attorney for the President.

Trump Loses Lawsuit To Block Subpoena For His Tax Returns

A Federal Judge rejected the President’s effort to block a New York City prosecutor from obtaining copies of his tax returns.

Pursuing Impeachment Is A Moral Imperitive

The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. Donald Trump cannot be allowed to get away with his usurpation of power, his disdain for the law, or his continued policies that have damaged the country.

House Democrats Eye Narrowly Focused Impeachment Of Trump

House Democrats are reportedly looking at an impeachment process narrowly focused on the President’s efforts to obtain a quid pro quo from the President of Ukraine.

Trump Sues To Block New York Prosecutor From Seeing His Tax Returns

Donald Trump is suing the District Attorney in Manhattan to stop him from getting copies of Trump’s tax returns.

Congress To Investigate Payoffs To Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels

House Democrats are set to investigate the payoffs made to Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

House Judiciary Committee To Subpoena A Dozen People Close To Trump

The House Judiciary Committee has upped the ante in the showdown between the Trump Administration and Congress.

Trump Says He’d Accept ‘Dirt’ About Opponents From Foreign Sources

President Trump says in a new interview that he would be willing to break the law to get “oppo research” on an opponent.

The Reaction To Justin Amash Reveals Just How Far Gone The GOP Is Today

Justin Amash’s call for impeachment of the President, and the Republican Party’s reaction to it, is telling us a lot about the current state of the GOP.

Michael Cohen Hearing Paints Trump In Horrible Light

Michael Cohen pulled back the curtain and revealed much about the true nature of Donald Trump yesterday. It’s not a pretty picture.

Michael Cohen Set To Deliver Potentially Blockbuster Evidence Against Trump

Michael Cohen, the President’s former lawyer and “fixer,” is set to deliver several bombshells in his testimony before Congress today.

Michael Cohen Heads To Capitol Hill

Donald Trump’s former lawyer begins three days of testimony before Congress today. By the time he’s done, he could end up doing real damage to the Trump Presidency.

Former Trump Campaign Staffer Files Lawsuit Alleging Assault By Trump

A 2016 Trump Campaign staffer has filed a lawsuit against the President alleging that she was assaulted by Trump during the campaign.

Jeff Bezos Goes All-In On War Against The National Enquirer

The publisher of the National Enquirer is learning that it may have been a mistake to go to war against Jeff Bezos.

Rudy Giuliani: When I Said There Was ‘No Collusion’ I Didn’t Mean There Was No Collusion

Once again, Rudy Giuliani is contradicting his client.

Trump Placed ‘In The Room’ When Plans To Quash Stories About Affairs Were Discussed

More evidence that President Trump was an active participant in the scheme to silence Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels in advance of the 2016 election.

Prosecutors Reach Deal With Publisher Over Payoffs On Behalf Of Trump Campaign

The publisher of the National Enquirer admits that it made payments to a Playboy model for the purpose of protecting Donald Trump’s campaign for President.

Michael Cohen Sentenced To Three Years For His Role In Various Trump Schemes

The President’s former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen has been sentenced to three years in prison for his role in assisting the President in various scandals and cover-ups.

Government Implicates Trump In Election Scheme In Cohen Sentencing Memos

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the U.S, Attorney for the Southern District of New York have filed sentencing memos that directly implicate the President in a series of felonies.

Mueller Recommends No Jail Time For Michael Flynn

Citing substantial cooperation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller is recommending no jail time for former Trump associate Michael Flynn.

Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty Again, Admits Lying About Trump Project In Russia

Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen plead guilty to lying to Congress about Trump’s business dealings with Russia, and has agreed to cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Trump Closely Involved In Payoffs To Karen McDougal And Stormy Daniels

New reports indicate that Donald Trump was closely involved in the efforts to buy the silence of a Playboy model and a former adult film star.

Women Helped Propel Democrats To Victory

Whether as candidates or as voters, Democrats can thank women for many of their victories on Tuesday.

Trump Attacks Christine Blasey Ford In Latest Twitter Rant

This morning, President Trump took to Twitter to attack Dr. Christine Blasey Ford over her allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

The Year Of The Political Women By The Numbers

A look at the numbers behind the influx of women into electoral politics this year.

2018 Set To Become The Year Of The Political Women

With the primaries over, we can say that it’s been quite a successful year for women in politics.

Les Moonves Out At CBS Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations

The #MeToo movement brings down the head of a Fortune 500 company.

Trump Slumping In The Polls Again

As the midterms get closer, the public’s perception of the President’s job performance is getting worse.

Is Trump an Illegitimate President?

Max Boot proclaims “Trump is an illegitimate president whose election is tainted by fraud.”

Donald Trump The Unindicted Co-Conspirator

No matter how long Donald Trump remains in office, August 21, 2018 will be the day that everything changed.

Does Anything Change After the Manafort and Cohen Convictions?

It’s not obvious that two more felons in the Trump inner circle will have any immediate impact.

Cohen And Trump May Be In Deep Trouble Over The Stormy Daniels Payment

The latest reports about the circumstances surrounding the payoff to Stormy Daniels could pose big problems for Michael Cohen and his client.

Mike Pence Used To Think Presidential Morality Mattered

There was a time when Mike Pence believed that a President’s personality morality and trustworthiness mattered. He clearly doesn’t believe that anymore.

CBS Chairman And CEO Les Moonves Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

One of the biggest names in Hollywood stands accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women in yet another ground-breaking report by Ronan Farrow.

Trump’s Top Financial Man Called To Testify Before Grand Jury

The man who knows all of Donald Trump’s financial secrets has been called to testify before the Grand Jury investigating Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Michael Cohen Releases Tape Of Conversation With Trump About McDougal Payoff

A new recording of a conversation between Donald Trump and his one-time attorney/”fixer” Michael Cohen appears to put the President in a more difficult position than he has already been in.

Trump’s Goes Off On Insane Late Night Iran Tirade

The President was up late last night sending an incredibly over-the-top tweet directed at Iran.

Michael Cohen Recorded Conversation With Trump Regarding Payoff To Playboy Model

Donald Trump’s longtime attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen apparently recorded a conversation where the two men discussed paying off a Playboy model who claims she had an affair with him.

New York Attorney General Sues Trump And His Family, Alleging Charity Fraud

The Attorney General of New York has filed a Complaint against President Trump and several members of his family alleging widespread fraud in the operation of Trump’s charitable Foundation.

Miss America Pageant Ends Swimsuit Competition

In what seems like an obvious response to the rise of the #MeToo movement and the cultural changes it has brought about, the Miss America pageant is making a major change.

Michael Cohen To Plead The Fifth

Michael Cohen will invoke his rights under the Fifth Amendment in response to any questions asked in discovery in the civil suit filed against him by Stormy Daniels. That’s really the only option he has.

Donald Trump Is Clearly Worried That Michael Cohen Might Flip

Based on his recent behavior, it’s clear that the President is worried about how loyal Michael Cohen might actually turn out to be.

Former Playboy Model Settles Lawsuit, Will Be Free To Speak About Relationship With Trump

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal will be free to speak about her relationship with the President.

Trump More Worried About Cohen Investigation Than Mueller, He Should Be

Donald Trump could have more to worry about regarding the investigation of Michael Cohen than he does regarding the Mueller investigation.

Stormy Daniels Talks To 60 Minutes

Stormy Daniels spoke to 60 Minutes last night about her relationship with Donald Trump and the agreement that was made on the eve of the 2016 election to keep her quiet.

Former Playboy Model Sues To Be Able To Tell Her Story Of Affair With Trump

Former Playboy model Karen McDougal is suing the publisher of the National Enquirer for the right to tell her story of an alleged affair with President Trump in 2006.