President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office. President Joe Biden wears his aviator sunglasses while working at the Resolute Desk, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in the Oval Office.

Biden Drops Re-Election Bid

A development as shocking as it was inevitable.

Biden Press Conference Doesn’t Stop Bleeding

A relatively strong performance doesn’t change the narrative.

President Joe Biden announces new efforts by his Administration to crack down on junk fees, Wednesday, October 11, 2023, in the White House Rose Garden. President Joe Biden announces new efforts by his Administration to crack down on junk fees, Wednesday, October 11, 2023, in the White House Rose Garden.

Biden Agrees to High Stakes Stephanopoulos Interview

The President is going all-in to undo the damage from the debate.

Young Blacks Souring on Biden?

A credulous report strings together some anedotes and dubious polling.

Republicans Divided on Foreign Policy

As memory of the Cold War fades, so does support for American primacy.

Pentagon Opposes Helping Prosecute Russian War Crimes

A wrongheaded if longstanding position.

64 Percent of Democrats Want Biden Replaced in 2024

With record-low poll numbers, the grass roots wants someone new on the ticket next time.

White House Rudderless, Aimless, and Hopeless?

Some Democrats are less than pleased.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering the cost for American families Friday, April 22, 2022, at Green River College in Auburn, Washington. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering the cost for American families Friday, April 22, 2022, at Green River College in Auburn, Washington. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Biden Less Popular Than Worst President Ever

He’s underwater and not going to take it anymore.

Star Trek Goes Woke!

Has a franchise that’s always been political gone too far?

President Joe Biden calls New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Wednesday, November 3, 2021, in the Oval Office Study. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden calls New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Wednesday, November 3, 2021, in the Oval Office Study. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Presidents Aren’t Magicians

We expect far more from the Oval Office than is reasonable.

Walter Mears, 1935-2022

The legendary AP politics reporter is gone at 87.

Is Putin Predictably Irrational?

Putin is a monster, but he may also be just as irrational as the rest of us.

Stupid 2024 Fantasies II

Hillary Clinton edition.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks before signing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Monday, November 15, 2021, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith) President Joe Biden delivers remarks before signing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Monday, November 15, 2021, on the South Lawn of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Cameron Smith)

Biden Preparing for 2024 Run

Will America re-elect an 82-year-old to the White House?

Congress May Repeal Iraq AUMF

A meaningless gesture that’s long overdue.

Walter Mondale, 1928-2021

Jimmy Carter’s Vice President and the 1984 Democratic nominee has died at 93.

Yale Fires Prof for Trump Mental Health ‘Diagnoses’

What at first blush appears a case of hypocrisy and cancel culture is a violation of professional ethics.

All Lies Are Not Created Equal

President Biden told a little fib.

GSA Head Refuses to Sign Transition Order

A nonpartisan official is refusing to do her duty.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 1933-2020

The iconic Supreme Court justice has died at the age of 87.

Biden’s Record Gender Gap

If the Democrats win back the White House in November, it’ll be no thanks to men.

Obama the Elder Statesman

The 58-year-old may have a post-presidency unmatched in history.

Senate Republicans Think Trump Guilty, Shouldn’t Be Removed

A binary choice will produce a worse outcome than necessary.

Late-Entering Presidential Candidates Rarely Win

History shows us that candidates who enter the race for President late rarely do well, and rarely manage to win.

Trump’s Lies Continue To Mount

As he reaches his 1,000th day in office, Trump’s lies pile up at an astronomical rate.

Donald Trump Is A Congenital Liar, But Will That Matter To Voters?

Donald Trump lies with the ease that the rest of us tie our shoes. Will that fact have an impact on voters?

Bill Weld Launches Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld has officially joined the race for the 2020 Republican Presidential nomination

Robert Caro on Writing

The esteemed biographer on his process.

Robert Caro’s Obligations to Readers

The 83-year-old is taking time off finishing his LBJ quintilogy to write his memoirs. Is that selfish?

Bill Weld Prepares For Primary Challenge To Trump

Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is preparing for a primary challenge against Donald Trump. He won’t win, but he could still have an impact.

Walter Jones, Iraq War Supporter Who Became Anti-War, Dies At 76

Walter Jones, a former supporter of the Iraq War who became one of the most prominent anti-war voices in Congress, has passed away at the age of 76. He will be missed.

Larry Hogan As A 2020 GOP Challenger To Trump?

Could Maryland Governor Larry Hogan be just the kind of Republican to challenge Trump in 2020?

Nancy Pelosi To Trump: Cancel The State Of The Union Until The Government Reopens

Nancy Pelosi is “suggesting” to the President that the State of the Union be rescheduled for a time after the government shutdown ends, but it clearly seems like more than just a suggestion.

California Republicans Once Again Left Wondering What’s Next

Once again, Republicans in California find themselves looking up and seeing a lot of desolation. They need to find a way to bounce back.

Jeff Flake 2020? He Seems Open To The Idea.

It would be a rather quixotic effort, but Jeff Flake isn’t ruling out challenging the President for the Republican nomination in 2020.

Could Losing Congress Actually Help Trump?

The GOP is likely to lose control of the House of Representatives tomorrow, but could this actually help Trump?

Beto O’Rourke Doesn’t Necessarily Want Barack Obama’s Endorsement

Beto O’Rourke isn’t eager to get Barack Obama’s endorsement, but there’s a good reason why.

Ted Cruz Vulnerable? A New Poll Says It’s Possible.

A new poll shows Ted Cruz in a much tighter than expected race for re-election, but it’s going to take more to consider Texas a state that Democrats could pick up in the fall.

Texas Senate Race Tighter Than Expected

The Texas Senate race between Ted Cruz and Beto O’Rourke is looking close, but Democrats should not hold out much hope of flipping this seat.

Ted Cruz Not Looking So Vulnerable After All

A new poll indicates that Texas Senator Ted Cruz isn’t as vulnerable as previously thought, and reminds us that Texas is still a very red state.

Pence And Trump Teams Clash As Pence Tries To Assert Control Of Republican Politics

Quietly, Mike Pence is seeking to create his own power base inside the GOP even as the White House pushes back.

George W. Bush’s Rehabilitation

61 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of a man who left office a failed president.

Trump’s Long-Delayed Trip To Great Britain Now Scheduled For July

President Trump’s on-again, off-again visit to Great Britain appears to be on again.

Trump Not Running In 2020? Don’t Bet On It

Hoping that Donald Trump might not run for reelection? Don’t get your hopes up.