Ideological Purism Is Making American Politics Stupid

The latest chapter in an all too familiar story.

Good News For Supporters Of Journalist Shield Laws

Two news items yesterday advanced in some small measure the protection of journalists from having to reveal sources under Court Order.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Outstanding In His Field Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Should We Destroy The Smallpox Virus, Or Save It?

The last known case of smallpox happened in 1977. Is it time to destroy the virus?

China’s Plan For The Collapse Of North Korea

China sends a message to Kim Jong Un.

North Korea On The Verge Of Collapse? Don’t Count On It

Predicting the end of the DPRK is a fool’s errand.

When Did Posters From A Defeated Murderous Dictatorship Become Pop Art?

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s choices in home decor raise an interesting question.

Why Do Dictators Like Kim Jong Un Bother To Hold Fake Elections?

Why do dictators feel the need to pretend that they have the consent of the people over whom they rule?

Carterization of Obama

Barack Obama is no Jimmy Carter.

Kim Jong Un Ordering Executions While Drunk?

Kim Jong Un seems to share his father’s taste for alcohol.

North Korea Threatens The South, Again

The North Koreans are back to their old tricks.

North Korea Says Kim Jong Un’s Uncle Has Been Executed

Well, that didn’t take long.

Meanwhile, In North Korea, Kim Jong Un Consolidates Power

Hey Uncle, you’re fired.

Progress On Iran Nuclear Deal?

Signs of some progress in the talks over Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Obama Didn’t Try To Scare Americans Over Syria, Except When He Did

:Like his predecessors, President Obama’s speech last night exaggerated the threat that Syria poses in order to sell his plan to American voters.

DoD Needs Real Strategic Review

“No More Baby Steps,” my first piece for Defense News, has posted.

Why Some Killing Matters More

Why are chemical weapons a “red line” in a war where so many have been killed?

Japan Reassessing Its Military Policy

In response to North Korean saber rattling and the rise of China, Japan is reassessing it’s military posture

North Korea Nukes Here To Stay

North Korea’s nuclear weapons aren’t going anywhere.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Chain Gang Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

When Is A Leak Not Really A Leak? When It’s Beneficial To Those In Power, Apparently

Outrage over leaks like those that Edward Snowden makes doesn’t exist when its politicians doing the leaking.

Susan Rice To Replace Tom Donilon As National Security Adviser

Denied her chance at being Secretary of State, Susan Rice will be moving to a position that is arguably just as important in shaping American foreign policy.

Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury? Probably Not

Eric Holder’s testimony before Congress is leading to accusations of perjury, but the argument that he did so seem pretty weak.

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

Did The Pentagon Exaggerate The Effects of Sequestration?

The sequestration cuts are two months old, and it seems pretty clear that the claims of doom we heard before they went into effect were heavily exaggerated.

Fox Reporter Investigated Under Espionage Act

After many attempts to manufacture grand scandals out of very little, Republicans may finally have a legitimate outrage on their hands.