The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

Obama Embraces Occupy Wall Street

President Obama says he’ll fight for the 99 percent.

Obama’s Populism At Odds With His Path To Re-Election

The partisan crowds like President Obama’s populist rhetoric but it seems ill-suited for his re-election strategy.

Herman Cain Rising: New Frontrunner, Or Flash In The Pan?

Is Herman Cain for real, or is this rise int he polls just another boomlet destined to fade away?

American Government for Sale?

Is money the only thing that matters in post-Citizens United American politics?

Pennsylvania Ponders Bold Democrat-Screwing Electoral Plan

Republicans have a plan to wrest half of the Keystone State’s electors from Obama.

Most Educated American Cities

College towns and lily white enclaves top the list of best educated cities.

Obama’s Job Approval Continues To Plummet Despite Jobs Plan Push

The President’s jobs push isn’t doing much to help his job approval numbers so far.

Obama at Majority Disapproval; Re-election Likely

51.5 percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s job performance. It’s still his race to lose.

Was Irene Overhyped?

Now that the storm has passed, the media is being accused of over-hyping Hurricane Irene.

John Lewis’s Ridiculous Arguments Against Reasonable Voting Regulations

Ensuring the integrity of the voting process is a worthy goal, not evidence of discrimination.

Americans To The White House: It’s (Still) The Economy, Stupid

President Obama’s job approval numbers are even worse when you just look at the economy.

State Polls Show A Tough Electoral Map For Obama

State-level job approval numbers seem to suggest that the President could have Electoral College worries in 2012.

Most Hated Congress Ever

The job approval numbers for Congress are at historic lows, but will that matter in 2012?

Electoral College 2012 – Ridiculously Early Handicapping

Looking at the state-by-state map way too early.

Obama In Trouble In Battleground States

The electoral map should be making the Obama 2012 camp just a little bit nervous.

Americans Support Public Smoking Ban

A majority of Americans want to ban smoking in public; a fifth want to ban it even in private.

Dead Children Make For Bad Laws: The Case Against “Caylee’s Law”

The result in the Casey Anthony case is leading, inevitably, to a host of new proposed laws.

Ten Congressmen Sue President Obama Over Libya Mission, War Powers Act

Dennis Kucinich and nine other Members of Congress are suing the President. They won’t get very far.

The Odd American Obsession With Political Sex Scandals

The Anthony Weiner reveals once again the odd American obsession with the intersection of sex and politics.

John Edwards’ $400 Haircut Led to Indictment

By now, everyone knows that John Edwards was indicted on campaign finance law violations stemming from the cover-up of the Rielle Hunter love child scandal. Most, too, recall the brouhaha over Edwards’ $400 haircuts. As it turns out, they’re at least tangentially related.

Eric Cantor: Any Tornado Disaster Relief Must Be Off-Set By Spending Cuts

Should we worry about the deficit when funding “disaster relief”? Should we be funding “disaster relief” at all?

Ron Paul Says He Would Have Voted Against The 1964 Civil Rights Act

Thanks to an appearance on Hardball we’ve got another story about a 47 year old law.

Southerners Not Happy to Have Lost Civil War

So, some bright people are surprised at new polling showing that a significant minority of Southerners have not enthusiastically embraced their ancestors’ loss in the Civil War.

Back to Those Darn Freeloaders

More on that freeloader problem (today with less snark).

Freeloaders Ask for Federal Dollars

Everywhere you turn, people are asking for money.

Michele Bachmann Takes In More Donations Than Any Other Republican

Michele Bachmann raised more money in the First Quarter of 2011 than any other Republican. Which means that she’ll have to be taken seriously if she decides to run for President.

Obama’s State-Level Job Approval Polls And The 2012 Election

A new set of polls from Gallup show that President Obama is still looking good for re-election.

The Leftward Drift Of The Democratic Party

Oddly, the Democratic Party seems to be responding to the 2010 midterms by moving further left.

King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech Years in Making

Martin Luther King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech was, like a political stump speech, crafted and polished over months and years of delivery.

When Compromise Is Immoral

150 years ago, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln was presented with a chance to avert Civil War. He passed it up, and we should be glad that he did.

Whites Leaving Democratic Party

The Republicans are increasingly the party of white America. That’s short term good but long term bad for the GOP.