The 2000 Election All Over Again?

We could be headed for another extremely close election where the Electoral Vote and the Popular Vote disagree with each other.

‘Military’ Doesn’t Mistreat Same-Sex Spouses; US Law Does

Don’t blame the Defense Department for following a bad law.

Obama’s Early Voting Advantage

Once again, the Obama campaign appears to have an advantage among people who have voted already or will be voting before Election Day.

Romney’s Post-Debate Surge Continuing, But Will It Last Past Tuesday?

Mitt Romney continues to benefit from the first Presidential Debate, but will that last past the second debate?

Pollster Prematurely Calls Florida, Virginia, And North Carolina For Romney

One pollster has called three battleground states 27 days early.

Love the Tracking? Hate the College

Yet another in a long line of critiques of the electoral college.

Romney’s Post-Debate Poll Bump

Mitt Romney has gotten a bump in the polls from Wednesday debate, but it’s still too early to say if it means anything.

Romney’s Supporters Want Him To Go For Obama’s Jugular

Just as we saw in 2008, the conservative base doesn’t want to hear their nominee saying that the President is a basically decent man.

Romney’s Ohio Problem

Mitt Romney has an Ohio problem, and little time to fix it.

Obama Leads In Three Crucial Swing States

Three new state polls show that Mitt Romney’s path to victory continues to narrow.

Gary Johnson: Spoiler?

The Libertarian Party’s Presidential candidate could prove decisive in determining who wins the Electoral College.

Could Foreign Policy Cost Mitt Romney The Election?

Mitt Romney’s foreign policy weaknesses are starting to become apparent.

Southern Whites Still Not Sold On Romney?

Mitt Romney still has problems with Southern whites that could pose problems for him in states like Virginia and North Carolina.

Obama Leading Romney In New Polls, Extent Of Convention Bounce Is Unclear

A new round of polling has Obama in the lead and shows reasons why Romney’s supporters should be concerned, but it’s unclear how long any of this will last.

Mitt Romney’s Path To Victory: Incredibly Narrow, And Perhaps Impossible To Navigate

As the final stretch of the campaign begins in earnest, Mitt Romney faces a very difficult task.

Texas High School Builds $60 Million Football Stadium

A rather egregious case of misplaced priorities in Texas.

Obama Campaign Wins Lawsuit To Restore Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

A clear victory for the Obama campaign in an Ohio Court, but will it stand on appeal?

Romney’s Closing Speech Was Good, But Was It Good Enough?

Mitt Romney’s speech last night was the best he’s ever given, but it’s impact may have been undercut but several odd production decisions that preceded it.

Federal Court Strikes Down Texas Voter ID Law

A legal setback for the Texas Voter ID law, but not much of a political setback for Voter ID laws in general.

Ohio, Ohio, Ohio

Once again, a Presidential election could be decided by the Buckeye State.

Election Night Might Be Over Early

Brookings Institute scholar William Galston says election night might end early this year even if the race remains tight.

Romney Campaign Reportedly Planning ‘Aggressive’ Campaign Against Obama

The Romney Campaign is reportedly planning a more aggressive campaign against the President for the fall.

Isaac Demonstrates Why Political Conventions In Late August Are A Dumb Idea

Tropical Storm Isaac won’t be as much of a danger to Tampa as feared, but it’s still having an impact. That’s all because of bad scheduling ideas.

Pre-Convention Electoral College Wargaming Finds Romney In A Tough Spot

A pre-Convention look at the Electoral College map finds Mitt Romney in the same tight spot he’s been in for months now.

National Polls Show Obama With Slight Lead In A Very Close Race

Heading into the party conventions, the Presidential race is as close as ever.

Maybe We’re Getting Exactly The Political Culture We Deserve

We have met the enemy, and it’s most likely us.

Time For Another Round Of Pointless “Will Obama Dump Biden?” Speculation

No, Barack Obama is not going to dump Joe Biden before the Democratic Convention.

SEALs Attack Obama For Politicizing Osama Raid, Leaking Intel

A group of former special operations and intelligence officers are criticizing President Obama for “Dishonorable Disclosures.”

Southern White Democrats Near Extinction

In my adult memory, the American South was a one-party Democratic region for all but presidential elections. Aside from minority set-aside districts, the reversal is near complete.

Battleground State Update: Still Advantage Obama

President Obama still has the advantage in the battleground states.

Mitt Romney’s Path To Electoral College Victory Is Still Very Narrow

Mitt Romney faces an uphill battle in trying to get to that magic number of 270 Electoral Votes.

Chicago Alderman: No Building Permits For Chick-Fil-A

One Chicago politician is using clearly unconstitutional tactics in the political war on Chick-fil-A

Electoral College Best Case Scenarios

Stephen Green projects the best case and minimal winning scenarios for Obama and Romney.

Mitt Romney Is Letting Obama’s Bain Attacks Define Him, To His Detriment

By failing to respond adequately, Mitt Romney is letting his opponent define him for the voters. That could hurt him greatly in November.

House Of Representatives Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

Congress has found Eric Holder to be in contempt. I am not entirely sure what that accomplishes.

Creative Class Myth Debunked?

Does talent spawn growth? Or does growth attract talent?

61% Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction, Yet Obama Leads Romney

The election is about the economy. The economy is awful. Yet the incumbent still holds a slight lead.