Government Advertising to Boost Food Stamp Enrollment

Byron York reacts to a CNNMoney story titled “Government wants more people on food stamps” by snarking, “And Democrats reacted angrily when Gingrich called Obama ‘food stamp president.'”

Do The Veepstakes Matter? Not Really

The Veepstakes doesn’t matter nearly as much as the media tells you it does.

House Oversight Committee Holds Eric Holder In Contempt

The stage is set for a showdown between the Executive and Legislative Branches.

Mitch Daniels Next Purdue President: Is He Qualified?

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will become president of Purdue University upon completion of his term in January. The faculty is apprehensive because Daniels has not had an academic career.

The Big Lie Of The 2012 Election

Both candidates are telling the public that they can change the way Washington works. They’re both setting themselves up to be the source of major disappointment.

Janet Wolfenbarger, Air Force’s First Female Four Star, Takes Material Command

In March, Janet Wolfenbarger became the first female four-star general in Air Force history. Now, she’s assumed command of all Air Force weapons programs.

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

How Economic Doldrums Are Impacting The Election

A spate of bad economic news foretells a shift in the campaign for President.

Obama And Romney Tied In Western Swing States

Yet more evidence that this is shaping up to be a very close election.

Swing State Polls Make Clear Romney’s Narrow Path To Victory

Mitt Romney gained some ground in Swing State polling, but that just makes clear how narrow his path to 270 Electoral Votes actually is.

Are For-Profit Colleges Worse than Public Colleges?

Private college degree mills have come under intense scrutiny. But many public institutions have similar statistics.

Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Showdown

The battle lines are being drawn for another showdown over the debt ceiling.

New Obama Ad Attacks Romney’s Bain ‘Job Creator’ Record

A tough new Obama campaign ad highlights people who lost their jobs after a Bain Capital takeover–at a time Mitt Romney was not at Bain Capital.

Who Wins From Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Announcement?

Will Obama’s announcement on same-sex marriage benefit him or Romney in the upcoming campaign?

House Republicans Gut Defense Sequestration Cuts

Another example of Republican foreign policy taking precedence over fiscal conservatism.

Romney/Huckabee 2012?

All of a sudden, people are talking about Mike Huckabee as a potential Romney running mate.

On The Politicial Impact Of President Obama Endorsing Same-Sex Marriage

Some thoughts on the potential impact of the President’s announcement on same-sex marriage.

More on the Federalist Papers as the Rosetta Stone for the Constitution

There are a number of problems with the notion that the Federalist Papers provide a perfect guide to the Constitution.

Mitt Romney’s Silly Attempt to Take Credit For Saving The Auto Industry

Mitt Romney is being rightfully ridiculed for trying to take credit for saving General Motors and Chrysler.

Battleground Virginia: Advantage Obama?

Obama has an advantage in what is likely to be one of the most important states in November’s election, but the race is far from over.

College Football Playoff: It’s Complicated

College football will get a four-team playoff. What it’ll look like is anyone’s guess.

Mitt Romney’s Incredibly Narrow Path To Victory

The biggest argument against Romney winning in November is the fact that there aren’t many ways for him to get to those pesky 270 Electoral Votes.

Do Americans Really Want A President Who “Feels Our Pain”?

We need a lot less fake empathy in politics.

Simpsons Home Town: Springfield, Oregon

Shockingly, the “Springfield” in the long-running sittcom “The Simpsons” is Springfield, Oregon, near where creator Matt Groening grew up.

Rick Santorum Suspending Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Rick Santorum to kick around anymore.

Could Tonight Be The End For Santorum?

When will Santorum bow to the inevitable?

Romney Campaign Getting Started On The Veepstakes

With the nomination pretty much inevitable, it’s time to start thinking about Romney’s running mate.

Vetting A Running Mate In A Post-Palin World

The vetting process for a Vice-Presidential running mate will likely be very different with memories of the Sarah Palin debacle fresh in everyone’s mind.

Romney Wins Big In Illinois, And This Race Is (Almost) Over

Mitt Romney won big in Illinois last night, and moved a big step closer to wrapping this race up.

Alphabet Soup Collision: PR at the UN by the NAACP over Voter ID

The voter ID issue goes on the road.

Santorum Sweeps The Deep South, But Romney Wins The Delegate Fight Again

Rick Santorum won the night, but Mitt Romney continues to win the delegate hunt.

The Six States That Will Likely Decide The 2012 Election

Six states are likely to decide the 2012 election.

Pundits Making The GOP Race Seem Closer Than It Is

If you listen to the punditocracy, you’d think that there’s actually a doubt as to who the GOP nominee will be.

Voter ID Laws Won’t Work If Problems Like This Aren’t Dealt With

Voter ID laws are a good idea, but we have to be careful in how we implement them.