Did Rick Santorum Blow It In Michigan?

Rick Santorum’s inability to stay away from the culture wars may have been his undoing.

Republicans Clash In Mostly Lackluster Debate

Last night’s debate may have been the last one. It was also the least informative.

Santorum’s Gospel Of Doom And Gloom

Rick Santorum’s stump speeches have becoming increasingly dark.

The GOP’s Increasingly Weird Delegate Math

It’s looking increasingly unlikely that anyone will have the race for the nomination wrapped up any time soon.

Rick Santorum Now The GOP Frontrunner?

Is Rick Santorum’s momentum unstoppable?

A Path To A Brokered Convention?

One analyst sees a way that the current GOP race could indeed lead to a brokered convention.

The Return Of The Culture Wars

Are culture war issues about to make a comeback in the 2012 campaign?

Santorum Wins Three Races Nobody Pays Attention To

Rick Santorum swept three states that are off the media radar screen. Will it revive his campaign?

Obama, Contraceptives, And The Catholic Vote

Will the Obama Administration’s decision on contraceptive coverage by the Catholic Church have an impact in November?

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

College Football Coaches Salaries Soar As College Budgets Fall

College football coaching salaries jumped 35 percent last year and 55 percent in the last six.

Mitt Romney Is Still The Inevitable Nominee

Mitt Romney has stumbled this week, and may pay for it tomorrow, but he’s still the only candidate with a realistic chance to win the Republican nomination.

Voter Fraud Exposed!

Dead people almost voted in New Hampshire. Zombie democracy is nigh!

Mitt Romney Wins New Hampshire, Ron Paul Second, Race Nearly Over

A good night for Romney, a surprising showing for Ron Paul, and the first steps toward the end of the race for the Republican nomination.

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

Why The GOP Is Likely To Lose The Political Fight Over The Cordray Appointment

The GOP is at a distinct disadvantage in the political fight over President Obama’s Recess Appointment of Richard Cordray to head the CFPB.

Are Obama’s Recess Appointments Unconstitutional? Probably Not

While the President’s recess appointments are bound to set off a political dispute with the Republicans, there does not appear to be a Constitution ban against them.

A Glance Into The Crystal Ball For 2012

So, what’s next?

Debunking The Myths About Republican Delegate Allocation Rules

The rules that Republicans will be playing under in 2012 are far less revolutionary than some pundits would have you believe.

Ron Paul’s Past Will Catch Up With Him

Ron Paul is rising in Iowa, which means he will soon face the scrutiny he’s avoided so far.

Gingrich 2012: Will The GOP End Up Nominating The Unelectable Candidate?

Newt Gingrich is leading the GOP field, but losing to President Obama, but Republican voters don’t seem to care.

Obama Leading Romney And Gingrich In Florida And So. Carolina?

A lesson in why the topline poll numbers are often only the beginning of the puzzle.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

Herman Cain Campaign On The Verge Of Collapse?

Is the Cain Train finally running out of steam?

Remember That Ban On Earmarks? Apparently, Some Congressmen Don’t.

The much celebrated ban on earmarks isn’t stopping Congressmen from trying to earmark.

The Other Jobs Crisis

You’d think that in today’s world employers wouldn’t have trouble finding qualified employees. You’d be wrong.

Supercommittee Headed For Unsurprising Failure

Not surprisingly, the Supercommittee is a Super Failure.

Roll Tide/War Eagle

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Four Red In Ohio Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Ohio Voters Overturn Public Union Restrictions

Ohio voters overwhelmingly rejected a Republican law restricting the collective bargaining rights of public employees–and also rebuked the health insurance mandate central to ObamaCare.

Electoral College Predictions and False Premises

The Electoral College doesn’t matter in the way pundits think it does.

Obama’s Path To Victory

Despite the seeming odds against him, the Electoral College map is very favorable for President Obama.