The Moral Irresponsibility Of Joe Paterno

If true, Joe Paterno’s actions in response to charges of child abuse by a coach are indefensible.

The End Of America’s Political Parties?

Are America’s political parties become irrelevant?

Romney Plays It Safe In Ohio On Public Union Ballot Issue, But Is It Too Safe?

Mitt Romney played it safe on a controversial issue again.

F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police

A video from Occupy Dayton in which a protestor is shouting “F*ck the military, f*ck your flag, f*ck the police!” is going viral.

The Utter Folly Of Herman Cain’s “9-9-9” Plan

Now that he’s a top tier candidate, it’s hard to see how Herman Cain’s tax plan can withstand serious scrutiny.

‘Gay’ Résumé Not Okay?

Listing affiliation with gay activist groups hinders one’s chances of landing a job interview.

Obama’s Populism At Odds With His Path To Re-Election

The partisan crowds like President Obama’s populist rhetoric but it seems ill-suited for his re-election strategy.

Sarah Palin’s Law Firm Checking Primary Deadlines

Sarah Palin’s law firm has been calling states about primary filing deadlines.

Rick Perry Leading GOP Field, But Electability Concerns Make Him Vulnerable

Rick Perry is still the GOP frontrunner, but his status far from secure.

Pennsylvania Ponders Bold Democrat-Screwing Electoral Plan

Republicans have a plan to wrest half of the Keystone State’s electors from Obama.

CNN/Tea Party Debate: Rick Perry Gets Hit From All Sides

The Texas Governor was taking it from all sides at last night’s Tea Party Debate.

Rick Perry Walks Back Social Security Rhetoric

In five days, Rick Perry has gone from calling Social Security a “monstrous lie” to saying we need to have a conversation about fixing it.

Mitt Romney Unveils Economic Plan To Mixed Reviews

Mitt Romney’s jobs plan is detailed, but it doesn’t seem to be impressing anyone.

Obama at Majority Disapproval; Re-election Likely

51.5 percent of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s job performance. It’s still his race to lose.

Rick Perry Holds Commanding Lead In GOP Race, But Obama Still Competitive In General Election

Is the GOP race really down to just two men at this point?

We Have a President, Not a King

Did Speaker Boehner insult President Obama by snubbing his speech request? If so, so what?

Romney’s Plan Of Attack On Perry

The Romney campaign may be finally starting to pay attention to Rick Perry.

John Lewis’s Ridiculous Arguments Against Reasonable Voting Regulations

Ensuring the integrity of the voting process is a worthy goal, not evidence of discrimination.

Roger Goodell, Benevolent Dictator

Two cases in the news today raise questions about the NFL commissioner’s power.

Americans To The White House: It’s (Still) The Economy, Stupid

President Obama’s job approval numbers are even worse when you just look at the economy.

Paul Ryan For President?

Some Republicans apparently still aren’t satisfied with the 2012 field.

State Polls Show A Tough Electoral Map For Obama

State-level job approval numbers seem to suggest that the President could have Electoral College worries in 2012.

Wisconsin Recall: Republicans Hold 4 of 6, Senate

The second round of the rolling Wisconsin recall elections was held yesterday. The Republicans are still in charge.

Electoral College 2012 – Ridiculously Early Handicapping

Looking at the state-by-state map way too early.

The Debt Deal “Super Committee”: Unconstitutional, Undemocratic, Or Much About Nothing?

The “super committee” created by the debt ceiling deal is already the subject of criticism, most of it unwarranted.

FAA Funding Remains In Limbo As Congress Goes On Vacation

Congress is failing to complete even simple tasks thanks to a bitter partisan divide.

What’s Good For The Partisan Goose Is Good For The Partisan Gander

House Republicans are being criticized for utilizing a tactic they learned from Senate Democrats.

Former Congressman’s Defamation Suit Against Pro-Life Group To Proceed

A somewhat surprising First Amendment decision arising out of the 2010 Elections.

Congressional Leadership And Obama Reach Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling

We have a deal in Washington. Now, the leadership just has to make sure it can pass Congress.

Debt Deal Emerging

President Obama and Congressional Republicans have the outline of a deal to raise the debt limit past the 2012 elections.

House Passes Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill 218-210, Senate Defeat Tonight Certain

It’s another Friday of drama in the debt ceiling crisis.

The Tea Party’s Utopianism Is Making It Irrelevant

By insisting on perfection in the debt ceiling debate, the Tea Party has made itself irrelevant to the process.

Obama In Trouble In Battleground States

The electoral map should be making the Obama 2012 camp just a little bit nervous.