Team Obama Begins To Unveil Its Plan Of Attack On Romney/Ryan

The Obama campaign has begun to respond to the addition of Paul Ryan to the Republican ticket.

Paul Ryan: A Smart Pick, Or Just A Risky One?

Most of the early reaction on the right consider’s the selection of Paul Ryan a smart move on Mitt Romney’s part, but you could also say it’s just risky.

Paul Ryan as VP Choice: First Thoughts

He’s no Sarah Palin but Paul Ryan doesn’t make immediate sense as Romney’s running mate.

Mitt Romney To Announce Vice-Presidential Pick Saturday In Virginia, Signs Point To Paul Ryan

Is the the 2012 Republican Presidential ticket? We’ll find out Saturday morning.

Romney Falling Behind In New National Polls

The most recent round of national polling seems to show that the negative attacks on Romney are having an impact.

For Some Reason, Conservatives Are Eager For Paul Ryan To Get A Powerless Job

The recent call by many on the right for Mitt Romney to select Paul Ryan as his running mate is puzzling.

Romney’s Running Mate Could Make Difference (But Probably Won’t)

Rob Portman, Bob McDonnell, and Brian Sandoval yield the biggest Electoral College advantage.

Has Romney Made His Veep Selection Already?

There are some indications that Mitt Romney may be ready to announce his running mate selection as early as this week.

Republican Hypocrisy In The Health Care Debate

The GOP’s arguments about the impact of ObamaCare on Medicare are dishonest and hypocritical.

Friedman Finds His 3rd Party Candidate: Obama

Thomas Friedman continues his quixotic quest for a third party. His candidate: a fantasy Barack Obama.

Jeb Bush The Latest Republican To Repudiate The Norquist Pledge

Jeb Bush is the latest Republican to eschew GOP tax orthodoxy.

Get Ready For Another Debt Ceiling Showdown

The battle lines are being drawn for another showdown over the debt ceiling.

Who Wins From Obama’s Same-Sex Marriage Announcement?

Will Obama’s announcement on same-sex marriage benefit him or Romney in the upcoming campaign?

Chair of House Subcommittee on Higher Education not a Fan of Student Loans

It would be nice if people in power would be a bit more introspective and thoughtful.

Could Tonight Be The End For Santorum?

When will Santorum bow to the inevitable?

Vetting A Running Mate In A Post-Palin World

The vetting process for a Vice-Presidential running mate will likely be very different with memories of the Sarah Palin debacle fresh in everyone’s mind.

Mitch Daniels Gets The Worst Job In Politics

Mitch Daniels got the unenviable task of responding to the State Of The Union Address last night.

Bush To Blame For Weak GOP Field?

Is George Bush to blame for a weak Republican field almost four years after he left office? Not entirely.

Everyone Hates Newt

With Gingrich surging in the polls, the pundit class has gotten out the long knives.

The Republican Nominee is Already Running

No, some mythical candidate will not swoop in and save the day for the Republican Party.

Romney Campaign Begins To Unload On Gingrich

Mitt Romney’s campaign seems have Newt Gingrich targeted.

Will Jon Huntsman Get A Second Look, Or Even A First, From Conservatives?

Jon Huntsman’s campaign has never really gotten off the ground. Will conservatives start taking him more seriously?

Time For A Gingrich Boomlet?

Is Newt Gingrich on the verge of a rise in the polls?

Elizabeth Warren’s Flawed Social Contract

Elizabeth Warren has a deeply flawed view of our social contract.

Conservative Pundits Continue Their Obsession With Chris Christie

Some pundits on the right can’t seem to quit Chris Christie.

Romney’s Plan Of Attack On Perry

The Romney campaign may be finally starting to pay attention to Rick Perry.

Would America Be Better Off With A Parliamentary Government?

Is America’s political system to blame for our current problems?

Paul Ryan For President?

Some Republicans apparently still aren’t satisfied with the 2012 field.

Tim Pawlenty Dropping Out Of GOP Race For President

Tim Pawlenty is out, to nobody’s surprise.

Fight Brewing Over Defense Cuts

The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.

Former Congressman’s Defamation Suit Against Pro-Life Group To Proceed

A somewhat surprising First Amendment decision arising out of the 2010 Elections.

John Boehner And Harry Reid Release Competing, Mostly Incompatible, Debt Plans

John Boehner and Harry Reid introduced their debt plans. Now, where do we go from here?