Paul Ryan’s Marathon Fish Story

In a radio interview last week, Paul Ryan claimed to have run a sub-3 hour marathon. He did no such thing.

The Question Mitt Romney Didn’t Answer Last Night

Mitt Romney left one crucial piece out of his speech last night.

Acknowledging and Understanding Government

The GOP (and our politics in general) will not be healed until there is an honest assessment of what government is (and is not).

Romney’s Closing Speech Was Good, But Was It Good Enough?

Mitt Romney’s speech last night was the best he’s ever given, but it’s impact may have been undercut but several odd production decisions that preceded it.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Dish Ran Away With The Spoon Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

GOP Foreign Policy Positions Expose Their Claim To Be A Party Of Limited Government As A Lie

The GOP claims to be a party that favors limited government, but its foreign policy positions reveal this to be little more than a lie.

Two Words Missing From The Republican Convention: Tea Party

Over two days of speakers, not a single Republican has mentioned the Tea Party.

Paul Ryan Gives An Acceptance Speech That Most People Will End Up Forgetting

Paul Ryan did what he needed to do last night, but in the long run his speech will be lost to history.

Condoleeza Rice, New Political Star?

Condoleeza Rice’s first trip onto the political stage was very successful last night. Where will she go from here?

Paul Ryan’s GM Plant: Fact Checking the Fact Checks

Paul Ryan pointed to a shuttered GM plant in his hometown as proof of Obama’s failed policies. The truth will make your head hurt.

Time Of Get Rid Of Political Conventions?

The political convention we know is a 19th Century relic. It’s time to modernize it and make it a lot shorter.

Political Conventions In The Era Of The National Security State

Security at the Republican Convention in Tampa looks more like a war zone than a political convention in a democratic republic.

What The Heck Is Wrong With The Republican Party?

As its convention begins, one has to wonder what has happened to the Republican Party.

No, The Race Is Not Tied

Unless something changes, Obama remains the odds-on favorite to win.

Day One Of Republican Convention Canceled Due To Isaac

For the second Presidential election cycle in a row, a tropical storm has resulted in the postponement of the first day events at the Republican National Convention.

Pre-Convention Electoral College Wargaming Finds Romney In A Tough Spot

A pre-Convention look at the Electoral College map finds Mitt Romney in the same tight spot he’s been in for months now.

Romney Gains In Two Swing States, But Medicare Problems Loom For The GOP

The Romney/Ryan ticket has gained grown in Wisconsin and Florida, and is steady in Ohio, but they’ve got a Medicare problem.

National Polls Show Obama With Slight Lead In A Very Close Race

Heading into the party conventions, the Presidential race is as close as ever.

Todd Akin Says He’s Staying In The Race

Todd Akin says he will continue to be the Republican nominee for United States Senate from Missouri.

The GOP Platform’s Abortion Plank Could’ve Been Written By Todd Akin

The GOP Platform will include an abortion plank that Todd Akin would love.

Fix America’s Political Party Conventions By Making Them Much Shorter

The quadrennial political conventions have become, long, boring, tedious, and largely predetermined. It’s time to shake things up by making them a lot shorter.

One Man’s Truth Is Another’s Outright Goddamned Lie

John Cole takes exception to my recent summary of recent Obama campaign highlight.

Time For Another Round Of Pointless “Will Obama Dump Biden?” Speculation

No, Barack Obama is not going to dump Joe Biden before the Democratic Convention.

So Much For The “Big Picture” Election

Yesterday it became clear that the Presidential campaign is headed into the mud.

Steady State Election

Despite all of the gaffes, jobs reports, and various twists and turns that so fascinate pundits, the race has remained essentially unchanged since April.

Obama’s War on White People

Victor Davis Hanson thinks President Obama plans to win the back the White House by alienating the white man.

It Was Supposed To Be About The Economy, Stupid

Has the Romney campaign foolishly abandoned its best argument against the President?

Do Vice-Presidential Picks Really Matter That Much?

There’s little evidence that Vice-Presidential picks have as big an impact on elections as pundits seem to think.

Paul Ryan Polling Worse Than Sarah Palin?

If a new Gallup poll is any indication, Paul Ryan was not a great pick.

Do Voters Really Want A “Big Picture” Election?

Both campaigns seem to be focusing on an argument that the voters don’t want to hear.

In Picking Paul Ryan, Has Romney Actually Helped Obama?

Mitt Romney has effectively rebooted his campaign by picking Paul Ryan, but he’s also handed the President a powerful weapon.